RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts
RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum
Return to the Forum List RL24 - Retriev-r-mate vs Eziguide vs Ezi-Loader | After 20+ years of sometimes calm, sometimes not so calm retrievals of my RL24 onto the trailer, I am looking to install something at the rear of the trailer to help. Earlier posts around 2001 talk about the retreive-r-mate, but that seems to have fallen off the main catalogues. The current options appear to be Eziguide (looks like the retrieve-r-mate) and Ezi-loader. Does anyone have any experience with these newer options? I currently use self centring rollers and a stern line.
Thanks for your help,
RL24-253 Red Baron II
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| | Re: RL24 - Retriev-r-mate vs Eziguide vs Ezi-Loader | Having looked at both the Retriever Mate and the Eziguide, the latter appears to be less expensive copy, probably manufactured offshore. It looks like it should work. The Retriever Mate is distributed in NSW by Steadfast Marine and they should be able to direct you to a local supplier. We have sold a few Retriever Mates over the years but price is a bit of a deterrant. On the up side, they do work. You need to know which model to choose, as the one suggested for a trailer sailer is also suggested for a much smaller power boat.
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