RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:Best Cruising Seats
This seating arrangement has been the second best innovation added to my cruising RL28. The two white plastic seats have had their legs cut down so they don't touch the deck and they rest onto a pine fascia board which rests on the middle rail of the pushpit. It means I can now steer with my feet and am easily able to see over the cabin top. These seats have remained in place, untied, in 20 knots of breeze and the plank 'clips' between the pushpit and the awning tubes. There is also another short timber plank lashed upfront to the pulpit, and it can support one of the plastic chairs also; great for dolphin watching. The rear timber plank is also handy when tying up to 'industrial type' wharves if it's tied horizontally to the side of the boat. Naturally, fenders go between it and the boat.