RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Trying to find a rudder like this which I saw on a RL28 ...
I am trying to find a rudder like this which I saw on a RL28 ... (image attached but not visible?)

The rudder blade slides down into a slot made of 2 D shaped frame halves of square tubular aluminium

Can anyone help or make a suggestion?
Peter Newman5-Feb-2011    Edit    Delete 
Re: Trying to find a rudder like this which I saw on a RL28 ...
There was a company in Sydney which would sell aluminium foils by the meter, and even had an end stop for it. I actually purchased one, but cannot for the life of me remember the companys name.
Hugh Hetherington1-Mar-2011    Edit    Delete 

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