RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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About this site.
Keith. This web site has given me much pleasure and interest over the last five years, and has obviously been of great assistance to RL owners both here in Australia and in the USA. I am surprised at how many people with interests in other classes have contacted me after having read articles on the site.
I am sure that there would be a lot of interest in any statiscs that are available regarding visits and downloads, also a history of this valuable resorce.
Thank you for your expertise and endless enthusiasm.
Rob Legg13-Jul-2009    Edit    Delete 
Site Statistics
Thanks Rob. The site continues to grow in popularity which shows there is still a lot of interest in RLs.

On average each month there are about 50,000 pages viewed using a bandwidth of around 3GB. There are 3,000 unique visitors although this is exaggerated by visitors whose IP address changes frequently.

The most popular page (by far) is the discussion forum, followed by the picture galleries, the Buy and Sell page and the registration page.

90% of views are from Windows and 6% from Macintosh.

70% use Internet Explorer, 12% use Firefox, with the rest using Safari, Opera or Chrome.

85% come from clicking on a bookmark or typing in the address while 12% come from a search result page - Google or Google Images was used 95% of the time.

A surprising number of page hits come from the search Robots or Spiders. There are 14000 hits a month from Inktomi, and 4000 from Google. Google indexes the whole site at least once a day now - the frequency is based on the number of times someone clicks on a link to the site from a search result. I find it amazing that the search robots can scan the entire internet every day and update their indexes.

The site consists of 1700 files not including images, which are gradually being moved into a database.

Keith Merkley14-Jul-2009    Edit    Delete 

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