RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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RL24 what is between the floor and the hull
I just purchased an RL 24 yesterday. Next to the centerboard there are a couple of 3/4 inch holes that go through the cabin floor. These go into a void where there appears to be wood, however the wood is rotted and slightly wet. Not sure what to do with it - whether to ignore it, try and dry it out and use wood hardener, or to cut it open. The glass above it is rather thick, and the hull is thick, so no soft spots, but not sure what to do with it.
Daveinet26-Apr-2014    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL24 what is between the floor and the hull
The under floor construction of the RL24 had changed several times over the boats seventeen years of production, but, the hull thickness between the keel case and the bunk edges was always more than adequate without depending on the glass laminate over timber frames that were installed to support the floor, and even though the timber may have disintergrated the remaining glass laminate over the timber frames should be adequate for that purpose,and even if the floor does become spongy it can be stiffened by adding more laminate on top.
The remaining rotted timber under the floor can be ignored as there is no other timber other than frames that could be affected by the rot fungi.
Rob legg26-Apr-2014    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL24 what is between the floor and the hull
Thanks for the info, I'll probably still try to dry it out with a vacuum. Maybe still use wood hardener just to prevent more water intrusion. This is an American boat, so I don't know how different some of the little details are. Its in pretty god shape. I need to replace the windows and the swing keel pivot bolt backing plates. They are rusted really bad. I can have stainless ones made for about 20 bucks a piece.
Daveinet28-Apr-2014    Edit    Delete 

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