RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Proposed RL 24 Rule Changes-Nov 08 for AGM
Proposed Amendment To Class Rule Changes As Proposed By Darryn Dyer and James Shannon.


The minimum displacement for an RL 24 is 800 kg.
The 800 kg includes, engine, fuel and all equipment with the exception of life jackets and crew.

Any RL 24 under the minimum displacement of 800 kg shall be called an RL 24 Sport Boat and race on an appopriate separate handicap.

There shall be no allowances for open plate cases.

For the amendment.

Many RL24s have basic interiors and do not conform to the concept of a trailer sailer. Weight has been minimised to a point where fair competition against Standard RLs is compromised.

With respect to engine weight, if an engine passes the requirements of 3.24.6, it is wrong to inflict additional cost on the RL 24 owner.

Without the Swing Keel Allowance, Owners are encouraged to fit slot fillers. These could perform as a lock down system and stop keel adjustment whilst racing.

Alan Owen

This was submitted to the secretary on 28 Nov. 08
Alan Owen2-Dec-2008    Edit    Delete 

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