RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:Osmosis
Rob, or others who may have info. I have commenced restoration of RL 24 No.75 and have found amounts of osmosis. I have ground out down to stable material, gone through gel coat, a layer of chop mat (about 1-2mm thick) into solid resin. In some places the unreacted resin went completely through to the foam. The largest hole is about 50mm diameter. The worst affected areas are above waterline (so far!!!) The worst areas are also in the same area, stbd bow, and forming a general 'swathe' as if there was a bad batch mix, moisture at the time of lay-up or poor application to that area. The worst affected area is about 150mm wide x about 600 long, where the unreacted resin has delaminated the chopped mat and gel coat from the later applied strata. Should I replace the chopped mat or just fill with epoxy, fair and paint? I would also like to hear comments on different materials used for this type of work. Name brands etc for epoxy, two pot paint, methods of application and the like.