RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Hydraulic service in WA
Got my hydraulic ram and pump serviced, it was working OK, bit of a leak from the ram and I fancy it hadn't been looked at since new. Struggled to get anyone to look at it at all, with most hydraulic agents here servicing the mining industry thy aren't interested in small units and jobs under $1000s. However I eventually found Blazej at Tribute Engineering, Riverton WA, his banner reads "not repairable, see me". Top job at well, under $1000... Google tribute engineering for details
Ian Davison7-Dec-2012    Edit    Delete 
Re: Hydraulic service in WA
Another tack is to see the local tractor or hydraulics firm.

For example, I just had the toy tractor hydraulics overhauled in Sale by Union Hydraulics for a bit over 2k
John Heddles8-Dec-2012    Edit    Delete 

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