RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:New Trailable Yacht Website
Yachting Victoria have started a Trailable Yacht Division website. It is early days yet but it looks like being a good site once they get round to adding a link to this RL website and including all the RL boat class specs. They have at the moment information under the following headings: • Current News ( this includes a copy of the new national TY rules) • Calender of Events • Victorian Trailer Requirements • Trailer Yacht Brochure (RL website not included) • Launching Ramps • Class Specifications • Member Organisations Google ‘Yachting Victoria’ then raise their website and then click on ‘Divisions’ then ‘TY Division’ and then ‘Affiliated Class Association Information’. Regards