RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:RL24 for beginners
Rob reading your forum on lazy jacks and you wrote that RL24 is not for beginners. I purchased an RL24 mk1 after researching RLs as a very safe trailer sailer. I am a very novice or beginner sailer and I want to sail it single handed but after reading your post maybe I purchased the wrong boat. Should I sell it and buy another brand that is suitable. I was told that Rls tip over very easily but I defended the yacht but perhaps what I have been told may be true. Am I putting my family at risk by taking them out on a cruise with my limited experiance. This is my second trailer sailer, the first being a ts16 which I owned over 20 yrs ago for a few months. Rod