RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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RL24 History
Peter Jones has sent through a couple of interesting files on the early RL24. There is a price list from 1986 and an extract from Cruising Helmsman with an RL profile summary from 1987.
Both of these can be downloaded from the RL 24 page.
Keith Merkley1-Oct-2019    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL24 History
When looking at the displacement of the boat, does that include the keel weight?
owen bowey6-Oct-2019    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL24 History
Owen, yes that displacement will include the Keel and basic rigging and fittings.
Darryn25-Oct-2019    Edit    Delete 
Re: RL24 History
Jeez, I'm tipping the scales at just over a ton for a mk 4. I know that I have 50kg of battery in the boat but where is the big weight difference coming from.
Owen14-Nov-2019    Edit    Delete 

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