RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:For all those who are heading to the RL24 Nationals at Toronto NSW
RL24 National Championships RMYCT 2012 Attention all competitors: It has just come to our attention that RMYCT require each boat to have a current safety Cat 6 Audit conducted on their boat before competing. If you are able to get this done at your local club before coming to Toronto it would certainly speed up the process at Toronto. You would then just need to produce the certificate of Safety Audit when registering. For those unable to get this done before coming to Toronto, Safety Audits will be conducted on the Saturday at the club. It is not our intention to conduct Audits on the Sunday before racing, however if travelling for some, means you won’t be there until Sunday morning, please ensure you are early enough for an Audit to be conducted before 10.00AM as the Audit people are involved in running the races, they may not be available after this. You can find an Audit checklist at http://www.nsw.yachting.org.au/site/yachting/nsw/downloads/Equipment%20Audit Please download and go through it to ensure you have all the requirements before leaving home. Please use this list and double check all the requirements are met so you don’t have to run around at the last minute to comply before racing starts.