RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts
RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum
Return to the Forum List Reply to Alistair (contiued) | Allistair, the RL24 Association is not perfect in every respect and nobody connected with it pretends that it is. However, it is tolerant and accommodating, gracious, loyal and embracing but above all else it is helpful to people in ways that extend far beyond the horizons of sailing. There are many deep relationships within the Association that go back to the day Rob began pushing boats out of the Shark Cat factory. It harbours not a shred of exclusivity within its collective psyche but rather is a broad church which seeks simply to encourage people of like mind to enjoy their RL24 and, within the limitations imposed by volunteerism, it tries to promote the interests of their Class of choice. It hurts when we are accused of conspiratorial behaviour and some petty form of bureaucratic incompetence by people outside the tent.
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| | Re: Reply to Alistair (contiued) | Ross, The following is from Yachting Australia, what does uncompromising adhesion mean?
General Code of Conduct
Yachting Australia endorses the following code of conduct for members, service providers and employees, particularly those responsible for activities involving members under the age of 18 years.
As a Yachting Australia member, service provider or employee you should meet the following standard of conduct:
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
• Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealing with others.
• Be professional in, and accept responsibility for,your actions.
• Make a commitment to providing quality service.
• Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to, Yachting Australia’s standards, rules, regulations and policies.
• Operate within the rules of the sport including national and international guidelines that govern Yachting Australia.
• Do not use your involvement with Yachting Australia, a Member Yachting Association or an Affiliated Club/Class to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of the Relevant Organisation.
• Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with persons under 18 years of age, as your words and actions are an example.
• Avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons under 18 years of age, wherever possible.
• Refrain from any form of harassment of others.
• Refrain from any behaviour that may bring Yachting Australia, a Member Yachting Association or an Affiliated Club/Class into disrepute.
• Provide a safe environment for the conduct of the activity.
• Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured.
• Be a positive role model.
• Understand the repercussions if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of, the Member Protection Policy.
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| Re: Reply to Alistair (contiued) | Gentlemen.
Unfortunatly I left school long before I had the oppotunity to learn the meaning of the long words being used in this debate, and tire of thumbing thru the dictionary to find their meaning.
Strangly I have respect for each of you for the work and time that you have given to the benifit of RL24s, and I feel that this discussion serves little further purpose, so how about getting behind Darryn and his committee to make your RL24 association the best and strongest in the country.
I am sure that Keith who hosts this site through his own interest and generosity would prefer to see it being used for more positive and constructive discussion.
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| Re: Reply to Alistair (contiued) | Rob Mate
Don’t get upset, Ross and I are mates from way back and I am with him all the way with regard to his love for the Rl 24. I honestly did not think I was putting the boot into to him so much as into young Shannon! Like you I left school at an early age but unlike you I did not get my dictionary out to check what Ross was saying! Was he really having a go at me?
Rob, I wish you had been here in Paynesville on Sunday morning as you would have just loved to see what I saw (I could kick myself for not having Meg’s camera with me)!!! Simon Walsh and Darryn came through the finishing line of the Marlay Point looking real good. They were on the wind, and in the early morning light their perfectly set sails and low freeboard along with their very efficient rig and low sail area stood out against all the other TY’s. They were really carving up the slower floating caravan type Trailer Yachts who did not have to do a trip round the island. I can tell you Rob, that Simon’s and Darryn’s boats on Sunday morning came across as the true ‘Bugatti’s of the trailer yacht racing game.
I do realise you were running a commercial company way back and that times were different and that customers must have been putting the heavies on you asking for more head room and more accommodation. But I think in hindsight you should not have given in to their request for that extra 100mm of freeboard.
With regard to some of the other stuff posted in this site lately, this is an open forum and I am sure that Keith is watching out all the time. I did get quite annoyed and went into full damage control when young Shannon mentioned the word ‘defamation’ in his latest input. I have again checked all my inputs into this website and could not find anything suspect that would not stand up to scrutiny in a court!
Everyone has to realise that the sail boat racing is changing for the worse and that the trailer yacht game is in a bad way at the moment and the future looks even worse. I have been told that the Trailer Yacht Club of NSW and ACT have shut down and wants the YA to come up with a better system than the present CBH system. I myself am going to work on a paper and submit it to Yachting Australia.
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| Re: Reply to Alistair (contiued) | the RL24 has had to re invent it self on a regular basis as its entry into trailer yacht world was as it was reported at the time winner of the good design award, the first time to a yacht. a design level which has never been improved on.. there has been faster ones and more cruising types boats built,but the RL is still here where others are not.PLEASE alistair go and do your report report back to me in 36 years as that is how long i have been with the class and to some members i am a young bloke
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