RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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VHF Radios
This is not exactly an area where I know a lot. I have rarely even spoken into my VHF and have only on occasion switched it on for instructions from a race committee. I didn't even know I was supposed to have a Proficiency Certificate.

Anyhow, ACMA (the federal government agency responsible for communications) are conducting some sort of a review and the Trailable Yacht arm of Yachting Victoria are seeking submissions from Trailable Yacht owners in response to the discussion paper that can be found on the ACMA website here.


If anyone would like to contribute something to this debate, please feel free to email me your contribution at james@shannonsfp.com.au and I will pass on your contribution.

I get the impression that yachties aren't exactly the problem with VHF use, more power boaties, but I guess we don't want to be collectively adversely affected by any new legislation.

In the meantime, I might even go and get one of those certificates.

James Shannon18-Nov-2009    Edit    Delete 

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