RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:RL24 - Retriev-r-mate vs Eziguide vs Ezi-Loader
After 20+ years of sometimes calm, sometimes not so calm retrievals of my RL24 onto the trailer, I am looking to install something at the rear of the trailer to help. Earlier posts around 2001 talk about the retreive-r-mate, but that seems to have fallen off the main catalogues. The current options appear to be Eziguide (looks like the retrieve-r-mate) and Ezi-loader. Does anyone have any experience with these newer options? I currently use self centring rollers and a stern line. Thanks for your help, Alex RL24-253 Red Baron II