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from Rob Legg Yachts
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RL Challenge Trophy
For those of you who have lusted after your own miniature version of the RL Challenge Trophy, you'll have to be content with something less than something hand-crafted by Rob himself as the supply has been exhausted. The individual trophy will be a completely different style this year but the honour of getting your name on the main trophy is no less. If you don't know what I'm on about, have a look at the Bay to Bay section of this web site. The competition will be fierce again this year. Although Steve North will be back i action again this year, he'll have to start from scratch PBH wise as he's campaigning a new boat. If you haven't tackled the Bay to Bay before, be prepared for a 3 year campaign to get your PBH at around the right level. And in doing so, you'll see why there are quite a few RL's with 10 or more races under their belt. It seems to seep into your blood. Nearly 3 weeks out and I can feel the adrenalin pumping already. Cheers