RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:Repairs Advice
One of the previous owners of my RL had installed to large deep cell batteries in the very back storage compartment. (ie: not under the cockpit seats) The batteries were also secured in a way that made it impossible to check for water and drain it out. Anyway, I pulled the batteries out last weekend and got quite a surprize. It was quite clear the there has been water sitting in this compartment for quite a while as there was alot of rotten wood. Most of it was clearly 'newly' (last 5 year) installed and was just in there to support the batteries so I have just ripped out and thrown away all that wood. The issue is that I have there was a rotten piece of ply that I think might be a structural bulkhead. (Refer to attached photo) There has clearly been alot of modifications to the boat over the years, and the main question that I have is; does anyone have any advise as to whether this is an original structural bulkhead, or is it a modification that someone has done over the years? Other photos, or plans would be VERY helpful.