RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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RL34 How many built? How stable?
Looking to purchase a large swing keel trailer sailer.
Are there any 34's here in WA? Are they self righting?
Any info is appreciated.
Kind regards
Will Kirkham16-Jul-2011    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL34 How many built? How stable?
The RL34 can't be called a "Trailer sailor" as it is not legally trailable without a special licence, it has a 1.25 ton outer keel, and a 100Kg drop centreboard. Final stability is very good, and my boat achieved an I.O.R certificate by the addition of 100Kg of internal ballast.
I know of the 34s in all states except WA. and from memory around forty were built.
Rob.17-Jul-2011    Edit    Delete 

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