RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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2009 RL 24 National Championships
Where can I get a report and results of this event? Can they be posted on this web page?
Steven Lymbery28-Jan-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
Hi Steve. I apologise for not yet putting up the results of the Championships.
In a close fought series, the Drop Keel division was won by Simon Walsh on Ohau Rua, from Mick Shannon on Lowana VI, Simon Vaughan on Lowana V, and Brad Taylor on F Troop. Each of the top four yachts had their chances throughout the regatta, but once again, Walshy proved simply too crafty for them.
Mitchell Dyer skippered Whatever to win the Swing Keel division comfortably, from Ian Lane on This Way Up, with Andrew Pike on Sly Fox and Andrew Haynes on Chill Ovat (yes, thattā?s how ittā?s spelt) not far away.
The Toad of Barmera award went to Andrew Pike in a very disappointing year for entries.
I intend to have a Newsletter out by the end of February with a much more comprehensive analysis.
It was a fun series, a little wetter than we have come to expect from Lake Macquarie, but the racing and social side of it was not affected in the slightest.
Whilst on the subject of Nationals, I am conducting a bit of a poll as to where we might head next year. We have an invitation from Southport Yacht Club to join their series (the Sail Paradise Regatta) in the second week of January. We also have the option of joining in the Surf to City Race immediately following, which is a race up the inland waterway from Southport to Sandgate. We are also invited back to Mannering Park. From what I can tell, the accommodation options at Southport are significantly cheaper, but the sailing waters of Lake Macquarie are decidedly more friendly. I am trying to contact most members directly on this but IIā?d be interested in the thoughts of subscribers to this website.

James Shannon28-Jan-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
I have discussed this with my crew and we are more than happy to go back to Paynesville. We loved the facilities, the club ran a great event, the water is great to sail on and we would sail there again with great pleasure.

We didn't sail the Nationals this year because we found that end of the Lake very frustrating two years ago and likened it to sailing in Canberra. I indicated this to Darryn Drywer after the 2008 AGM.

My understanding is that that the distance for Victoria boat to travel to Queensland is a big ask and it is rumoured that many of the Queensland boats have been modified and no longer measure in to the class rules. I don't know how true that is.

An alternative from a location point of view might be Eden. There is a sailing club there and although I have never sailed in that area, there appears to be a reasonable expanse of water there. I don't know anything about the facilities.

As for Southport. Don't know (undecided) and would need to talk to my crew. Maybe but would still put my number one vote in for Paynesville. May need to start series a day later to allow for travel time and reasonable family time at home for xmas.

Thanks for the report on the Nationals. I have been waiting with great anticipation. Congratulations to all those who managed to sail well and get into placings.

Steven Lymbery30-Jan-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
If the nationals never move out of Victoria and NSW, then they're not really the nationals, are they?
If it's easy enough for thousands of Victorians to tow their caravans to Qld each year, then a few RL sailors shouldn't find it a problem. Besides, Southport is almost as close to NSW as you can get in QLD.
Don't forget, the Gold Coast is the birthplace of the RL24 and where Rob currently resides.
How good would it be for the master to present the trophy?
Mike2-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
Strange, but i can't see why it is further for Queenslanders to travell to Victoria, than Victorians to come here. In the past many very successful National Titles have been held in Queensland even as far away as Airlie Beach,and Boreen Point, and the main reason that the titles have been held in the South of recent years is that the majority of members of the National association reside there.

The last attempts to hold the event in Brisbane and on the gold coast were dissapointing because of the lack of local support, and I feel strongly that Queensland boats should join and participate in the National association before crying about the events being held elseware, and the excuse that the boats here do not measure up can be easily overcome, as mostly it is only spinnaker size and lack of a measurement certificate that is the problem.

In the past the most successful National series held in Queensland were held during the August school hollidays, and my suggestion would be to look at August 2011 as the most likley practical time.
And who would'nt want to come to Queensland at that time of the year

The best event ever held on the Gold coast attracted some thirty five entries and boats attended from every state of Australia, and every second little kid I tripped over seemed to be named "Shannon"

How about it all of you Queensland Boats that sail in the Bay to Bay race, if you all joined up and sailed there could be forty boats on the starting line, and you could have your say on the future of the RL24 class.
Rob.2-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
Rob as a point of interest I got the ok from Darryn to print the notice of race for the last nationals at Mannering Park and place them on the sign on table at the B2B, not one was taken (pretty sad) so my two sons went round as many boats as posible and handed them out, result being 3 QLD boats turned up (pretty sad) and we had the best week of racing and socializing you could ever have,as for the rest of QLD boats, my theory is they all have electric cars and there extention cords are only long enough to get them to the boarder
Andrew 3-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
First off all, May I say that I was the sheet hand on "Chill Ouat". We had a ball this year at the nationals and look forward to the next RL nationals.

By the way, Think about Easter, The trailer sailor nationals are on at Lake Macquarie yacht club and 2 RL24's from Southport are going. Come join us and have some fun too.

Now As for "My understanding is that that the distance for Victoria boat to travel to Queensland is a big ask."

Let's face it, For any one to travel up to Southport is a big ask from Vic. One of the things that we are trying to do is make it that you can sail a second major race straight after the nationals that you would not sail normally sail. I have spoken to the QCYC about next years Surf to City race and they are interested in running a RL division for this race if we have the nationals up here. That means that they will look at our own start for just RL's.

As for the "it is rumoured that many of the Queensland boats have been modified and no longer measure in to the class rules." I have just been voted class measurer for Queensland. I'm currently working with Andrew from "Sly Fox." We have already been trying to work out when to have a measurement day / day's to get the class back as it should be. The one place were the boats are sailing out of class is in the spinnaker size and it is a few boat's not all.

I believe that we need as a class to look at this and see if there needs to be any change's and ask why these people are going to bigger kite's ?

The RL24 class has always been a development class, so let's look and ask why these boats are sailing out of class.

Most boats in Queensland sail very close to class and I'm hoping in the next 12 months that we can get more boat's sailing to class. I believe that if we have the Nationals here in Southport that we can get the class going again in Queensland.


David Pullin3-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
The point I was trying to make, albeit rather tactlessly, was that it seems that as most members are Vics, most activitise are in Victoria. And because most activities are in Victoria, most members are Vics.
That was my reasoning for supporting a move to southport next year.
I'm not anti-Victorian. I was born in Coburg.


Mike4-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
I am not a member of the association and am never likely to race so ignoring this proposal is fine by me. I realise a whole championship on one race might seem strange but bringing the best of the RLs together at prominent events can only improve the class image.

I do suggest using high profile events such as the Marley Point race and Bay to Bay race for the RL24 Nationals for several years. The strategy would be to get RL24 associations re-established in each State and supported by the National fleet.

This would firmly put the RL24 championships in the various States and give RL24 racers some additional incentive to compete in the Nationals.

With some luck the appearance of a large number of RL24s from Interstate at these events would help elevate the fleet at a National and State levels.
Greg 4-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 
Re: 2009 RL 24 National Championships
OK, when is an apple an apple? much is mentionend about class. There are 4 classes of RL24, MK1 MK2 MK3 & MK4 as I understand from the specifications on this site. The MK1 was considerably lighter than following models and had a sail plan accordingly. When you are passed by a MK1 with a 4 full batten main is that still a class boat? My MK3 is heavier than a MK1 so should I be allowed more sail?, or should he restricted to a 3 batten luff sail as per design?. Sure it is a long tow from Vic 2 Qld but the last time I looked its the same going the other way! What ever season races are held, its still warmer in Brissy.
PS. Have just ordered new sails, so now we'll really see what poor sailor I am!
Martyn4-Feb-2010    Edit    Delete 

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