RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts
RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum
Return to the Forum List Replacing windows | I need to replace the windows in my RL24. The current windows are cracked and split into many pieces. The material is very thin, so that makes me wonder. If I replace them, should I use 1/8th Acrylic, so that it can flex, or should I use 3/16 Acrylic, so it is stronger?
Also the windows are held in with screws from the outside. Is there any reason to bother with the screws. I'm figuring that since I have to seal the window in place, that the sealer should hold it. I was thinking I would use PL Adhesive, which is a UV treated Urethane glue. (I'm assuming 3M 5200 is way too permanent)
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| Re: Replacing windows | http://www.rlyachts.net/forum.asp?ID=3467#ID3495
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| Re: Replacing windows | The windows lay over the top of the fiberglass, rather than inserted in the opening, so no rubber trim. That is why the thickness and the use of screws is a wide open question.
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| Re: Replacing windows | Hi,
I am going to replace my RL28 Windows soonish so have been looking into this a bit. Apparently you can use a double side tape to hold the windows in place and just seal around the edge. No screws required. I think I might feel safer having some screws but will decide later. A trick I found online is to leave the backing on the acrylic and mark out the window opening on it and cut away the backing thats on the overlap. Paint the inside window overlap edge with black paint. This way when you mount the window the double sided tape and sealant will not show through the window from the outside.
edit: I found the link that I looked at. It's for a recessed window but same principle applies for the externally mounted window.
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| Re: Replacing windows | Hi Alistair, I have done exactly that with my '28, I also decided to change the shape of the window. We didn't want to take away the original style of the boat by creating one long window so after much trial and error we came up with a shape we thought complimented the boat and looked good. Would you believe it! when we looked at the drawings on the web site, the shape we ended up with is almost identical to the shape Rob drew originally!!
We applied double sided tape to the window and then a sealant bead around the outside of that, using glass holding suction cups (bought from Bunning for about 20 bucks) with much "up a bit, down a bit, sideways a bit" the were stuck on and the excess sealant cleaned off with turps. I didn't reprofile the window cutout so that the cabin roof strength wasn't compromised but I did paint the 'excess' area black. It looks great, I'll get my son to upload some pictures soon.
I still have the cardboard templates and cottage plastics in Sumner Park, Brisbane made my windows. My mate employed the same method on his 40' cat three years ago and has since sailed to the Whitsundays and back without a hitch.
Good luck.
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| Re: Replacing windows | Yep, I did exactly that. I had taken the windows out to paint the deck and someone had decided that the most worthy of stealing item in the front yard were the aluminium window frames! The tape is a 3M product I got from the bloke that cut the new windows and it's been fine for the 7-8 years it's been there.
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