RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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What's this space for? RL24 (1/2)
Hi, whilst cleaning and updating the boat I wondered what the spaces under the rear berths were for, see image attached . They have inspection holes and whilst checking the spaces I came across salt water in both starboard and port side. Not a great deal but could not figure out how it would get in there. Where these spaces designed for a purpose? Would love to know. Many thanks in advance
Mike Van Loon12-May-2016    Edit    Delete 
Re: What's this space for? RL24 (1/2)
Image of internal space
Sorry the image is in vertical format
Mike Van Loon12-May-2016    Edit    Delete 
Re: What's this space for? RL24 (1/2)
The spaces are for additional buoyancy as they are not large enough nor assess able for stowage
Rob Legg12-May-2016    Edit    Delete 

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