RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Replying to:Rl24 cracking around swing keel case
Hey, i recently bought an RL24 mk3 I believe, the one with a swing keel. I have noticed some cracking running along either side of the box that holds the swing keel on the floor inside the boat. There is no water leaking in or anything but obviously this is pretty worrying. Is there any way of strengthening this area up from inside the boat, like adding more fibreglass. Any advice is much appreciated. The cracks run along the floor about 70mm out from the wall of the keel box about two thirds of the length of the box. I'm worried a good jolt will have the whole thing crack off and sink the boat. Everything seems to be solid at the moment. Thanks for your time