RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Replying to:CBH System Explanation from Yachting NSW
CBH - Class Basic Handicaps Trailer Yachts use the Class Basic Handicapping System (CBH). The Class Basic Handicap was conceived by Yachting Victoria in 1985 to cater for open fleet racing of different classes of trailable Monohull yachts. The CBH rating uses a measurement derived from the JOG measurement system. As in all measurement systems there is a correction factor which enables the results from the measurement to be adjusted. The CBH for each class is set to such that only a well sailed yacht, in top racing condition, would have an equal chance of winning a series of races over varying conditions against equally well sailed yachts from other classes. It is therefore recommended in club racing that back calculated personal handicaps are used and that the CBH is used as a starting point for handicappers to rate the different boats. In open events organisers should use the CBH for the champions trophies but are also encouraged to run some form of individual handicapping to give all participants a chance of winning a prize and hopefully increase participation in the sport. Applying for the CBH - To obtain a CBH the owner/ class representative needs to: 1. Submit a set of class rules with an application form and 2. Submit a boat for measurement together with the approapriate fee to the Yachting Victoria As a part of the measurement procedure all yachts will be subject to stability and self righting tests. Yachts that cannot meet this requirement will be obliged to demonstrate that they are buoyant prior to the issue of a CBH. Provision is made for modified yacht designs to be issued with the CBH. These yachts are required to carry a "MOD" symbol on the sail next to the insigna to identify it as a yacht modified away from the basic class design. CBH Review Once again this year the CBH's were reviewed in light of the performance of the various classes during the season's racing. An open forum was held with representatives from interested associations and clubs providing input to the CBH Committee. Anomalies will always occur however the CBH Committee believes that the CBH's for trailable yachts this year is improved over last years figures. CBH and Yardstick The CBH is a handicap system developed for trailable yachts whereas the yardstick is the handicap system used for off the beach yachts. Both systems are administered seperately, Club handicappers should note that the adjustments that have been made to the figures for both systems over the years may not translate well between the two handicapping systems. Key to CBH Table B Rated Beam BLM Batten Length Minimum BM Maximum Beam CBH Class Basic Handicap E Mainsail Foot EPF Effective Propeller Factor I Foretriangle Height J Base of Foretriangle KF Keel Factor LOA Length Over All LPG Longest Perpendicular of Largest Genoa (Luff to Clew at a right angle to the luff) LWL Length of Water line Mass Total mass NS No Spinnaker Allowed OALM Over All Mast Length P Mainsail Hoist SL Spinnaker Luff SMW Spinnaker Maximum Width SPL Spinnaker Pole Length FOOTNOTES 1. Unlisted classes will require full measurement to obtain a CBH rating. Measurement Application Forms are available from the Yachting Victoria Office and need to be submitted with a set of class rules and approapriate fee. 2. Swing keel classes with centre case flaps shall apply the same CBH as te drop keel version of the same class. eg. Ultimate 18. 3. Any variations in class rules shall be reported in writing to Yachting Victoria. 4. Any variations from the above measurements which have not been reported in writing to Yachting Victoria will render such a boat liable for disqualification. 5. All handicaps are subject to amendment in the light of performance information.