RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Cock of the Bay
Royal Queensland YS in association with Yachting QLD are holding the 2008 Cock of the Bay race on Nov 16th, myself (Slyfox) and Ken Ferguson (Canuk) have entered, it would be good to make this a RL challange for the north, south and Brisbane to get together, we need 5 boats to form our own divison, anyone interested?
Andrew 4-Nov-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Cock of the Bay
more info please, Ambuscade 2 could possibly make up the numbers.
Martyn5-Nov-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Cock of the Bay
Hi Martyn go to the Royal QLD YS website the marine on water section deals with regattas and there is a notice of race, entry form or you can enter online, the race is a figure of 8 around Green and St Helena Island. Entry fee increases by $10 after the 8th.
Andrew5-Nov-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Cock of the Bay
High guys, you now have a division according to the entry list. I would probably have to sail single handed so as I said would make the numbers. Have a great day. M
Martyn9-Nov-2008    Edit    Delete 
Cock of the Bay Results
First of all a big thanks to all the Noosa boys for making the effort to come down which made the event a big success, Brad and Ken gave the rest of us a chance to see what the transom of an RL looks like from a distance, Chris and myself tusled for the full length of the coarse and we were all on the trailers before the storms hit. Everyone enjoyed the class racing and we all agreed that this will become an annual event.
Andrew17-Nov-2008    Edit    Delete 

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