RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts
RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum
Return to the Forum List Bay to Bay | Another good roll up, another great event.
We had 4 24DK's, 16 24SK's and 4 28's. Not quite as many as last years but far and away the best numbers in the fleet of 172.
Outstanding performance of the weekend in my book was Andrew Pike on "Sly Fox", taking out division 3 on both CBH and PBH. I think the presence of Darren Dyer on board made a big difference but doesn't take anything away from Andrew or his boat. He managed to beat home some pretty quick IM boats including "Go For It" which had previously appeared invincible.
"F Troop" won the coveted Rob Legg Challenge trophy.
The sail up the back of Big Woody Island on Sunday was exhilliarating. A good 20 knots of Easterly putting the apparent wind right on the beam was the recipe for a lot of get up and go. We cracked 10 knots on numerous occasions, without wave assistance. What is planing speed on a 24?
The get together at Garry's on Saturday arvo enabled a few skippers and crew to get to know each other and to have a look at what the quicker boats are doing.
Perhaps the best ever B2B
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| Re: Bay to Bay | Thanks Mike for your usual interesting report on the bay to bay race, and congratulations to all who participated especially the crews of "Sly Fox" and "F Troop". The bay to Bay race must now be the most important event in Australia for Trailable Yachts, and worthy of our support.
If anyone had time to take some action photos during the race I would much appreciate some copies.
Great work everyone.
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| Re: Bay to Bay | I was encouraged by all the QLD sailors who attended the RL24 nationals at Lake Maquarie in January to bring my boat up to QLD for the Bay to Bay. After being involved in the Marlay Point Overnight Race on the Gippsland Lakes in Victoria for the past 37 years I decided that it may be time to do the QLD equivalent. So instead of having to do the trip up with the boat I opted for the next best thing and that was to sail on a boat that was rigged almost identical to mine. After planting the seed with Andrew Pike (SLYFOX) that I would like to do the Bay to Bay with him the answer was your on. So I have just completed my first Bay To Bay and thoroughly enjoyed it and if work permits I will be back again next year. The tides were something that I am not used to down south so I left most of that up to Andrew and I just concentrated on sail trim as I didn't have much of an idea where we were going either (Andrew again). Andrews boys Michael & Jason I believe learnt a lot over the weekend and are keener than they ever have been. The get together at Garry's was great for the class for everyone to catch up and meet some other RLers. Thanks to all the Chill Quat boys for everything they did to organize that and thanks to Rob for your input. Another big thanks goes out to John Daryl and Ashleigh for manning the mother ship PullPit which wasn't without dramas (Trailer/wheels or lack of/Mast coming down/lost cars/Trailer etc) The start on Sunday was interesting trying to stay on the right side of the line until Go. As Mike said the trip around Woody Island is what we all hang out for, a great kite run on the plane. I estimate we had about 1.5 hrs, planning about 90% of the time, great fun. The best part about the race was seeing the look on both the young Pike's faces when we got the bullet as we crossed the line to be first home in Div 3. It was good to see the well sailed class boats were able to knock off the IM boats across the line. I would love to see this Bay to Bay enthusiasm extend to the National championships at Southport in January 2011. I put it to all RL24ers to take up the challenge to get 30 boats to the nationals. If we can get 20 to the Bay to Bay and we will most probably see 8 Vic boats so 30 is very achievable. Lets do it. I feel that once people have done a national they will see the benefit of this close racing and friendship of the class, that we will be able to build back up to be a strong national association again. Ask the F-Troop, Slyfox or Chill-Quat crews why they are so keen to go again and have it at Southport. I will be there with my family and boat (1800Kms one way).Thanks again to everyone that made me welcome at the Bay To Bay and I will be encouraging more Vics to attend next year. I had a great time.
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| | Re: Bay to Bay | Hi all there are pix and write ups of b2b at trailer sailer place as well.
cheers, Jim.
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| Shen Neng 1 Arrives in Hervey Bay to Late for Bay to Bay Race!!!!! | From the Fraser Coast Chronicle
The Shen Neng 1 arrives on Coast
Tracey Joynson | 12th May 2010
LEADING international marine salvage experts are in Hervey Bay to supervise the unloading of stricken coal ship Shen Neng 1, which arrived on the Fraser Coast yesterday.
After a slow and uneventful trip from Gladstone, the Shen Neng 1 anchored at 7.05am between the mainland and the northern tip of Fraser Island and the two attending tugs and oil clean-up craft remained nearby, according to regional harbour master Mike Lutze who was holed up at an incident control centre at the Urangan marina.
Today the tricky job of unloading about one-third of the Shen Neng 1’s coal is due to begin following the arrival of the Clipper Mistral which will start taking off about 7000 tonnes after it pulls alongside about 8am.
“It’s a very delicate operation,” Captain Lutze said.
“We have to make sure it’s done properly, make sure it’s done safely, make sure the vessels are connected properly, then we’ve got to hook up all the cargo equipment, then we have to put out special tarpaulins between the two vessels to ensure that no coal spills into the water. We’re setting up sprinkler systems on board to keep the coal dust down; we’ll also have people on board monitoring it every single step of the way.
“If anything untoward happens we’ll be stopping operations immediately until it’s safe to recommence.”
He said a second ship, Joanna C, would take off about 12,000 tonnes of coal so the Shen Neng 1 could then be towed overseas.
Maryborough Police Inspector Daryl Powell said Hervey Bay Water Police had motored out to the Shen Neng 1 yesterday to monitor the two-mile exclusion zone around the ship.
He said there were no problems while police were there and “we’re not aware of any threat”.
Insp Powell said it would be counter-productive for anyone to sabotage the operation because they could possibly cause environmental damage and delays.
Ideally not one lump of coal will fall into the pristine waters of the Great Sandy Marine Park which borders World Heritage-listed Fraser but concerns about the handling of the Shen Neng 1 operation will be discussed at a public meeting tonight at the Hervey Bay Boat Club from 6pm to 8pm.
The Wide Bay Burnett Conservation Council said representatives of the whale watching, tourism, seafood, recreational and commercial fishing industries, environmental and conservation organisations, local government and state MPs would be there.
WBBCC co-ordinator Emma-Kate Currie said they would demonstrate peaceful opposition to the decision and discuss options available to ensure that the same type of operation would not happen on the Coast again.
Queensland Seafood Industry Association chief executive Winston Harris said the Shen Neng 1 had been moored in an area where commercial fishers catch blue swimmer crabs and he understood it was an area where they normally scalloped as well.
But Urangan Fisheries and Schulz Fisheries director Nick Schulz said the Shen Neng 1 was not in the way at present.
“This time of the year the scallops are tapering off and the sand crabs are not all that good out there – that’s the most of the fishing there,” he said.
However, he said, if the operation left a heap of scrap on the bottom it may have an impact.
“We won’t know until that happens,” he said. “If they do the job nice and clean it won’t have any impact at all.”
Federal Member for Hinkler Paul Neville and State Member for Hervey Bay Ted Sorensen were concerned about the environmental risks associated with unloading coal in local waters and planned to fly over the area to inspect the ship.
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| Re: Bay to Bay | Well what a great race we all had this year as we had a bit of every thing all weekend. Well done to the "Slyfox" crew on sailing a top race all weekend and helping to keep us honest as well. It was great to see the 100 % class boats up there having a go for the lead with the modified boats
Also the crew of "Charley Brown". They sailed a very good race both days and I think are one of the biggest improves this year as well.
We on "Chill Ouat" had a great race as well this year and set our self's the goal of beating "Go For It" over the line. Well Steve and his crew beat us both days over the line as we worked hard to catch him all weekend. We are still very happy with how we went this year as we ended up snapping at there heels all weekend and finish a lot closer this year on the second day than last year to them.
It was great to catch up with all the other owners and crews at Gary's this year for the BBQ and a big thank you must go to the following Peter Nealson ( The lodge at Coomera ) for putting on the food and drink's at Gary's and also putting up the lucky draw money for the weekend. For the Crew of "Pul-Pit" Daryl, John and Ashleigh for carrying all the supplies and gear to Gary's and also getting the boat to Hervey Bay after the mast came down.
A Big thank you must also go to Rob Legg who kindly donated some money to us for this years race and get together. His donation went to the last RL24 over the line prize which went to "Lost" which came up from woolongong for the race and still finished the race with the top of the mast broken. Well done on finishing.
As always the Bay to Bay is a top race weekend and I think that we have a great fleet of boats and crew's racing.
So what's the next race we are all doing ?
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| The Good News is that Sheng Neng1 is now being moved back to Gladstone! | From the Fraser Coast Chronicle
Shen Neng 1 to leave earlier
Tracey Joynson | 21st May 2010
CRIPPLED Chinese coal carrier Shen Neng 1 is due to leave Hervey Bay’s waters this afternoon four days ahead of schedule.
Maritime Safety Queensland general manager Patrick Quirk said the Shen Neng 1 was expected to ship out this afternoon, after some work had been done this morning to prepare her for towing.
If all goes to plan, the ship will leave 10 days after she arrived and well ahead of initial estimates that it would take at least two weeks to unload almost 19,000 tonnes of coal needed to allow the Shen Neng 1 to be safely towed overseas.
Mr Quirk said the Johanna C left mid-afternoon yesterday after unloading about 11,400 tonnes from the Shen Neng 1.
He said 18,922 tonnes in total had been off-loaded with the first 7500 tonnes taken off by a smaller ship.
“It’s gone extremely well,” Mr Quirk said.
He said Shen Neng 1 would be towed to Gladstone to await the arrival of the ocean-going tug,due to arrive on May 29.
Environmentalists have voiced their opposition to anchoring and partially unloading the disabled ship in the pristine waters of the Great Sandy Marine Park which borders World Heritage-listed Fraser Island after it was damaged running aground on the Great Barrier Reef on Saturday, April 3.
The Shen Neng 1 was moved once while it was in the marine park to a more sheltered position to allow the second coal off-loader the chance to complete its job much faster and at a safer location.
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| Good Feedback on the Bay to Bay Race | The following report was written by TY captain Trevor Dunn and was cut and pasted from Port Kembla Sailing Clubs electronic newsletter.
Trailer Yacht Report
27 May 2010
With hundreds of other boating people we went out to welcome Jessica Watson over the finish line on Saturday15 May 2010. It was a fantastic experience to share with many other like minded boating enthusiasts, this moment of extraordinary achievement by a young Australian person. Yes there will always be detractors, those who would say it was just a publicity stunt, and that the entrance into Sydney Harbour was staged, and that Jessica had lots of outside help, and that the official around the world sailing distance was not achieved. Who cares I say, it is still a remarkable achievement, a true mark of determination, perseverance and skill. Just imagine what it takes to organise set off and travel single handed around the globe across the world’s oceans.
Perhaps not quite in the same magnitude of effort but still I believe a credible mark of achievement and strength of will, and one that should be recognised, is that of Wayne McKinnon and crew Norm and Terry, for their success in planning and competing in the recent Great Sandy Straits Bay to Bay Race in Serenity. It takes a degree of organisational skill to pull off these sailing adventures with considerable travel distances involved. It’s nearly a 3000 kilometre round trip from Wollongong to Harvey Bay. First you have to have a boat, one that will keep you safe and dry. You need a means of conveying the boat to the venue that will not cause dramas, preferable no breakdowns or flat tires. You also have to be organised enough to provision appropriately, have a functioning auxiliary motor that will get you to one end of the course. And of course you have to get their in time to either launch and sail from the finish to the start or conversely in time to launch at the start and do the car shuffle so the car and trailer are at the finish end ready for the drive home.
In my opinion the Bay to Bay race is one of the best trailer yacht events and worth the logistical efforts. Even better is having a week or so before or after the event to cruise this lovely part of the world. The northern coast of Fraser Island as some stunningly beautiful beaches and sheltered anchorages perfect for exploring in trailer yachts. I am not a fisherperson but I believe the fishing is good as well. I find that doing the cruise before the race helps get your sea legs and gives you time to get familiar with the tides, that whoosh in and out of the Great Sandy Straits. Wayne, Norm and Terry were restricted to a couple of days on the water before the race. From the enthusiastic response they gave in the car park at the end of the race they will be planning to take more time to smell the dugong next year. I hope to enjoy their company again.
The end
Trevor Dunn
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