RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Motor for RL24
I own an RL24 and have a Tohatsu 5 hp fitted. Although a good little motor, for prolonged motoring or in heavy weather it is noisy and a little slow. Can anyone please advise me what is the largest motor I can fit to an RL24 which will provide fastest speed under power, quiet motoring and yet not upset the balance of the boat etc. Is any special propellor type recommended? My boat is on a mooring and I currently fit my motor into the console as required- what special precautions would be required if I was to leave a larger motor fitted-ie corrosion , antifoul etc. Thankyou for your advice. Ian Farnsworth.

Ian Farnsworth23-May-2001    Edit    Delete 

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