RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Register

If you own or know an RL24, RL28, RL34 or Status 580 not shown here, please add it to the register
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Type Of BoatSail NoBoat NameOwnerLocationComments
RL24BANDITSCRUBYBIG PATS CREEK, VIC, AUSTThe boat had no name so i named it after my best mate a blue healer i had for 17 years Edit
RL241MateusDaniel Miles and Raelene ChapmanMermaid Waters, QLD, AustraliaPurchased from the Sunshine Coast to restore as yacht project no. 3. On more careful inspection with June Legg, by chance. After discussion about sail numbers we checked the number of the new Mark 1 and the sail NO was No. 1 which was their first sail. So with added RL24 stickers with Robs Signature on it, this will be a pleasure to restore. Edit
RL34260c-jadeSteve & Laurast stradborke Is, QLD, AustraliaBrought C-Jade from Loza & Rell Levy in January 06 in Manly QLD.Originally a member of the Cumberland Charter Yacht in the Whitsunday .Sister ship to C-Beeze thank to Robb Leegg for this information. Now on the Goldcoast boardwater& Morton Bay hopping to do some coastal passages later on. Edit
RL2484Blue Rhapsody, SA, Edit
RL249yahoopete & janieairlie beach, qld, Australia Edit
RL28Lollipop, , Edit
RL24-US-builtAfternoon DelightKyle and SandraNew London, NC, USASail on Badin Lake NC. Trailer to the Outer Banks and the NC mountains. Edit
RL24229KermitDeb & PeteDarwin , NT, AustraliaWe brought Kermit of Mike, will be sailing with the Darwin Sailing Club and cruising. Deb sailed RLs when she was a kid and Pete is just getting into it. Looking forward to teaching the kids to sail on her as well. Edit
RL2890 Just CruisinLarry n JendyTin Can Bay, Qld, Bought from Malcolm Murchison in Feb 2012. Edit
RL24WilliwawDan and Elaine Anchorage , AK, USAWe just bought this boat from its previous owner in Pennsylvania. We purchased a converted school bus (skoolie) to tow it with and made the long trek home to Alaska. Looking forward to lots of good times. Edit
RL2850ElanoraBrian & LouiseAdelaide, SA, Australia Formally Lukim Yu. We have owned this RL 28 since 2003. Sailed extensively in the waters of the upper Spencer Gulf. Now based in Goolwa competing in club racing and cruising the Coorong and Lower Lakes. Edit
RL2449The Jazz SingerWarwickTownsville, Queensland, AustraliaWas blue hull and now all white Edit
RL24266Mikela , , AustraliaBoat sold Edit
RL24345Inappropriate SecretsJames, Greg & AliBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaWas originally known as Halcyon Edit
RL24306Lowana 3, VIC, AustraliaMARK 1 DROP KEEL.north peelgrane rig Edit
RL24, , Australia Edit
RL28WindaleAndy and KateBowen, Qld, AustraliaOur first yacht bought about 4 years ago. Was a local legend as a club racer, but had suffered from lack of maintenance. Replaced trailer and now ready to begin major renovation. Any advice welcomed. Edit
RL24231Splice, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24Steel AwayMooroochydore, Qld 4558, Australialast owner Mike Rawlings Edit
RL28WinsomeBrian and TinaMackay, Qld, Australia Edit
RL28GT63Blue PeterGaryBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaDrop Keel version lovely to sail Edit
RL24336Racy LadyPeter BourkeHallett Cove, SA, AustraliaBrighton and Seacliff Yacht Club, Adelaide. Mk III SK, with a skiff rig. Green hull with gold, white and black highlights. Name changed from Sublime to Racy Lady in October 2014. Previous owners were Roger Smith of Adelaide and Nev Radcliffe of Horsham. The transom also shows traces of Hastings Yacht Club, but I don't know who the owner was then. Edit
RL2454troikamarcel adamczykkuttabul 4741, qld, Australia Edit
RL2899ESCAPADESKevin AdesTallebudgera , Qld, AustraliaA great yacht. Edit
RL24SeabirdBrenton & Sue AirAugusta, WA, Australia Formerly owned by Niel Ensor, first real single hull sailboat and very much a learning process. Last season at Augusta Yacht club and came home with trophy for most consistent performer, she's a beauty and looking forward to 04-05 Edit
RL24267AccordancePeter & Kylie AireyTownsville, Qld, AustraliaWe have recently purchased a modified RL24 with a fixed weighted fin keel. The roof of the cabin has been raised for extra headroom. There is also a hatch above the "V" berth which lets the breeze in when anchored. We are new to sailing and have found this boat to be a great weekender for a family of four. Edit
RL24???Roy AlexanderRoy AlexanderCranberry Twp., PA, United States1982 made in MN, USA under license from RL Yachts Edit
RL24?Hull# RLT11302M82K Grace & PeaceRoy Alexandercranberry twp. 16066, PA, USAPurchased October 2008. Just in process of redoing interior: headliner, cushions etc. Replaced all running rigging. Replaced ailing triler 2009 also had a new main made by sailcare. great sail! I added a removable roller furling reacher which runs from the bow pulpet to the masthead. I run as a cutter rig with the jib in light airs. I like the loose footed main that has a small natural draft for heavy air. I'm looking to have a new jib made. this is a great light weight boat. I have had her on a plane on a close reach. It leaks at the centreplate pin and takes on about 3 gallons per week. Moored at Jamestown Marina Lake Pymatuning. Edit
RL24No Sail Numbernone as of nowRoy and Dawn AlexanderCranberry Twp., PA, USA Purchased late 1999 season, Moored in Great Kills Harbor, Staten Island, NY. Built in Minnesota, USA, June 1982; SERIAL RLT11302M82K-US., Swing Keel Sold Apr 08 to Vasco Raposo and renamed Salty Fox. sold to Roy Alexander no name October, 09 Trailer sailed in western, PA Lake Arthur, and Pymatuning redid interior, added masthead drifter new trailer, new on boat stowable mast raising machine. cleaned all the teak. Edit
RL24R13KwilenaTom AlfordHamersley, Western Australia, Australia I have owned Kwilena for approx. 15 years and we sail out of Royal Perth Yacht Club Edit
RL24602costalotDUDLEY ALLARDnoosa, Qld, Australiacostalot a much loved boat i have owned her since new won many great races and had lots of family fun. GREAT BOAT GOES HARD & FAST Edit
RL24602COSTALOTDudley Allardbrisbane, QUEENSLAND, AustraliaSwing keel drop rudder skiff rig! Had major problems with boat builder Ross Poschalk for your own sake never use him! The boat was eventually completed by local boat builder vic devonshire, have competed in many bay to bays, wintersuns and enjoys lots of local sailing in Noosa costalot in 2010 has been refurbished new paint job standard rig & sails Edit
RL24303jeweldarren Allmonjacksonville, fl, USAjust purchased aug ,16 2002. she seems to be in fine shape,had her out twice. if anyone knows where to get parts or rigging info i would be very thankfull FAIR WINDS Edit
RL2462Bill AlstonBill AlstonMaryborough, Queensland, Edit
RL2462WindJammerBill AlstonMaryborough, qld, aus Edit
Status 58011the LemonGreg AlwardHamilton Island, Qld, AustraliaPurchased from Paynesville 1999 and delivered to Hamilton Isl by truck under the bow of a Farr40 from Williamstown. Named the Lemon after our first Wed twilight race when everything that could have gone wrong just about did for an old neglected boat. Has since undergone refit with new rigg and sails to resemble MKIII model, with backstay we fly Etchell spinnakers, on board GPS proves speed over 14knts water pours in through the centre board case. Have competed in 3 Bay to Bay races, ASPAC Master Games at Southport, 190 twilight races, 29 regattas and won lots of trophies. Crew Trevor Hewitt and I are expat Elwood Sailing Club junior members, now in our later years we call the status 19 a "gentlemans skiff" and have a ball. There are now two 580's competing at Hamo and looking for more. If anyone would like to join us at the CYC of H.I. with their RL's please contact me the Commodore. Edit
RL28Aurora (formerly Tyntynda)Drew Lark and Coralie GrahamCarcoar, NSW, AustraliaSat unmaintained and partly disassembled for 15-20 years. Was fitted with a Renault Couach diesel inboard. Reportedly 4th RL28 to be built. Soon to be fully refit and rerigged. Likely going Dyneema standing rigging, masthead furling headsail, storm/staysail. New fully battened main (unsure if to extend boom). Big project ahead. Edit
RL24241Meg 7 (Prev. Capt Hook)David Anderson, QLD, Australia I have just purchased this boat (Dec 17). It is kept on the Gold Coast still in very good condition for its age. It has been renamed Meg 7 in honour of the previous owners late wife. We can't wait for our maiden voyage Xmas day 2017. Previously named Capt Hook and owned by Greg St Baker in Redcliffe who sanded and polished the hull to bring it back to life and sailed regularly to Moreton island and to Tin Can Bay. And a note from the original owner, Ray Hooker: Capt Hook is a swing keel Mk111 RL24 that I built in 1979 using Robs' moulds. It was the first RL to be built with a sandwich construction using a Firet coremat and Kledgecel. It was also one of the first to use a fully battened mainsail. The hull colour is white and topsides (non-slip areas) are light blue. I sold the boat in 1988 and have since lost track of it. I would be interested to know where it is now. A word of * WARNING * to all those doing any refitting / renovations. It was common practice for fibreglass boat builders at least up to the mid 80s and sometimes later to bond the various moulding together with a "bog" comprising polyester resin and ASBESTOS. The colour of the bog is no indication since it was common practice to add left over gel coat to the mix. RL Yachts abandoned the use of asbestos in the early 80s. Capt Hook contained NO asbestos. Be very careful or better still avoid drilling or grinding the gunwhale area, keel / centreboard area or anywhere interior mouldings meet the hull particularly below the water line. Edit
RL24SEA BREEZERod AndersonFalcon, W.A., Australia Just purchased this lovely yacht Nov 2006 in Mandurah. If any one has any info on her please let us know would like to know her history. Can email photos of her.Oh and by the way we love her to bits. Edit
RL24147Next StepLeigh AndersonCannonavle, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24268RumLineDelys AndersonBairnsdale, Vic, We bought RumLine in 2001 from Bob Mayne, who raced her on Port Phillip Bay. She now cruises the Gippsland Lakes. We fitted her out for more comfortable cruising (a 10kg limit was set - we weighed every stick). With her shallow draught, she snoops into parts of the Lakes where no Gin Palace dares to go. Edit
RL28142Metaxa (Formerly Zephya)Chris AndrewGold Coast, Qld, Australia Hi.... We've just bought her and are looking forward to many good trips on her. Edit
RL24Hull Reg 40177was Pelican now renamed Miss Stress KnotMichael AndrewsStratton, WA, AustraliaI was told by previous owner Greg Rusha that it was named Pelican prior to his purchasing it. Any further info would be appreciated & or contact from anyone near the Midland area who has an RL24 would be apprecitaed. 19/03/11 I have been able to track down the 2nd? owner from Swan View who owned her from 1980-2000 before selling to some one down rockingham/saftey bay way 2000-2002. I would be very interested to hear if anyone knows - knew the 1st owner who kept her in the water @ Aquarama on the lower part of the Swan River & apparently raced her competetivley. Edit
RL24-US-builtSlipstreamKristie AnsleyOrlando, Florida, USA Sailing out of Port Canaveral, Cocoa Beach Florida. http://www.runge.com.au/rl28/gallery.htm Edit
RL28144black beardray armstronggosford, nsw, australiaHi, I have owned this boat for about 15 years or so. I bought it from a bloke in Qld who had bought it from the original owner. Apparently it was one of the last RL 28's made & was built for a Brisbane doctor to race. It was a special build & much kevlar & light weight materials were used. It also had extra mast height. The story goes that the doctor was so severally handicapped, after winning most races on the East Coast that he sold it in disgust! I would love to find out if all this was true, so if anyone has any info on black beard (sail # 144)I would love to hear from them. Many thanks. Edit
RL24244SOLACERichard ArmstrongPortarlington, Vic, AustraliaMk2 Swing Keel. Original boat. Owned since 1978 79. ( 44 years as at 2022............................. FOR SALE. Edit
RL24No #BoondoggleChris AshbyE. Fairfield, VT, United States Just bought the boat, she wasn't named and we haven't deceided yet. Bit of a basket case. I think it's one of the US made ones. Hull number RLT11303M81J. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I also need to find a foward hatch as it is missing, any help would be greatly appreciated. Finally she has gone in the water. Two years of labor fixing her up. We had to repair the swing keel trunk edges and strip her down to bare fiberglass. Repainted the whole boat, hull and topsides. Fixed the rudder, closed in the front hatch, recaulked the windows (still leak a little) stripped the interior of the bad carpet job. So she is a whole new boat just about, on the outside anyway. She has spent time on Lake Champlain, Vermont. She handles very nicely, very stable boat. This summers projects include rewiring her lights and fixing up the interior. Edit
RL24420RRuby JayGareth & Bill AsherUpper Mt Gravatt, Qld, AustraliaBought 2007 from James Clow, Sippy Downs. Previous owner Charles Bartley in Manly. Originally had yellow hull. Possibly name Capricorn One. Was dumped at Noosa yacht and Rowing club some time in 2000/1. Bartley bought her 2003/4 from someone in Manly, sold her to James Clow 2005/6. November 2007 we bought her and berthed her at Hollywell. A bad attempt at covering the original yellow hull with what looked like house paint was remedied by complete paint job in 2014. Now white and dark blue. Replaced all deck fittings cost a bomb but looking forward to clear sky's and fair winds. Original owner was Jack Tullimans of Chelmer. Launched on the Brisbane River. He sold in 1978 but Jack sadly passed away in.May and I wasn't able to find out the next owner. Daughter thinks the name was 'Josephina" Anyone with more info greatly appreciated. After the 2023 Nationals she was reluctantly up for sale. Bought by Mark (Bob) and Alanna Watson from Harvey Bay. They wish to take her cruising. A good rest for the old Girl. We've had 14 years of great sailing on her. Miss her already. Edit
RL2881Morning MistMichael AshleyGoldcoast, Qld, Australia Morning Mist is a 1981 Model RL 28. Hull#Q269. Powered by a 8hp 4 stroke Evinrude. She is fitted with solar panel and GPS. Colour is original White hull and yellow deck. Morning Mist is located in Hollywell Harbour where Robb Legg originally resided. Morning Mist regularly races on Wednesday afternoon races with Runaway Bay Yacht Club Edit
RL28PA02Stormy AffairMichael AshleyGold Coast, Queensland, AustraliaMoored at Hollywell harbour Goldcoast Edit
RL28117RigaEdward AshtonPenshurst, NSW, Australia Edit
RL34502CalypsoRoelf AukemaPaynesville, Victoria, AustraliaI use my Rl 34 commercially in the Gippsland Lakes. It is perfect for carrying passengers and giving access to all of the Lakes. I have a problem pointing up into the wind and find myself around 5 degrees lower than a lot of other boats. Has anyone experienced this as well? Does anyone possess proper lines plans or info on tuning the rigging? I would be very appreciative of any info and would be happy to pay towards the cost of supplying the info. Edit
RL24221Don't Blink - www.traileryacht.comGavin AyreBelmont South, NSW, Australia She was previously ownered by Dr Geoff Oldfield & Lloyd Crowhurst. Nom De Guerre when racing was naturally enough - Sailaway www.traileryacht.com Edit
RL24269Blue Sky MineDarren & Tammy BallardBallarat, Vic, AustraliaThis boat was Street Car. We sail from Cairn Curran Sailing club Edit
RL24249CORACLE IIIVAN BALOGKemps Creek, NSW, Australia Edit
RL2442espritGraeme BarberHolt, ACT, Australia unknown age. the sail number was 467 This boat came from WA I would like to know some info on it. the last owners were in the army and had no idea and the repairs that had been carried out by a repairer in WA were ##### and had to be re-done it now has a spinnaker chute and ring. any info greatly welcomed. Edit
RL28204Hakuna MatataCameron & Elena BarkerSt.George, Queensland, Purchased from Bob Bones in Feb 2012. She's in pretty good condition and needs only minor attention. Great fun to sail and go exploring the Great Sandy Straits...March 2013 and we have a seized Volvo sail drive :( New D 1-13 twin cyl Volvo with a few more horses ready to drop in. Freshwater cooled with 100A alternator. Will make sure the wet exhaust is set up correctly this time ! Edit
RL28Winsomemike barndenwoodville, sa, Australia Edit
RL28WinsomeMike Barndenadelaide, sa, AustraliaRecent purchase. New trailer made - works well. New flexible snapfurl fitted, ideal for safe derigging. Refinished hull back to glass then added a layer of glass in Vinyl ester resin topped with vinyl ester fill coat then final gel coat. This should eliminate any osmosis. There were some small bubbles around the water line when the boat was purchased. I rebuilt around the keelbox eliminating a number of years of nudging reefs. I suspect this boat was made for charter but have no real history to work with, any help I would appreciate. Sails well but seems to have a lot of weather helm in a blow. Edit
RL24202ArooRichard & Karen BarrowBenalla, Vic, AustraliaSold to Bernie Connor, June 2018 Edit
RL28212EclipsePaul BarrowcliffMorpeth, nsw, Australia Recently purchased from Craig (above) May 2018 and now on trailer Undergoing Refurb and keel repair with a lot of help from partner and friends To be moored again at lake Mac during warmer months Needed a bit of attention She's back in the Water fantastic boat I spend a lot of time on her Easy to sail and very comfy Edit
RL24260Stepping Stone.steven bartleyPine rivers, QLD, AustraliaStepping Stone purchased from Gladstone October 2011. Not used as a traditional sailer, we have taken down original mast and replace with smaller one to just run a headsail. Has and electric toilet (highly recommended, 2 fitted biminis, cock pit removable cafe' style table and a 15hp motor for our little bay cruiser. This is our caravan on the water and sleeps 2 adults, 2 children and our little baby beautifully. We have taken her to Moreton Island, pumicestone passage and the great Sandy Straits are next month. Edit
RL24221TIME OUTCharles BartleyGold Coast, Qld, AustraliaMark 3 previously known as "Dont Blink". Have completed refurbishment and it is now a family cruising/weekend boat. The open plan in the cabin is ideal for grandchildren. Edit
RL24221TIME OUTSteven & Charles BartleyGold Coast, Queensland, AustraliaJust recently purchased with the intent of using it as a family/weekend boat. A bit more work to do & we may race her in local races on the Broadwater. Anyone who knows any history on this boat we would be grateful to hear from you. Still working on the boat, & the name change to Time Out at the suggestion of grandchildren. Trying to get it ready for the 2011 nationals at Southport. Recently sold (Dec '10) to Brendan Egan from Ballina. Edit
RL24420Ruby JaySteven BartleyHollywell, Qld, AustraliaNow sold to Bill Asher. Please see the later entry.
This vessel was purchased a couple of years ago from a backyard in Manly (Brisbane). It had a yellow hull but was not in very good condition at all. Has now been re-furbished and will be used for club races on the Gold Coast in 2007. We now have a white hull with dark blue below the waterline and a deck of pale blue. If anyone has any other information about the history of this boat I would be very pleased to hear from you.
RL24-US-builtBig MamaJames BaumgartnerDenver, CO, USA I have only had her on the water once and I am new to sailing. I would love to get an owners manual or some kind of literature on rigging. the main sail is relatively simple but the jib and spinnaker are very intimidating to me. Edit
RL24434INMAGreg & Mary BeanlandBeaumaris, Vic, Australia RL 24 Mk IV white with blue trim. Used for cruising. Purchased from Queensland March 2003. Previous name Skybird. Edit
RL28125SandpiperGarry BeattieElliott Heads, Qld, Australia We purchased "Sandpiper" from Stephen Claffey in Maryborough (9/3/2006) and it now calls Elliott Heads it's home port. We have made some changes such as a larger, 130W solar panel, 50L Fridge, 45L Freezer, GPS system, DVD with 15" LCD TV, BBQ etc to make it more of a cruising boat. We enjoy sailing it off Fraser Island regularly and look forward to our annual Whale Watching Adventure Cruise which we organise each year. In 2007 we plan to modify the trailer to make it more suitable for long distance towing so that we can visit places such as the Whitsundays, Sydney Harbour, Port Philip Bay and, possibly Tasmania. We tow the boat with 100 SERIES Landcruiser running both petrol and LPG. UPDATE January 2014: We have now owned Sandpiper for 8 years and I love this boat. It now has a Peterson Trailers Saltwater Series Tri axle aluminium trailer underneath it and tows like a dream. In 2013 the Volvo Penta Diesel motor was given a complete overhaul and reconditioned. A tour around Australia is now very much on the cards. Edit
RL28130TanglesJustyn Beaumont Brisbane, Qld, Australia Purchased from Laurie in 2019, now at Manly Edit
RL28??serendipitypaul beckwithrockingham, WA, Australia purchased June 2006, hoping to have contact with other RL members. Edit
RL24????Last ResortNick BenderMyrtle Beach, SC, 29579Purchased from Bob Neiman. Hull ID RLT11303M80I. Edit
RL28213WirinjamaJohn BillingPatterson Lakes, Victoria, Australia We have now moved our boat to Patterson Lakes, and will be sailing around Port Philip Bay. Edit
RL2430BingtasticDaniel BinghamRochedale South, QLD, AustraliaFormerly Maverick. Formerly Albatross. Drop Keel. Lovely eager little boat that enjoyed family adventures on Moreton Bay. Sold to a keen RL24 Sailor Edit
RL24-US-built308unnamedChuck BinghamBrookings, OR 97415, USA MK IV, USA Hull #308, 1982 model as registered,swing keel, Edit
RL28AroonaMichael Birch, QLD , Australia Original name was “Swan” Edit
RL28116POLOEddie & Justine Bird, , EarthA real beauty in excellent condition. Purchased at Runaway Bay on the Gold Coast. No Fixed Address Edit
RL287MYLOSMichael BischaForest Lake, QLD, AustraliaBought RL28 Mylos in May 2021. Mylos owned by Ron Drinnen 1983-1993 and then by Michael Cooper 1993-2021. Michael told me that the sail on Mylos is the one on there when he got her (Number 7). I intend to tidy her up and update her for some great cruising on Moreton Bay with my Family. A few trips up north may be in the future as well. Oct 2021, Have refurbished the mast, replaced masthead sheaves, exit blocks, halyards, stays & antennas and all rivets. All new electrical system on the way. Jan 2022 just installed a solar bimini over the cockpit with 750w of solar, Batteries, new main sail from Manders & lazy jacks coming. Edit
RL28CR156Sun RunnerChristian BjorsethMosman Park, WA, Australia Edit
RL28CR156Christian BjorsethChristian BjorsethMosman Park, WA, Australia Edit
RL28Ben BoatwrightBateman, WA , Australia Edit
RL34Ami BodanAmi BodanWaverley, NSW, Australia Edit
RL34ROMAAmi Bodanrunaway bay, QLD, Australia Edit
RL34SpiritJonathan BogaisSydney, , AustraliaRL34 with underwater configuration and rigging modified for extensive cruising with excellent results Edit
RL24336Rack LadyPeter BondKoonorigan, NSW, AustBought off Brendan Mckeown November 2022. Racing regularly with the Ricmond River Rowing & Sailing Club, Ballina Edit
RL28204hukana matatabob boneshervey bay, qld, australiapurchased d thompson may 2009 sails rigging engine refirbished Edit
RL28JupiterJohn BowdenMacleay Island, Qld 4184, AustraliaCurrently undergoing a refit at home. Edit
RL24N34F-TroopSteve BowenMorley, wa, AustraliaJust purchased, looking forward to getting away on the weekends. Soon to be " Some Boat" Edit
RL24154RoadieNeville BowlesEmu Park, Qld, Australia I would like to know some history of this boat (formally Sinbee) Edit
RL24187ragingjim boydcanberra, a c t, australiarecent purchase mark 1 hull converted to drop keel, needs some work before getting wet plus name change to poc ma hon with no offence meant to any one who speaks scots gaelic Edit
RL24234RingleaderColin BoylanLake Heights, NSW, AustraliaRingleader is a Mark 3 Swing Keel RL24. She has been in the family since 1986. For many years, we sailed the boat on Lake Albert with the Wagga Wagga Sailing Club. In 2015 we moved to Wollongong and we now sail on Lake Illawarra out of the Illawarra Yacht Club on most Sundays. She has a yellow hull. Other RL24s are always welcome to join us sailing at the IYC. Edit
RL28SP568LeggendBrendan BradleyPerth, WA, AustraliaHappy to chat with other RL28 owners in WA... and yes I know how to spell Legend. Edit
RL24143Charlie BrownBernie BradleyNoosa, Qld, Australia Blue Hulled cruising MK 1 based at Noosa Y&RC. Converted to transom mounted outboard. Boat was previously Gay Abandon in Sydney. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Owned by the late and great Chris Conley for a number of years puchased by his mates to keep the tradition of beating Apache and Touche going. Co-owned by Jon Symonds and Bernie, Gilly never too far away from the helm. Edit
RL24308My TherapyMichael Brindley Fitzroy Falls , NSW, Australia Edit
RL28giRLfriendPeter Briton-JonesGoolwa South, SA, AustraliaPreviously owned by Harry & Claire Van Rooy and named Crystal III. Moored at GRYC and used for racing and cruising in the lower lakes of the River Murray. Edit
RL24 2JacanaRobert (BoB) BrodiePort Macquarie 2444, N.S.W., Australia Sailing with Port Macquarie Yacht Club Edit
RL28120PondeJohn BrookerBridgewater, 5155, SA, AustraliaRecently refitted. Contains Volvo 9.9 HP diesel with sail drive Modified forestay, larger headsail and extra ballast added Edit
RL2854ParanoidRichard BrookesBallina, N.S.W, AustraliaPurchased the boat mid december 02. In the short time we have had her has been excellent. Boat has hydraulic keel,electric anchor winch,fridge,solar panels ,auto-pilot ,everything we need.Not too sure about the name though!!!! Edit
RL24608OptimistTony BrownMetung, Victoria, AustraliaMKIII swing keel, repainted white 2022, windows replaced with polycarbonate, timber replaced, hatch repaired, companionway replaced, looking for a sink, cooker, water tank, quarter berth cushions, replacement push pit and pull pit. Currently (2022) refurbing the trailer with new wheels and tyres, bearings and seals, rust repairs, replacement coupling, replacing missing rollers and replacing mudguards. Edit
RL24338Alicia IILes BrowneBurwood, Vic, Australiasold Edit
RL2862ANNAPeter BuchananLowood, , Australia Edit
RL2416HYDRUSLex BullBrisbane, Qld, Australia Mk II - Ive been told - Built by Bruce Harris (Shark Cat) - Gold Coast. I am the 2nd owner, nearly recently sold it. Glad I didn't, the more I sail it the more I appreciate Robs design ability. Edit
RL2431?Why KnottBrian Bullock, , Australia Edit
RL24404Dump TruckStephen BurgessKureelpa, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24305jacquiPhillip BurnsCAULFIELD, VIC, AustraliaI purchased Jacqui May 2001 in Brisbane and shipped her back to Melbourne. The boats original Melbourne owner purchased the hull and deck and fitted it out himself. looking forward to many happy hours aboard her. Edit
RL24SP 79Trust MeDouglas BylesNhulunbuy, NT, AustraliaThis was an extremely generous gift from Stephen Lane (see register). The boat has been submerged after the pivot bolt holes elongated. So having taken over, we have bailed it out and are now starting the cleaning and repairing process and very excited. I now know this boat was bought by a French couple and sailed to Gove. They then sailed to Darwin, where the boat was purchased by a gent know in Gove as FIG JAM. He took it to Groote Island, then returned to Gove with it. Later it was sold on to one Paul Mastin, who had many years of fun and enjoyment with it. He sold it on to Monkey Bill before it passed on to Wendy and Tracey Geddes (See earlier register). Edit
RL2469REBELLarry ByrneMaryborough, QLD, Australia Edit
RL2870VermontJill and Jorge Byrnes/PujolHervey Bay, QLD, AustraliaVermont is listed above under Wil Weiman but has had 2 owners since then. We purchased her in March 2012, after she had been sitting forlorn in dry dock for 18 months or so. April 2014: Vermont has had a complete refit and is now looking and sailing beautifully. 2017: After 5 years of many happy sailing adventures, Vermont was sold to a new Brisbane-based owner in July. Edit
RL24115TiptoesTerrie + Chester CairnsWantirna sth, Vic, AustraliaRed Hull, White Deck.

Mk III converted to Drop Keel
RL24GB10Pigs Might FlyBarry CampbellAUGUSTA, WA, AustraliaPurchased 2014 from Rod Clements who previously purchased from Chris Johnson. Edit
RL28HA23Silver GirlMichael CarlisleLakes Entrance, VIC, Australia A great boat. Edit
RL28HA23Silver GirlMichael CarlisleLakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia Edit
RL34my-timeBrian & Pam Carterhampton park, vic, Australia Keel has been changed and I would like to get it back to original design. Any help would be welcome. Boat moored on gippsland lakes. Edit
RL24317SerenityNick Cartwright McFarland , Wi, Usa Edit
RL24317SerenityNick CartwrightMcFarland, WI, USA Edit
RL24115ArgoStephen CartwrightColac, VIC, AustraliaOriginally Lowana 4 the Shannon family kept the number from Lowana 3. The correct number should have been 302. Argo is a mk3 converted to a drop keel. I purchased this boat from Clive May at Derrinallum who owned it for a number of years. Looking forward to sailing against all the other RL24's on Lake Colac. Edit
RL24231SpliceAdrian CassarOrmond, Vic, Australia After about 10 years of kicking about in dinghys (125's), we as a family decided to step up. After two weeks of sniffing around we found the right boat for us and bought the boat from Ken Griffiths on 23 May 2004, an RL24MK3 converted from swing to drop. Family and I can't wait to test it out and get to know her. At the inaugural launch, we will be renaming her from Splice to "Nelsons Victory". We couldn't change the name from 'Slice' as everyone we bump into seems to know of the boat and its history. So Splice it remained. After a year and a half we are finally getting to know how it all works. Will attempt the Nationals for first time this year (Jan 2006) - if I can motivate the crew). Sadly the day had come to sell Splice December 2007 after 3 1/2 years. A family from SA bought her. This is not the end of RL's for the Cassar Family as we move into the Liaison chapter, another RL24 MKIV just a bit newer, minimum weight and very fast. Our next chapter is the purchase of Benchmark RL28 from Goolwa in SA April 2008. This boat is for the cruising only stuff, we will keep Liaison RL24 for a while and race her only. Edit
RL24431LiaisonAdrian CassarMelbourne, Vic, AustraliaWe bought this boat from John Pruden in December 2006. Currently a WIP. Edit
RL24431LiasonAdrian CassarElwood, Vic, AustraliaNow it is August 2009. Still sailing her regularly with the MTYC off St.Kilda. We bought Liaison 431 from John Pruden in Dec 2006. Our previous boat was Splice 231 which we bought from Ken Griffiths in May 2004. Edit
RL2859HERONGRAEME CASTLESASHBURTON, VIC, AustraliaPurchased ex Townsville 2005. Co-owner Mike Smith Kept at Gippsland Lakes. Rob L advises built around 1983 with a number of others for a charter fleet at Runaway Bay. All boats named after birds. Fleet sold to private owners around 1987. Keen to know more history from 1987 to 2004 when it went to Townsville. Hull has Q 170 "built to survey" registration Edit
RL24152PegasusJim CastlesRichmond, Victoria, Dad built Pegasus back in 1976. Still in Mum's front drive. Former national champion in 1982, Pegasus also took our family to many of Australia's premier cruising grounds. Hasn't had a lot of use past 20 years since Dad got crook and passed away. I sold Pegasus to Des who has a place in Loch Sport in April 2021. Happy to share old RL stories if I can help with last century history. Regards, Jim Castles Edit
RL24454Pipe DreamAdam ChambersColac, VIC, AustraliaStill sails at Colac, drop keel very fast Edit
RL24454Pipe Dream Adam ChambersColac, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24260Stepping StoneWayne chapmanNundah, Qld, AustraliaPurchased April 2022. Edit
RL28125SandpiperAnthony ChapmanPaynesville, Vic, AustraliaRL28 Purchased 2023. Volvo Penta. Now undergoing full refit. Removed old shaggy carpet, new Gebo hatch, new Windows, Fit grey water tank, respray hull, new mast and rigging. Looks to be from Mooloolaba at one stage. Sandpiper came with main sail from 145. Edit
RL241GERONIMOBruce CharlesworthBoreen Pt, Q, Aust Edit
RL24OneGERONIMOBruce (Charlie) CharlesworthBoreen Point, Qld, AustBought this old RL in 1999 from the family of the late Ron Ward in Gympie. A lot of people know this boat, as it may be one of Rob Legg's own production 24's or perhaps a clever copy? Looks identical to photos in old books & mags. Sail number 1 on most of the sails, sign writing, pulpit etc all identical, however the mystery of a mark one hull with the later deck, ie 120mm wide cockpit gunwhales. Hull colour orange with beige deck. Many fabulous cruises & holidays around Whitsundays, Keppels, Fraser Island. Based at Lake Cootharaba. Edit
RL28"K-Sera"Alan ChesterTrinity Park, QLD, AustraliaBought from Richard Hartog in Albany Park-Brisbane-QLD who made some 50+ terrific minor and major changes to this RL28 and his work and thinking was great - opened her right up with a full sliding hatch and dropped the stair height, opened the front bow opening and relocated the galley to on top of the keel box and RH side up front. His work is appreciated in making K-Sera a lovely yacht to now live in and sail. Set up for total single handed mast raising (easy). Made her stronger and added extra storage and finer pints. The canopy made of fibreglass in lieu of a Bimini is amazing at shade and holds 2 x 80W solar panels. I'll get some shots up when she is re-upholstered and cleaned up. (Xmas 2013) Edit
RL34Split DecisionsJim and Bev ChisholmBrisbane, Qld, Australia Last owner was John Berry.Was purchased by Ron and Margaret Witz. Who changed her name to SV ROMA. Purchased by David and Halina Marsh 13/03/08.See SV ROMA entry below. Edit
RL34tbaABsolutely FAbulous ABFABTerry & Kathy ChiversYamba, NSW, Australia Sold AbFab in September 2006 presently in Manly harbour Brisbane Edit
RL34Climax. (previously Moonshine)Terry&Kathy ChiversGrafton, NSW, Australia Our second Rl34 previously owned AbFab we raced and cruised with Climax and Abfab until 2006. Max Moriris purchased Moonshine from her owners in Port Stevens NSW and changed her name to Climax we raced both these RL34s together until 2006. We then sailed Climax together until early 2012 When max passed on. We now continue to sail her with Max in spirit. Climax is the original Rl34 (the plug) she has a timber hull which the moulds were taken off. Today  climax still has her original gelcoat in good condition , she carries a Volvo 30hp with100 hours on the clock, she is fitted with many cruising extras but still turns many heads in club races, she points very high due to her running back stays but like all Rl34s loves to run down wind with a kite or her sails goose winged and her keel up!,,,,,,, just try and catch her Edit
RL24162LenaroReg ChristiansenSW Victoria, , AustraliaI sold it in 1988 ish Edit
RL28125sandpiperStephen claffeymaryborough, qld, Australia Edit
RL28ADINADaryl ClaffeySANDGATE, QLD, AustraliaWill be renaming soon. Ill add aditional info soon and I'd welcome a information from anyone who knows more history of Adina. Edit
RL24430miss penny moneydavid clancycootharabar, qld, austWhat can I say, we're living the dream, love our boat and sail at Boreen Point and Noosa, as often as we can. Camp, sail, fish, motor. The boat was owned by Harry,for a long time and he sold it to us on the condition that we will restore it and take my young family sailing. Thank you Harry, we all enjoy it - there's something in that wind that makes us feel so much more happy. Gee we laugh. Edit
RL24no numberCacatooCharles ClarkGoondiwindi, QLD, AustraliaTook over from Alan Clark from Boggabilla northern NSW who used to sail from Hollywell Harbour. Alan's original RL24 Jabaru was used by Rob Legg to make new moulds when he began manufacturing on his own. Please update this information if needed. Edit
RL28106Peaches and Cream Charles ClarkGoondiwindi, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24135True BlueJamie and Michele ClarkGold Coast, Qld, Australia Back on the water real soon ! Edit
RL24314OasisGlen ClarkeSomerton Park , SA, AustraliaSwing keel, Mk 3. Edit
RL24327ReislingRob ClarsenLugarno, NSW, AustraliaOnly 2 owners both in Lugarn. A very good original boat Edit
RL28PA02Stormy AffairKen ClaytonDingley, Victoria, AustraliaModified vertical lift hydraulic keel Extended mast and boom. Nanni 15hp inboard diesel driving a volvo folding three blade prop. Won twilight series local races this(99-00 ) year and look like being well placed in club aggregate for other races. Race on a performance based handicap but find it hard to compete on a CBH handicap Edit
RL24235FreyaR & B Cole/StonePortland, Vic, AustraliaWe purchased Freya in Nov 09.She had been sailed in Portland for many years by 2 previous local owners and came from Melbourne prior.She is a MK3,swing keel.We have enjoyed racing her locally and also cruising around Sydney,Hawkesbury,Pittwater and Goolwa,SA. Edit
RL28?ArgoCraig ColemanHoward Springs Darwin , NT 0835, AustraliaPurchased Argo last year on Groote Eylandte. Have not sailed her yet. Some repairs to be finished and in the water after the Cyclone season. I have however, sat in her on the trailer, rocked gently, leant 10 degrees and completed a trip back to Darwin. Edit
RL24rum lineben colescaloundra, qlf, austmy dad had mistic when I was a kid Edit
RL28Windsong IISean ColganPerth, Western Australia, Australia Edit
RL24202ArooBernie ConnorSale, VIC, AustraliaMk II, purchased from Richard & Karen Barrow, June 2018. Edit
RL24414ArchinaIan CookPoint Lonsdale, Victoria, Australia Mark 3 swing keel. Originally bought from Ross Coburn (1982?) by Geoff Olney who was his business partner and named "Archina" after his wife. I believe Geoff now lives at Ocean Grove. After 2 seasons he sold it to Graham Cox of Howard St, Shoreham who renamed to "Shoreham Follies". Later he sold it and it went to the Deviot sailing Club in Tasmania. Then Brendan Dance of Sanford Tasmania acquired it and renamed it "Serenade". In March 2003 it was bought by Ian Cook and sailed at Colac Yacht Club - a mecca for RL24S. Ian renamed it "Screaming' Blue Murder". Ian sold it in 2019 to ........... from Somers, who after having it for approximately one year sold it to a friend.............. and it is now housed at Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club and has reverted to its original name of "Archina". Edit
RL24414screamin' blue murderIan CookColac, Vic, AustraliaHoused Colac Yacht Club. Mark 3 swing keel Edit
RL24346DolphinBryan CoolahanThornton, Qld, AustraliaPurchased 23 January 2010. Edit
RL2463/144MistralLorraine CooperTorquay, Qld, AustraliaMy sail was numbered 63 but the new number over the top is 144, not sure why? The history of Mistral I am lead to believe is the prototype for the beginning of a new era of sailing! Edit
RL24-US-builtLarry CooperLarry COOPERBoston, MA, US Edit
RL24600Cosmic SedsoRoss CorbenKnoxfield, Vic, Australia:0 Edit
RL24999Jo JoRobert CordwellResearch, Vic, Australia Edit
RL28not knownPUWINAPeter CorserYanakie, Vic, AustraliaOriginally named BENCHMARK. First owned by Brian Cartwright, the boat was moored at Goolwa.SA and was used for cruising the lower murray and the lakes. Subsequently purchased by Adrian Cassar of Melbourne about 2005. 2013 purchased by Peter Corser of Yanakie Victoria. currently undergoing some TLC. Plan to cruise the Gippsland Lakes, Corner Inlet and island hopping around Bass Strait. Changed name to Puwina (Flame Robin) which flies between Tasmania and Victoria. Edit
RL28200FootlooseJohn CotterillBolton Point, NSW, Australia Boat was built in 1988 and hence sail number of 200 for the bicentenial Edit
RL28NammuMichael CowanTin Can Bay, Qld, AustraliaThis boat was originally called 'Swan'. We are learning to sail. Nammu is a lovely wee boat...great design Edit
RL24148Patchie 111max cowdroyGalston 2159, NSW, AustraliaSorry to say I sold my boat after 30 wonderful years. The new owner lives in Victoria so hopefully he will register with you Edit
RL24148Patchie 111Max CowdroyGalston, NSW, Australiahad my boat for 17yrs, beaut orange colour so I keep it in a shed when not on the water.'sailed the Whitsundays, Keppel Bay and Great Sandy Straits.Love my boat!! Edit
RL24445Easy BeatBrent CraigBribie Island, QLD, AustraliaJoint owners Roger Bryce and Brent Craig Edit
RL24445EasybeatPhilip CrawfordCleveland, QLD, Australia Edit
RL34NorsemanQDick CribbBrisbane, Qld, Australia NorsemanQ is moored at the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club in Manly. This boat was originally built to survey for my brother-in-law Ian Wilson and I have owned it for the last 6-7 years since Ian's health prevented him from using it. It has had one other owner for 9 months just recently for a trip to Hinchinbrook Island and back and I repurchased it September this year. It was originally fitted out as a sail training vessel. I have since replaced the Volvo MD7B with a Volvo Penta 2030. It had totally new running and standing rigging in 2005. Edit
RL24341ElsaPeter CroftUlverstone, Tas, Australia Mark 3 Cruising vessel purchased 14 Dec 87 in Brisbane, believed built 1978 and sold to Victoria? Any information to Croft,31 Walker St. Ulverstone,7315,Tas.03/64255976.Have original main sail (vgc) for sale-any offers?Was named ANNE. Edit
RL24252Korner KennelI Mark Croser, , AustraliaI Purchased The Boat In 1988 From The Marina At Goolwa.From 88 To 97 The RL Was Sailed AtPT VINCENT SA With My Wife And 3 Boys As Crew.Since Then The Boat Has Been Home To 70 Rats And 30 Mice [Farm].In 03 I Would To Wet The Hull Again But I Need To Buy Some Used Sails So If Any Body Can Help Me Please Contact Me. Edit
RL2497captain morgan Damian Crowgoldcoast, qld, aust Edit
RL34??john croxsonmoruya, nsw, aui am looking at buying a RL 34.....please tell me if you know of a fixed keel version and if its a good thing or not? Edit
RL24551CosmosIain CummingsBenowa, Qld, AustraliaI bought 551 Cosmos off Bob Smith in Sept 22. In between everything else in life, I ve chipped off all the rust and repainted the centre board, varnished furniture, serviced the outboard and now got it ready to go again. Located at home on the Gold Coast. Edit
RL24301Sunday jointCris CuretonDarwin, NT, Australia Edit
RL24Don CurrieHervey Bay, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24103ToucanAllan, Bryan & Glen CuthbertsonColac, Victoria, AustraliaStilled raced at Colac and quite often comes seconed after This Way Up. Edit
RL34SEQUELCraig CuttrissBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaPrevious owner was the late Paul Poolman. Boat repainted in 2000. Otherwise in original state. (Constructed 1982) Edit
RL2458DIS IS LIVINAlan DahlBurpengary, Qld, AustraliaBoat sold to Steve North to be replacement of his unfortuneate loss of "Go For It" in the "Surf to City" Race.Believe the new name will be "Go Again" Edit
RL34Not Known AquariusGeorge & Jackie DanielsSunnybank Bris., Qld, Australia Launched 1987. Purchased from Charter Fleet in Port Stevens NSW May 1997. Now moored Raby Bay Qld. Previously owned RL28 Tarka II for 14 years. Edit
RL24110This Way UpIan Lane & Daryl LangdonColac, Victoria, Australia1999 National and Victorian Swing Keel Champions. Edit
RL2424Ananaka IIScott DasboroughKarnup, WA, Australia My wife and I recently purchased Ananaka II from Jeff Milligan from Safety Bay. Name will be changed to No More Crumbs. We are still learning but having a great time. Would love to catch up with others in Rockingham area with an RL 24. Edit
RL24999JO JO 2Peter DaveyFrankston South, Vic., AustraliaPurchased from Robert Cordwell December '05. I dont know how the sail number 999 was assigned. The boat is a Mark 3 swing keel with a 7/8 rig and is stored on Raymond Island in the Gippsland Lakes. Amended May 2020. Edit
RL24505ShakaRichard DaviesHunters Hill, NSW, AutraliaBought Shaka for exploring estuaries and coastal lakes. I may join a regatta or two if a motivated crew gathers around. The boat seems sound thanks to previous owners using it well. Edit
RL24332AnitraPeta DavisAugusta, WA, Australia Purchased from Peter Howman in August 2007 to be raced on the Hardy Inlet in Augusta. After a clean up and spit and polish, electric winch and anti-foul we raced on opening day Oct. 28th with new skipper, local Ray Wakelin,to second over the line and a first on handicap. Looking for help to provide a swing keel "telltale" as we race with various keel positions. Edit
RL24332AnitraPeta DavisAUGUSTA, WA, AustraliaWe bought our Anitra in 1989 and have had nothing but wonderful holidays and experiences with her. We are now off to Perth with work so looking for a 'loving' owner. Peta bought the boat in late 2007 and after changing the keel winch to electric has raced with the Augusta Yacht Club with 3 other RL 24's plus mixed fleet,since then with experienced skipper Ray Wakelin. 2007-8 missed club champion on count back. 2008-9, only beaten 4 times in 17 starts. Great boat, looks good, sails beautifully. Edit
RL28116NeringaMarcus DedmanMacedon, VIC, AustraliaA lovely boat picked up from Manly Brisbane. Had to buy a new trailer that has been customised to load with the press of a button. Will be used for cruising with many improvements already done and many more in the plans for the future. Boat had previous name of Polo removed so boat was nameless at purchase allowing a new name without the bad luck. Edit
RL24 not known,Hull # RLT11303m81aunnamed at this timeRichard DehneAlbuquerque, NM, USAI acquired this boat recently, and have completely striped it down, repairing/restoring it over the winter, and hope to have it in the water in the spring, ( will see) I have restored cars and old motorcycles,(for 30 years) but not boats, but I am having fun learning. any ideas, suggestions are appreciated, Edit
RL28?gypsy moonPablo DepetrisLoftus, NSW, AustraliaPurchased from Martin Dixon in Bribie Island on Sep 2009. Sailed Port Stephens, Sydney Harbour, Myall Lakes, Botany Bay. Edit
RL24138Born FreeAndrew DerryWellington Point, Qld, Auin the process of rejuvenating her, all original mast and rig...... Edit
RL24not originalPacemakerRoss DevittMackay, Qld, AustraliaOld boat, orange gelcoat hull colour (how many were orange?) full pop top swing keel. opening hatch in front of cabin. Not sure of boat's history but was in Townscille Qld for many years. Edit
RL24243MagicRonald DEWEGERKootingal, NSW, Australia Inherited this Boat After My Father passed away In August 2003 He was the original Owner and we Built it up From a bare Hull I was a teenager at the time Edit
Status 58017Blue StreakPaul DewickCanberra, ACT, Australia Edit
RL24EscapadeRon DickerSaint Morris, SA, AustraliaSmall Boat Club of South Australia. Edit
RL24morning mistJAN DICKERSgold coast, qld, austraila Edit
RL24238JokaJohn & Erika DinesHervey Bay, QLD, Australia Previously named Remedy MK1 swing keel molded fibre glass interior with non skid deck skiff rig purchased from Allure Boats Lake Macquarie Feb 2009 prior to that owned by Caroline Strainig Editor of Cruising Helmsman magazine who purchased her from a previous owner from Woollongong. Now racing with the Hervey Bay Boat Club Yacht Squadron and cruising the Great Sandy Straits.Has been given a totally new look March 2010. Sanded and faired hull, keel, rudder & deck and repainted with Altex 2pac, Looks like a new boat again should add a knot or 2 to boat speed. Joka has now been sold new owner is Brad Hubbard of Hervey Bay. Edit
RL24no#Abegueit IIBob DirengSouth Park, PA, USAMy boat is a 1981 bought it in 1989 here in Pittsburgh.Sail it almost every weekeng on Lake Pymatuning.Love it! Edit
RL24105DixieStan & David DixonGorokan, NSW, Australia Yellow hull -- Bought 1985 form Matt Sainbury -- backstay removed and skiff sail used in races at Mannering Park--Lake Macquarie--sailed all the local haunts-- also race a tornado on Tuggerah Lake 43923080 Edit
RL24550Here's LuckJohn DixonMackay , Qld, AustraliaSail out of Mackay or Airlie, with the occasional trip south Edit
RL28180Burma StarLiz & Bob DoerksenWilletton, W.A., AustraliaWe have spent many enjoyable cruises on the W.A. coast from Bussleton & Shark Bay & the Dampier Archipellago . Last year we cruised from Wyndam to Broome down the Kimberly coast. Edit
RL24300High SpiritsKen DonaldsonGunnedah, NSW, Australia Purchased Sept 99 our first T/S. Formally known as SHAWNEE (Brisbane)Great boat easy to launch and retreive. It has a swing keel with a good sail wardrobe, including a fully battened main. We race locally on Lake Keepit near Gunnedah and other regattas, also cruise anywhere possible when time permits. Edit
RL28126PinnarooGeoff DonovanPortland, Vic, Australia Edit
RL2883Rum and DryLawrence DorsettFairfield, Queensland, AustraliaPreviously named Vivacity Edit
RL24RL8BEYOND 2000/ is an RL 8 METRE ONE OFF SPORTSBOATPeter DowdallSUNSHINE COAST, QLD, AUSTRALIA BEYOND 2000 WAS ROB LEGGS LAST DESIGN /WELL AHEAD OF HER TIME.I raced her succesfully in OPEN WATER/CLIPPER CUP 3rd over line out of 57 starters Ist in Div.1st Overall Hcp TOWNSVILLE TO DUNK IS 5th overline 37starters beating FARR 1104 etc in 15/35 knots what a hoot Recent major rebuild/modification to trailer lower slung custom design easy roll on off trailer.Deck in process/ replacement/new deck beams /frames etc.Drop Keel 2.5 mtr beam max legal width.weighs app 650kg, Rotating mast and wishbone boom 30 sq mts sail area.Happy Sailing Edit
RL24413MatildaAnthony DoyleCaloundra, Qld, AustraliaPurchased in August 2020 Edit
RL3433Geronimo 2Ron DrinnenBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaOwned RL28 "Mylos" for 10 years then purchased RL34 Geronimo 2 from Rob Legg in 1993. Geronimo 2 was the last boat Rob built for himself before selling the business. We transformed her from a racing boat to a serious cruising boat. Have installed a fixed 3 blade prop, jib furler, lazy jacks, spray dodger, bimini, cockpit cover, auto-pilot, solar panels(200w), Elect. anchor winch, second fridge/freezer + battery bank + switch board (aft.cabin) GPS, VHF, HF, Davits, Elect. toilet & holding tank, etc. Refurbished internally 2005 including new hull liner throughout and bunk cushions. Dagger board is full height giving 6ft. draft, board down. Surveyors report for insurance earlier this year was complimentary. Have cruised to the Sandy Straits and Whitsundays many times and as far north as Lizard Island. She has proved to be a safe and reliable yacht on coastal cruising and a pleasure to sail.Currently moored at RQYS, Manly, Brisbane. Edit
RL2833Sunset Boulevard (Prevoiusly Meander)Anthony DurandCape Woolamai, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24242 Gundaroo 11 Doug DyceMaitland, NSW, Australia Found this boat through a friend at Marroochy River this year. Has a white hull with blue non skid deck. Used to sail at Mooloolaba but has been in a shed for 15 years. I bought it from Barry Marguetts in 2015. He cant remember who he bought it from in Brisbane around early 90's. Would like to know its history. It has a white hull and light blue anti skid. had a guess at sail number based on other boats built with same colours. Probably wrong, didn't have original sails. Its a Mk3. Keel weighs 142.5 kg. Any info 0417424579 Edit
RL24?? not original sailsJocelyn Doug DyceBolwarra, NSW, Australia May have been Rob Leggs foremans boat . Third hand info. Not sure if its a Mark 2 or 3. Edit
RL24159WhateverDarryn DyerSale, VIC, Australia Whatever is a MK2 swing keel previosly named Jeweltime and while sanding her back in prep for a respray found the name Intrepid II which I believe would be her original name. This boat has been a member at Lake Wellington Yacht Club for more than 20 years. B4 this I believe she was on a swing morring in Sydney.I purchased her Oct 04. I striped off the original soft sail rig, bow & stern rails,and have slowly been bringing her up to current race spec with Goldspar mast,North racing sails, new rudder, travler, spinaker shoot and a complete refit.My kids and I are now having some fun racing her.Still sailed at Lake Wellington Yacht club and Gippsland Lakes Edit
RL24413MatildaShane and Julie EarleIpswich, QLD, AustraliaRecently purchased Matilda RL24 Sail # 413 from Tony Doyle, New owners Shane and Julie Earle Edit
Status 58037Status symbol (formerly Getaway)Ray EarleyYarrawonga, Vic., AustraliaThis boat had been lying in a shed for several years before I bought her and was in pretty bad shape. We have a way to go as yet, but we are getting there. Edit
RL24165WillarooPaul EdgeGlenwood, Qld, AustraliaI purchased the yacht in 2018. Sailed Moreton Bay and Tin Can Bay. Has furling system. Previously owned for about 30 years. Cruised in areas from Whitsundays to Gippsland, mainly cruise on the Myall Lakes. I think it is a MK II with swing keel and Al strake. Sold and now living in Tin Can Bay. Edit
RL24263RamenaRichard EdwardsFish Creek, Vic, AustraliaDick used to sail on Ken Hackets boat Sasha and had the adrenalin rush of winning the Australian titles at Sandgate. He bought his own boat about 30 years ago and we had some great family adventures in it. However the family grew up, the boat was packed away and it has had a rest of around 12 years. Now there are some grandchildren and Pa is cleaning out the boat. It is about to be tried and tested all over again, or is it the man who will be tried and tested. Edit
RL24TCYC 334Knot A ProblemAlan EdwardsBibra Lake, W.A., Australia Major rebuild completed in 2005. Completely repainted and refitted with new sails and tidy up of internal of boat. Trailer also rejuvinated ready for 2006 racing season Edit
RL24454pipedreamROBERT EDWARDScolac, victoria, Australia Edit
RL28Cariad 3John EdwardsMt Tamborine, Qld, AustraliaProfessionally fitted out from a bare hull & deck (possibly the last moulded!) by a series of sub-contracted shiprwrights & riggers, over the last 5 years. Launching Nov 2002 Edit
Status 580MATILDAKeith & Crew Kerrily & Brenton EdwardsToronto, NSW, Discovered our STATUS 580 in 2002 waiting so patiently on original trailer under a gum tree @ Morisset Park NSW and is ex Oak Flats Sailing Club. Our makeover included water blast deck,centre board sand blast and 2pac, new sails, rudder, rigging where needed, motor and mag wheels. Lovely boat to sail and share. Edit
RL24Wings Daryl EdwardsCOOROY, QLD, Australia I have had several yachts over the years but this one responds and points the best of all. We race every Wed on the Noosa River. It's flat water but I am sure that she could perform in the ocean very well. Edit
RL28Cariad IIIJohn EdwardsMt Tamborine, Qld, Australia Boat fitting out from bare hull - now in final stages of fitout, expect launch May 2002. * * * * * In fact she was launched at Southern Hemisphere Shipyard May 2002, now berthed Sanctuary Cove Marina. I installed a 10 hp 4 stroke outboard but now considering a Volvo or Yanmar diesel. Rob thinks that for a bloke my age its probably not a bad idea! Edit
RL34tbaBonnie Blue IIPhilip EleyNetherby, SA, AustraliaRecently sold the rl28 and upgraded to the 34-In the process of bringing it up to standard-Cut & polish,Full boat cover/Boom cover/bimini/auto pilot/electric bilge pumps.Centre cockpit with wheel and aft cabin is great for storage and leaves cabin clear of gear for cruising..If anyone knows where I can locate a trailer capable of towing the 34 it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Edit
RL24????Buchaneer. when owned by me in 80sWarren EllisCAIRNS, Qld, AustraliaAnyone know where she went, no sign on RL sights. Orange hull, white top, tapered mast, swing keel and rudder, Buchaneer raced cairns and whitsundays, then I purchased and cruised CAIRNS/ islands,early 80s. I asked the buyer for option if he resold but I never heard of her again.Approaching retirement age has me searching for another RL, Any revelations welcomed. Warren Edit
RL24317jemetawilliam elliscoraki, NSW, AustraliaPurchased in January 2024 from Rob Ekart in Newcastle.Now sailing Northern Rivers, NSW Edit
RL2452PhantomBill EllulEast Malvern, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24208Robert ElsleyRobert ElsleySeymour, Vic, AustraliaI bought my RL24 now named Rovic from James McAlpine of Brighton on 15/03/2015. I fitted her out with many extras for cruising, extra batteries, solar panels, charging outlets, pressure water to sink etc etc. Sailing mainly on the lakes out from Paynesville. Sadly now up for sail as bought a RL28 for more room for cruising. Edit
RL2869Robert ElsleyRobert ElsleySeymour, Vic, AustraliaI bought Nara from Peter James on the 15/03/3015 after looking in a boat yard at Paynesvill Vic. Nara is in fairly good condition except for the boat launch trailer. At the moment l am upgrading many items and repairing the trailer when l can travel to Paynesville. Edit
RL24208RovicRobert ElsleySeymour, Vic, AustraliaHacked by Xaveroz_Tersakiti Edit
RL28201DistractionJason Hollister Emily HopeShearwater, Tas, Australia 1988 model just purchased (May 2004)from Rob Hamwood in Brisbane and taking home to Tassie. If anyone knows of past owners or general history please Email, We would love to hear about it. Edit
Status 58088Blue HeelerWilliam EmmettKalorama, Vic, AustraliaLooks like ex Kevin O'Neill boat - came to me via Gareth of Eltham in August 2015 - now refitting and treating it to a new trailer - should re-launch Jan '16. I've not sailed a Status yet - it looked like a Couta Boat 'on speed' to me - just hoping I can handle it one-up. Note: previous entry on this list seems to have been corrupted/grown into an RL24. Edit
RL28F66? Sealeggs(Dingo)Neil EnsorSouthLake, W A 6164, Australia Bought from Cairns via Brisbane 18 months ago.Formerly known as "Dingo" (guess y the name was changed ?before purchase was finallised of course),to allay any superstition.Sealeggs came with an Italian diesel which actually started upon arrival but soon died on maiden voyage,with mast down!just off the groin outside Fremantle Sailing club.Even with a workshop manuel & a professional diesel mechanic she never was to start again.So this involved a major rethink resulting in a Mercury 15hp being installed on a custom built s/s bracket into the well,now she flys.I swear my G.P.S. read 9 knots!!! honest.I,m not convinced the 14ft boom with roller reefing is the ideal set up as I have experienced her rounding up over 15 knots of wind;or perhaps I need sailing lessons!My mast is quite heavy with 3 pairs of stays to support her; unlike the lighter mast,shorter boom & 2pair stays of "Leggend" recently sold from F.S.C. to Flying Squadron (now returned) .Sealeggs is an older RL28 having the fixed cabin roof,and fixed winch handles.Athough the son of the previously deaceased owner towed it from Cairns to Brisbaine for sale,I have experienced much wheelbearing problems,just towing it from the ramp to the hardstand !Sold in Nov 2002 to a couple in Rockingham who plan to spray it Maroon (much missed) Edit
RL24F66(FSC)SeabirdNeil EnsorSouthLake, W A 6164, AustraliaBought from Mandurah 2yrs ago.Twilight at FBYC ;RPYC;Member of FSC.Used to cruise frequently to Thompsons bay,Rotto,but then used RL28 Sealeggs;I crew on a J24 at Freo.Love the trailer/sailer concept as moorings are a pain.Seabird 1st had a 5hp mariner(then an 8hp) on a leg;In fairly good nic for yr,Seabird featured in realestate adverts Edit
RL24F66SeabirdBrenton EttridgeAugusta, WA, AustraliaPurchased from Brenton & Sue Air in January 2008. Great fun always trying to get that little bit extra out of her. Sailing on the Hardy inlet in Augusta. Good fleet of RL's here now. Edit
RL24Hey JudeLewis EvansBurleigh waters, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24417RemedyDale EvansBathurst, NSW, AUSPreviously owned by Lynton Bradfield as "Serendipity". I renovated her over last winter. The hull is now blue. Edit
RL24NilEthelredian FarnsworthMedowie, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24249Coracle II FAULSYDNEY, NSW, AustraliaPurchased Jan/2000. Original owner, John Thomas, Barmera SA. A good basic RL24 on a 'Tinka' single axle trailer. Looking forward to the cruisin' right round Australia! (Not circumnavigating... just off and on the trailer!!) Sold about 2002. Edit
RL2429CanukKen FergusonBuderim, QLD, AustraliaPreviously named Scarlet Lady from around Rockhampton area. Now racing with Noosa Yacht Club and cruising Sandy Straits & Moreton Bay Edit
RL24Merci Bon DieuSteve FergusonDover, FL, USA I have a RL24 in need of gelcoating after alot of sun and salt here in Florida. It's a swing keel with some play in it but no leak. I would really like a picture of a lift since I hate to crank. Edit
RL24509Paul FischerEagleby, Qld, Au Edit
RL28bruce fitz, , Australiahi i want to buy an rl28,how much? Edit
RL244361FreedomAlex & Chris Fletcher-IrishEttalong, NSW, AustraliaPurcashed sept 2010 Much loved Freedom is slowly being returned to her former glory. Often see out of Broken Bay and on Brisbane waters Edit
Status 58030 Flinders Yacht Club Vic, Vic, AustraliaPurchased from Bill Haynes at Paynesville Decemeber 2005. Sold to Tedd Warden Flinders Yacht Club 28/8/22 Edit
RL34WilparinaStephen & Grechen FlintSouth Hedland, -Other-, AustraliaWe are now the proud owners of Wilparina. She still needs a lot of TLC to get her up to scratch. We are also looking to fit a soft dodger (open to suggestions) and change the main sheet position out of the cockpit to in front of dodger. Edit
RL24415Re LaxJohn FoleyRaymondisland , Vic, AustraliaPreviously called radical lady bought of Jeff 2020 He has put an enormous amount of work to the boat and it shows we sail out of the Gippsland lakes yc and we hope to race it regularly Edit
RL2440Kango-Toojohn forsythewhyalla, south australia, australia Edit
RL2440Kango-TooJohn ForsytheWhyalla, SA, AustraliaPurchased from an SA family some 20 odd years ago and still in our lives ... Formerly "grey train"? ... Seeking any extra information that may be available ? ... Edit
RL28TL128MinstrelDexter FowlerDenham, WA, Australia Sailed the Kimberleys from Wyndham to Broome 2006 taking 3 months. What an adventure! Edit
RL24UNKNOWNCJAMAnthony FramptonNEWCASTLE, NSW, Australia Edit
RL28144blackbeardterry francisbrisbane, Qld., Australiabuilt 1988, kevlar, drop keel, Line honours bay to bay 1989 (sunday).Sold her to commodore of Hervey Bay Yacht Club late 1989. Anyone know her whereabouts ? Ph 0405601471. Edit
RL24342Vintage RedMark FrancisBairnsdale, Vic, AustraliaRestored Mk111 purchased April 2015. Previously known as "Bernamarie". Sailing Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club Edit
RL24236Big DealMatthew FrancisKambah, ACT, Australia Aquired Jan 2006 from Richard Voller. MkII with Holm Bros drop keel. Edit
RL24summer rainken fraserBrisbane, QLD, Australia purchased from WA and shipped to Brisbane - appears to be mark 3 but not certain - hinged centreboard with step in case and winch- fitted with duck bill - internal floor moulded grp with non slip - sink on left, stove on right - well in bow - different rudder stock from my sons RL Safari Bay which has a anchor hatch in lieu of forward well - believed to be previously called good Spanking - No backstay in rig - Puchased RL28 Rebel Edit
RL2463safari bayEd Hugh Ken Frasermelbourne, vic, Australia puchased from grafton Edit
RL2811REBELken fraserbrisbane, qld, Australiapurchased from neville littleton bribie island - sound condition - joins 2 no rl 24 held in family Edit
RL28WeggisIan FultonGoodwood, South Australia, Australia Edit
RL24FootyTim GamageBunbury, wa, AustraliaPurchased Oct 2005 Edit
RL28145JezabelPhil GardamBris 4068, Qld, AustraliaJezabel is on the hardstand at RQYS Manly and makes frequent - but not frequent enough - trips in the bay. The lifting keel of the RL28s is perfect for visiting spots such as Blue Hole, and for traversing Days Gutter - even at near dead-low tide! I'd love to trail Jezabel behind my 78 LandCruiser - perhaps to Noosa, perhaps to the Whitsundays, Edit
RL24SP 79Trust MeWendy and Tracy GeddesNhulunbuy, N.T., AustraliaJust bought the boat Aug 2007 in Nhulunbuy and we will use it as a fun sail of our home ship the 24M Rushcutter.we are looking for a Replacement mast and boom Edit
Status 58040ShonaMarc GerardYungaburra, Qld., AustraliaFirst name was "Auriga" and changed to "Shona" about a year ago by a previous owner. Still has original sails and spinnaker in rather good condition. Now sailing Lake Tinaroo FNQ. Edit
RL2822BoleroRussell GibbardMaleny, QLD, Australia Purchased in may 2006 from Tony Fitzgerald. Boat is now at beachmere QLD.Plan to sail Moreton Bay and after getting know her will venture further up the coast. Edit
RL24RL24(no Name)Jake GibbsMahtomedi, MN, USAHELP! I just found you guys on the wedb I have had this boat for 6 years and i need some guidance!!!! Edit
RL24253Red Baron IIAlex GibbsCanberra, ACT, AustraliaMK3 purchased in 1986, formerly known as 'Hugo'. Great sailing in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Terrigal, Merrimbula, Eden, Yass and Elmhurst. Happy in the Pacific Ocean to a local dam. Modified for spinnaker but never raced. Best upgrade was swapping the Suzuki 2-stroke outboard for a smaller Honda 4-stroke. Still used infrequently and a testament to Rob's genius in terms of easy sailing, low maintenance, straight forward towing (still have the original trailer, refurbished a few times) and fun for all the family. Edit
Status 58070MistralPete GibsonLargs North, South Australia, AustraliaPurchased from Bendigo in 2012 and moved to Adelaide. Looks like it used to be called Mistral, no current name or history. I sold it to a gentleman from Goolwa, SA, in Nov 2015. Edit
RL24227BLUE HEELERPaul GilbertTownsville, QUEENSLAND, AustraliaSold now in Darwin Edit
RL24Molly B IIIBeth GlossBroomfield, CO, USAI just bought this boat 2 months ago and will welcome any advice. I bought it from a man that never sailed it, so it should be an adventure learning the rigging, etc. from scratch. Edit
RL24345halcyonmark goldspinkBrisbane, QLD, Australia Edit
Status 580006Jasuji JocaJames GoodchapMount Martha, vic, AustraliaPurchased from father who bought new in 1987? It is a status 580 slipstream and has been in the water only 9 times it is like NEW! Will race hopefully in 2006 from Mornington YC! Edit
RL2864TrouvailleStephen GooleyHelensvale, Qld., AustraliaBought January 2003 from Alan Reid out of Wynnum-Manly Yacht Club. Currently on hardstand at Hope Harbour Marina - Gold Coast Edit
RL28202SilhouetteSue & Lloyd GrahamRingwood East, Vic, AustLaunched 1995 Edit
RL24555The StingLloyd GrahamRingwood East, Vic, AustraliaBuilt 1989, setup as racer cruiser, Gets sailed regulary with Melbourne Trailable YC, Edit
RL28204Hukuna MatataDeborah GrantRosslea, QLD, AustraliaHukuna Matata is now in Townsville. Edit
RL28204Chrissy MareeDeb GrantTownsville, Qld, AustraliaUnderstand was the last RL 28 built and launched May 1989 as Chrissy Maree. Owners were Chris and Joe Serre. Later sold and renamed Hukuna Matata and now owned by Deb Grant and undergoing a full refit in Townsville. Edit
RL2431AquilaJohn GreenIndooroopilly, Qld, AustraliaMK1 Mainly cruise around the bay, race occasionally with MBTBC. Edit
RL24508KandymanIan & Julie-Ann GreenThirroul, NSW, AustraliaDrop Keel Mk4 recently purchased from Joy Batchelor. Kandyman was previously raced out of Hervey Bay by her late husband Robert. The boat is in immaculate condition, a real credit to Robert. We are in process of fitting out for cruising weekends away with the family. Edit
RL2857sundancemichael greenwoodperth, w.a., Australia Recently purchased sundance through a broker in sydney april 07. Got a trailer made up and drove from fremantle to sydney to pick her up, then sydney back to fremantle. We have plans to trailer sail places along the west coast,albany,shark bay,lake argyle etc. Edit
RL28101Tarka IIWayne GregoryRowville, Vic, Australia 10hp Volvo sail drive installed in 2001 Edit
RL24102pussyfoot/calypso IIkerrie Grice brisbane, QLD, AustraliaPrevious names, Calypso II/ Jumping Jack Flash.Just purchased and have met origional owner.He claimed this boat was the fourth one made? New to sailing and love the boat.It has a full set of sails and is in good condition. Currently sailing at Manly.White hull and Orange deck.Am interested in history of boat and general RL24 information. Edit
RL2415nil at presentStephen GrieveMaroochydore, Queensland, AustraliaRecently brought her and will clean her up. Edit
RL24IndabaCassidy GriffithsPoint Samson , WA, Australia Edit
RL24505shakadavid griffithsSt. Georges Basin, N.S.W, AustraliaDon,t trail any more - moored in the lake just down the street ( St. Georges Basin) I keep it in top condition. Sail & sleep out mostly now. ( South Coast of New South Wales) Edit
RL24132IndabaCassidy GriffithsPoint Samson, WA, AustraliaJust bought the boat as a project. Everything there but dismantled. Have experience with boat restoration but not sail rigging or in fact sailing? Would love any links to a rigging guide or instructions. Edit
RL34Lilac WinePeter GrimesSpringfield Lakes, Qld, AustraliaPurchased through Peter Hansen Yacht Sales Oct'17, my wife Brenda and I have enjoyed most weekends out on Moreton Bay. Plans are underway for some extended cruising in 2019! Edit
RL2884MilhousePaul HaggartyBrisbane , Qld, Australia Edit
RL2884milhousepaul haggartyriverhills, qld, Australiageneral interest. currently trying to source a trailer to suit 28ft. Edit
RL283firebirdmichael hainingkin kin, qld, australiabought boat from lex henderson before xmass 2008 , had a total of 3 weeks on the water, Great Sandy Strait and Hervey Bay, Heading up to Airle Beach to sail the Whitsundays Oct/Nov.2009 Edit
RL24269Street CarJohn HallHampton Nth, Vic, AustraliaI have recently purchased this boat and will sail out of Albury Wodonga Yacht Club Edit
RL24240BentleyBarry HallWarradale, sa, AustraliaOwner says fastest RL in Aust. In the right hands. I say he's dreaming. Edit
RL28L.W.26ToucanJohn & Jan Halsekadina, S.A., AustraliaBought Toucan from Chris & Jean Oram of Maffra in Victoria in 2010 Have had lots of good sailing both racing & cruising as members of Wallaroo Sailing club on Yorke Peninsula waters.Toucan has a white hull now & have raked the mast 150 mm much easier to sail & points more Edit
RL28201DistractionRob HamwoodRainworth, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24146Beach InspectorBob HancockBuderim, Qld, AustraliaI am returning to sailing after 12 year layoff. Am looking for a Club on Sunshine Coast where other RL24's are raced. Any suggestions? Edit
RL28DA443WishcraftManfred HanickeRockingham, WA, Australia Edit
RL28?WishcraftManfred HanickeRockingham, WA, Australia Edit
Status 580BalakaIvan HaniganCanberra, ACT, Australia Edit
RL2857SundanceChris HansonAshburton, Vic, AustraliaRecent purchase. Original owner seems to be a J Logan of Mackay in Qld, then Chris Gloyne in SA. Any info re history, etc gratefully received. Edit
RL24211Liquid LimoMatt HarperDerrinallum, Victoria, AustraliaPurchased the boat early 2016, and began a resto on the boat which was in very poor condition, obviously moored semi permanently at some stage. Boat was ready for the 2016 Nationals but haven't yet tackled the deck or interior although have cleaned it up a lot since. Skiff Mast with new Hooper Sails, performing very well at the moment with the family as crew. You can find Liquid Limo on Facebook to see part of the journey so far. Edit
RL24103ToucanLiam HarperColac , Victoria, Australia I purchased toucan on the 1/04/2023 and is currently getting a new look and will be sailing at Colac yacht club Edit
RL24Dream OnGeoff HarrisKarratha, WA, AustraliaOwned it since 1994 and sailed the Dampier Archipelago . Fantastic boat.previously called Gannet 2 Edit
RL2446JAZZEEAlex & Jasmine HarrisonToowoomba, QLD, Australia Puchased Jan 03, JAZZEE is a Mk I which has been tenderly cared for by one owner since the hull was built in 1974. Formerly known as KANDAVU she has not seen the water for six years but that is about to change. Edit
RL28n/kLollipopPhilip HarrisonGold Coast, QLD, Australia Recently purchased and renamed, previously CATHY J and SHERLOCK HOMES.Very pleased with her performance on the sailing trips we have had. New set of sails so no numbers. Edit
RL28103AliwayHarry & Alison HarrissonNeerdie, QLD, Australia recently updated from RL24 for the growing family of 5.Purchased from Mia Tait, Gold Coast,Oct 2003. Edit
RL24408Hart BeatMike & Sue HartMaryborough, Qld, AustraliaMK 3 Previously named Audacity and later Harte Beat. We enjoy competing in local fun races like round Woody Is, Bay to Bay and Boss of the River. Previously owned by John Roberts, Poona Qld, as "Audacity" - named by 1st owner in Ipswich, Qld. Edit
RL28ImpulseGreg and Dee HarveyNorth Beach, WA, AustraliaUsed to sail on RL28 "Anna" in NQ years ago and have been keen to get one ever since. Have just purchased "Impulse" and have many sailing plans between Perth and Darwin over the next few years. Edit
RL2423MistressKen HastingsHervey Bay, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24189 un-named at presentPhillip HawesWynnum, QLD, AustraliaI have just bought her (27/6/04). The boat was originally named Phoenix and then subsequently Lisa Marie. She is presently un-named. She was sailed in Western Australia for a while before returning to Queensland. Used for racing in Gladstone. Will now be refitted for cruising around SE QLD. Looking forward to many days of pottering around with paint, timber and resin. And even more days of lazy sailing. Edit
RL24158Happy DaysJohn & Cathy HawksworthMyrtleford, Vic, AustraliaWe purchased the RL from Richard Barrow , Benalla. Currently undergoing a TOTAL REFIT. Found two snapped off goosenecks in the boom so obviously the 12 to 1 boom vang works. We may have a crack at the state and nationals,and look forward to some whitsunday cruising Edit
RL24428Libearty Bell------previously SwagmanJohn HaworthNorth Nowra, NSW, Australia First trailer yacht purchased 7/11/03.Looking forward to enjoying my retirement present. Watch this space.Having rebulit trailer,installed new electronics,added a new stern rail,updated all safetygear,enhanced standing rigging she is now ready to launch with the greatest of confidence I cannot wait. My very first venture out to Jervis Bay was a great success, not only did the boat sail beyond expectations the wind was gentle and steady, anyone would think that I was expected.I then put her through her paces in a regatta held on Jervis Bay and her performance was exilerating. I am now adding a safety rail forward, for added protection of the crew when they are launching the Kite or working with the Jib. We will be out on the water over the winter period fine tuning our sailing skills, in readiness for the RL24 Nationals Titles being held on the Gippsland Lakes at Paynesville from the 2nd to the 7th of janruary 05. All going well I will see you there. Edit
RL24-US-built?Brothers KeeperJohn HayesTraverse City, MI, U.S.A. Edit
RL24157Chill OuatAndrew HaynesGold Coast, Qld, Australiapurchased jan 02 mainly cruising but beginning to race at southport Edit
RL2857Sundance (soon to be renamed)William HeagueCanberra, ACT, Australia Edit
RL2497Jasper TwoLiz & Russ HeardBrisbane, Qld, Australia Recently purchased, re-named and all timber tidied up. I'm ready to hit Moreton Bay but could need some tips on my first rigging, having not rigged an RL before. Would appreciate any feedback from anybody in the Brissy area. Edit
Status 58028Wavewalker IVCameron HeathwoodCanberra, ACT, Australia It is in good condition for it's age but will get a gradual refit. Edit
RL24305Previously JacquiSal and John HeddlesMaffra, Vic, AustraliaGippy Lakes but a preference for the Myalls . Edit
RL247alfrobert helmorecairns, qld, Australianew owner Edit
RL283firebirdlex hendersonmackay, qld, Australiaowned the boat for 5 years,looking for information on model,year of manufacture ect,white cockpit yellow hull. Edit
RL24-US-built2269HenryBibHenryBib HenryBibEGEnglewood, NSW, Mongolia Edit
RL28ImpulseDave HerveCapel,, W.A., AustraliaNewly aquired, will update info later. Edit
RL28Karin Herweijer, , Australiawe would like to buy a RL 28 trailer sailer for our family of 5, does anybody know one for sale ,please contact us.Thank you Edit
RL2493PendragonRaymond HeslehurstVincentia , NSW, 2540Purchase 28/8/2019 from Kevin Troy. Planning to rig mainly for cruising Edit
RL24218HoneymoonHugh HetheringtonRipplebrook, Vic., Found on the Pittwater as a berth tender. Mk3 swing keel with sound hull but in need of some serious maintenance. My project boat. Edit
RL24108Miss TressHugh HetheringtonCanterbury 3126, Victoria, AustraliaMark 1 Swing keel, now skiff rigged with peelgrain mast. Purchased from Ewen Cayzer at Geelong, Vic. Previously named "Pampero". Original owner was Colin Murray of Goon Nure, Vic. Edit
RL24456september songAlan HibbertOld Bar, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24???Midnite WindSteve Hilgrenparkers prairie, Minnesota, United StatesFirst USA RL24' built in Minnesota. I sailed it in the Santa Cruz bay California and in the Padre Islands of Texas. It is retired and needs restoration and lives in Minnesota. Not 4 sale. Edit
RL2447Spiral Navigator Wayne & Gretta HillMc Crae, Vic, AustraliaWhite Mk 1 SK - mint green topsides painted on. Was previously "Juanita" owned by Ken and Lil at Warricknabeal in Vic, given a new balsa and foam sandwich cockpit around turn of century. De osmosised & resprayed 2003, mast made from and old 18' skiff mast. Raced occassionally, cruised very often. Purchased by us around 1998. Edit
RL24453??Spiritual NavigatorWayne Hill, Vic, AuMark 3 Vic rego GE453. Distinctive dark green cab roof and Yellow trim and cockpit. Probably 1983-4 Given America s Cup Victory, Investigating the rumor it was John Bertrand s personal RL24. Edit
RL2415- Hill, Noble, and PerrinsBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaSyndicate of 20yr olds first boat. Looking to fix the boat up over time and get into a bit of racing. Edit
RL24?Cape RoseTerry & Christine HinchliffePadbury, WA, AustraliaWe owned Cape Rose from 1999 to June 2006 and loved her. Now sold to Tim Jones. Enjoy her Tim. :) Edit
RL3422my timeashley Hiscockhazelwood north, vic, Australiasold years ago Edit
RL28?easyduzitRobert HodgePerth, WA, aUSTRALIAJust bought the boat and have very little experience. Would be keen to chat to any other RL 28 owners. Edit
RL24233Happy HourGarry HodgesClagiraba, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24RL451DreamweaverMax HoggTamworth, NSW, Australia Purchased from P Bowley in December 1999 at Tin Can bay - Qld. A pleasure to sail - looking foreward to doing some coastal cruising. Edit
RL24525Shady LadyKelvin & Tracy HoldtRunaway Bay, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia We have been racing consistently out of Southport Yacht Club at Hollywell and now have 7 RL24's racing, We are looking forward to meeting others in the area to join in. Kelvin Mob 0414 606 238 Edit
RL24338Alicia IIEric HoughHadfield, vic, AustraliaBought from Bob and Jan Reeves Dec 2009. My first boat and loving every minute. Edit
RL2438Photo FinishColin Howard-JonesSeaview Downs, South Australia, Australia Mk.1 with 150kg.dagger foil keel with 2 mt. draught (fully down) 20 sq.mt.fully batten main. 10 sq.mt, battened headsail. 34 sq.mt.Kite. When reefed and orig. jib (20 sq.mt. working area) Edit
RL24AmberMark HowlettAratula, Qld, AustraliaI’ve just bought the boat from the owner who lived near to Mooloolaba QLD Edit
RL28RL%$#Hi-jackBoof Hufferperth, wa, Australia Edit
RL241StargazerPeter & Bev HulmeAscot, Qld, Australia Edit
RL2431AquilaDrew Hulton-SmithParkwood, Qld, 4214Sailing all to rarely from Southport Yacht Club, Aquila is a Mk1 family cruiser on the Gold Coast Broadwater. Edit
Status 58050Wayne HumphreysMirriwinni, QLD, AustraliaPurchased at Atherton N.Q Edit
RL2862ANNAKevin,Greg & Steve HumphrisBrisbane, Q.L.D., Australia 1982 Model. We bought it in May 04. Previous owner Phil Gordon for 2 yrs. Currently on a hardstand at Wynumm Manly Yacht Club. Powered by a Volvo Penta 9.5hp single cyl Diesel. Having lots of fun sailing in Moreton Bay. Update ~ 8-9 April 06 we had a weekend sail to Mooloolabar, getting game now! Update ~ 17 July - 7 August 06. we sailed from Brisbane to Airlie Beach. & Very pleased with ourself's & RL28 :) Update ~ 6th - 21st October 06. Mostly motored back from Airlie Beach to Brisbane because the winds were against us. Sure glad we have a Volvo diesel. Sold 30-3-2010 Edit
RL24163Amazing GraceJames, Soraya & Benjamin HurworthGladesville, NSW, Australia Edit
RL28114BouraniDavid HynesWaverton, NSW, AustraliaPreviously known as Bewitched and moored in Cairns. Fractional rig and volvo saildrive. Purchased from Chris Kline.Moved her from Forster to Sydney harbour on a swing mooring and then by truck to Moreton Bay Sailing Club. Edit
RL2878MYOTTSTEVE ILLAMARSDEN, QLD, AustraliaPurchased MYOTT october 2002 from Sydney.formely named JANOBE.Spent last summer crusing southern moreton bay/gold coast what a good boat.Looking forward to summer this year.??? Is there a rl28 assosiation in south Qld please advise. Edit
RL2878MyottSteve Illamarsden, QLD, Australia sold Edit
RL24Good Spanking(To be renamed)Dave InallDerby, WA, AustraliaMy retirement package is complete.Some changes,a new trailer and name change and my rig will be ready. Edit
RL24Good Spanking(to be renamed)Dave InallDerby, W A, Australia Just purchased from Damien in Perth.Will be getting the rig sorted for retirement journey.(2006)Starting with new trailer, then cabin refurbishment.I have come back to the fold after a long absence.Update Well a new trailer has been built which is in it's final adjustments,I'm at present re-rigging the mast and boom,renewing some of the interior furniture and roofing,simplefying the rigging,mounting the new motor in outboard well(6hp 4 stroke)Other than that I haven't done much.Definite name change and possible repaint and she be jake. Edit
RL24405No name as yetJohn InglisRowville, vic, AustraliaBought from Ron mcrindle, thanks Ron, origional name Bunyip. Removed the name with polisher. Havent sailed my beautiful Taipan since buying Bunyip. Maybe this summer? NEVER SAILED THE TAIPAN AGAIN! SOLD IT! IN THE PROCESS OF PAINTING EX BUNYIP ALL WHITE. BIG JOB, GETTING THERE BUT I WOULD RATHER SAIL THAN PAINT. Edit
RL341 JR734GeronimoDon Ironsbox hill sth, victoria, AustraliaBuilt 1981 i beleive purchased by me october 2015 purchased from Bob Kerwin still living on mooring in hastings victoria ,a very nice and well looked after 34 have renewed spray dodger +bimini and few other things it is a great boat to sail I would love a few rig tuning tips like shroud tension ect Edit
RL24111dodgy vindalooTim Jackmanmolindinar, QLD, Australia Edit
RL28490FANTACYPaul and Marie JacksonHobart, Tasmania , AustraliaJust purchased late 2016. Love it so far. Seems there aren't many fixed keels 28s around.. Hoping to cruise the south coast of Tassie extensively but need to test her out before venturing out into the Roaring 40s. Careful planning and weather watching required down here. Edit
RL28SKYLARKBRIAN JAMESPERTH, W.A., AustraliaWhat a magic yacht. We have done some cruising ie Monte Bello Islands, Shark Bay, Mandurah. I have owned Skylark for 2 years and put on a sun bimme, spray dodger, sliding hatch, gas/electric fridge. Edit
RL289326JasondekJasondek JasondekEFBayfield, ACT, Mozambique Edit
RL24361Endless Summer VBill JaunceyGerroa, NSW, Australia Edit
RL28kestrelKeith JenkinsHornsby, NSW, AustraliaI have owned the boat for approximately 4 yrs. Find it under powered when motoring in confined areas against strong currents or gusting winds. Probably due to my inexperience but I find it difficult to keep stable with trailing swell. Edit
RL24225BlazeJohn JenkinsAnula, NT, Australia Member of Darwin Sailing Club. Participating in club races Red Hull Edit
RL24261Lime SpliceDoug JenkinsMaclean, NSW, Australia Edit
RL28154Wizard of OzBrian & Bev JenningsNoosa Heads, Qld 4567, AustraliaWinner of Bay to Bay Edit
RL2496PapillonDavid JensenGympie, Queensland, AustraliaApparently I'm the fourth owner. The owner before me Kevin Lay Harvey Bay, before him Phil Kelly of Kelly's fibreglass Harvey Bay, apparently he had done an extensive refit including bulk head galley built in refrigeration built in water tanks and fuel tanks, transom modification which included filling in the engine well and placing motor on transom, the first owner Ray Barlow from the Gold Coast, he had named the boat "Miss Alicia". I've had this boat since 1997 had a pampered cruising life. No idea who called it Papillon. Edit
RL24216JimRummy Peter JensenAitkenvale, Qld, AustraliaPurchased July 2001 from Dave McCallum near Nambour following an advertisement on this site. Thankyou to the keeper of the site. The boat is now in Townsville where it will be a family cruiser. Our sailing will probably be limited to the coast between Hinchinbrook Is and the Whitsundays. I would be pleased to know of any RLs kept in the area or passing through. Fairwinds and happy sailing, Peter. Edit
RL28me005Counter Pointpeter johannsenRaymond Island, vic., AustraliaWe have owned the boat for almost 27 years. It has been moored in the water for all that time. Edit
RL28204Hakuna MatataDennis & Lorna JohnsonHervey Bay, Qld, Australia Purchased from Alan and Justine Kirby in 2001. Have sinced changed the colour scheme to white with aqua trim. Brilliant boat to sail in the Sandy Straits. Swing keel helps to eliminate the problem of those dreaded sand bars. Edit
RL2422Lazybones (changing to Katie II )Ray JohnsonCooroy, Qld, AustraliaTo be restored & used for Wednesday racing & camping on Noosa River Edit
RL28Windalerobbie johnsonhastings Pt, nsw, Aust Edit
RL28490FantasyKen Johnson Sandy Bay, TAS, Australia January 2018 Purchased from the Jacksons Much loved and still moored at Derwent Sailing Squadron. Many sailing fantasies still to fulfill Edit
RL24GB10Pigs might flyChris & Norah JohnsonAugusta, WA, AustraliaPurchased from Ian Mieklejohn, Busselton. Edit
RL247alfrobert johnsoncairns, qld., Australialooking for a mainsail for RL24 Edit
RL24332AnitraPeter JohnstonAugusta, w.a., Australiasailing at Augusta Yacht Club Edit
RL24SEA BREEZEowen & hilary JOHNSTONMandurah, W.A, Australiaplanning to cruise rivers and lakes etc. all over Australia,starting 2003. Fitting out to live aboard, learning to keep head down.This is our second RL24, {several boats ago. ] W.A manufactured, named "She's Apples." Edit
RL24411CommissionerPeter JonesManly, Qld, Australia'Commissioner' was purchased from Craig Friend in January 2005. Prior to that she was owned and raced successfully by Don Mallett since new. She is a Mk III with a fully battened North main, and apparently was National champion in 1989/90. She is currently stored on the hard stand at RQYS. Immediate plans are for day sailing and re-furbishment, with the possibility of racing at a later stage. Edit
Status 58062VandalMichael & Jenni JonesHemmant, Qld, AustraliaThis a fairly original boat - still carries some Southport Yacht Club signwriting so I think Robb Legg built. Single spreader rig with backstay. Main and Jib have been replaced - I think the spinnaker is original. 2hp Honda power. Sails well. Edit
RL24307CasperTrevor JonesLoch Sport, Vic, Australia Built 1981. Fitted with 130Kg drop bulb keel, Peelgrain mast, North sails. Edit
RL28GT63Blue PeterPeter JonesBelmont, Vic, Australia One of only 3? Drop Keel versions. Uses an electric winch to raise and lower the keel. Has a J24 rig which allows bigger headsails for light weather. Edit
RL2415276Jim JonesCudjoe Key, FL, 33042I have owned the boat before RL in Minnesota went bankrupt. I was a dealer in Michigan and was setting up an RL 24 racing program. Edit
RL2436KELTO Kerry JonesThorneside, QLD, Australia I bought this lady with great expectations years ago and after an initial flurry of activity she has sat in my yard unattended and neglected for years because of business committments. We have an enormous job in rejuvenation, but we have started this week!!!. Edit
RL24Cape RoseTim & Annette JonesJoondalup, WA, Australia Have had a wonderful time with Cape Rose, now sold her to Kat Pringle. I hope you enjoy her as much as we have Kat. May 2014 Edit
RL24525shady ladyscott jonesmudgeeraba, qld, australiaPurchased late 08 from Kelvin Holdt of Southport yaucht club.Shady lady has been here for many years.I am sailing her a lot and loving it. Edit
RL2883Cyn PhilPhil & Cindy JordanHervey Bay, Qld, AustraliaNew owners of No.83 and renamed CynPhil, are getting her ready to launch after being revamped. now a trailer sailor. Edit
RL24144mistralterry kampfbeechworth, vic, australia Edit
RL24 ?no pressurewilliam kamsteegairlie beach, queensland, Australia Edit
RL24433MYSTICLeon KaneBli Bli, Qld, AustraliaMark 3 showroom model still has Rob and June Legg painted on the back as the owners.Still in great condition. Sailed mostly in Noosa river Also Sandy straits and Moreton Bay. Edit
RL24128HoneyBeeTony KarstMackay, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24189Lisa MarieColin KayTinana, QLD, Australia The boat was Originally named Phoenix. It was sailed in Western Australia for a while before returning to Queensland I have just sold this boat 26/07/2005 Edit
RL24200supercutgordon kaysutton forest, nsw, austboat unused 29years current resto Edit
RL24613LeggLessJohn KearneyRockhampton, Qld, AustraliaFormally Legit an early Mk1 . Purchased in poor condition Have replaced trailer and Refurbished the boat .She will sail Keppel Bay until sorted out then the Qld Coast Edit
Status 5808fiedken kempmannering park, nsw, australiagreat little boat have made 2 removeable bunks and under boom bimi type cabin for sleepovers,just pull into a shallow spot tieup to a tree and lower the keel! do race in twilights by myself or max. 2 adults + 3 kids ok Edit
RL24Catch the WindHarley KenKURANDA, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24-US-builtIsolde UDoug KennedyCopperas Cove, TX, United States My first boat. 1982 model. Not in water yet, needs some minor refubishment. Looking for an owners manual and/or schematics. Edit
RL24198Hello SailorRon KerrEunonoreenya, NSW, AustraliaA Mark 2. Bought December 2008. Last owner had it for 17 years. Not original name. I gather it was built in 1978. Tapered mast, full battern mainsail. OB in well. Looking forward to some great sailing. Edit
RL341 RQ34GERONIMOBob KerwinCrib point, Vic, Australia First out of the mold,though i think the RL34 that was made of wood would be still sailing.Geronimo was originally Rob Legg's own RL 34, well known up the Queensland coast,i bought her and had it trucked from Manley Qld. now she sails the tidal waters of Westernport and coastal Victoria, I am very happy with the roomy fit out and the way she sails, she is proving to be a very good choice for this area and is great for getting in and out of creeks, or a speedy passage along the bass strait coast and is easily sailed single handed many improvements since owning including,new prop shaft and coupling new ST 4000 mk2 autopilot with GPS interface,new radios,a new Maxwell vwc 800 anchor winch fitted sept. 2005. its now OCT 2012, Thinking of selling due to little use Edit
RL34282PISCESTerry & Carolyn KimberleyBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaPurchased 2000. PISCES now runs a New "BETA" 20hp Diesel. plus Electric winch, electic toilet, effluent holding Tank, Extra Headsail sheet winch so can now sail single handed. Finally fixed the gearbox problems by replacing the controls and cables. (seperate lever for gear selection). Its all good! Edit
RL24450ReflectionsKelvin KingNewcastle, New South Wales, Australia Edit
RL34B850LAZEALONGRex KingBrisbane, Qld, Australia Bought in Paynesville and trucked to Brisbane and have just completed a refit and moored at RQYS Manly. Edit
RL24607Lightning Jack KingyCamperdown, Victoria , Australia History so far that we know of. 😎 Lightning Jack was part of a group of 8 boats that were a special order from a sailaway Boat Hire business based in Whitsunday Passage. Each of the boats was built to a specific marine survey set of specifications. Each boat was a swing Keel and had a light Blue coloured hull. After a season or two, the sailaway Hire Boat business located in Airlie Beach Qld, contacted the RL Yachts company to indicate that the RLs were not what they needed for the Whitsunday area. They boats were bought back by RL Yachts. Some time later the majority of these special order boats were sold to another business based on Port Stevens in NSW. They were used there for a number of years before being sold off. After this happened , the history gets very uncertain, there's an add showing two RL24's for sale in Perth, (I cant remember if it was 2003 or 2013)...... the add specifically states the name Lightning Jack as one of the RL's As to how "Jack" went from Brisbane Perth and back to Brisbane again and what transpired inbetween is still being investigated. However, 'Jack' ended back in Brisbane, before being offered for sale again and then was purchased by Ian Robbillard of Warrnambool, Ian purchased Lightning Jack from a car yard in brisbane before selling me Lightning Jack. As per "Jack's" history, we know that 8 RL's were specifically built for a sail-away charter company and these boats never received an allocated sail number as such. "Jack" was number 7 of this mini-fleet and so the owners gave him his initials LJ and the number 007 as his sail number (LJ007). Now I guess I could have just plucked a number out of the air that took my fancy and checked the associations register to see if it was taken or not and for all intensive purposes that probably would have passed the muster as such. So instead, after a few emails and some common sense being applied, the association has had a brilliantly simple solution to fix the problem...... Jack's 007 will be maintained in a small way that keeps his history correct and he gets an association allocated number that keeps the process neat and tidy and makes it all clear for future committees. Lightning Jack now has an association allocated number of 607. Quick history lesson..... RL600 was the last official boat to come out of the mould ... 8 RLs from the charter company never received a number as such. Jack was the 7th of this group... so he gets the 7 and the 600 together. ... 607. Should the other RLs from this charter group decide to be added to the register then it's a simple process to slot them in.... EG : 001 becomes 601 002 becomes 602 003 becomes 603 And so on....... 😎 007 became 607 Told you it was simple.... bloody brilliant really Many thanks to Paul Corben, Colin Boylan, and Rob Legg for their time and efforts on this tricky little problem that had a very happy out come in the end. "Jack" can be followed here...... https://www.facebook.com/Lightning-Jack-108840346439126/ Edit
RL24'V''VENDETTA' KingyCamperdown, Vic, AustraliaPurchased on the 25th June 2015 No name or sail numbers anywhere on the boat but there was an unusal shaped 'V' on the 2 mains.... so she became "V for Vendetta" Has been a well setup cruiser at some stage in her past but has since been gutted for a racer only existence The plan is to restore her cruising abilities and race her on a social basis. She has a facebook page... search VendettA or try..... https://www.facebook.com/VendettA-1807226029522126/ Edit
RL28204HAKUNA MATATAalan & Justine KirbyTewantin, Qld, Australiasold into hervey bay Edit
Status 580223KabootaPaul KnaapWoodstock, NSW, AustThis boat was bought from LMYC in about 2014 for the Carcoar Dam Sailing Club as a club boat. It was damaged by a cow (thrown off it's trailer)and I bought it from the club. I don't think the sail number is correct although the main has the original Status symbol. She has structural damage in the aft bulkheads which I am repairing. Edit
RL24102SashaJon KnightBairnsdale, Vic, AustraliaMk1 DK, Purchased from Michael Ried in 2015.Who purchased from original owner, Ken Hackett, July 2002 Edit
RL24Paul KnissWhiteHouse, Ohio, USAI bought it in 1982 and have had it all these years. We use to sail every weekend on Lake Erie all the way to Sandusky and Cedar Point Ohio. Lots of fun. Edit
RL24196Bella Breeze Steve KnowltonDerry, NH, USAI have been looking for one of these boats for years. I purchased a bare hull about 20 years ago when I lived in Newbury MA. I fitted it out and brought it to the Boston Boat show. The boat and I parted ways in a costly divorce . Would of loved to have the original one back. This boat's former name is Stolen Moments . I noticed it for sale on Ebay . The boat didn't sell at auction so I made an offer which was accepted and drove 5 hours to NY to purchase it. Have the hull and rigging back in great shape , now need to work on the interior. Replace carpet etc..The sail number I got off the the old registry. Came with a set of Oday sails. Don't know what happened to the originals. Can't wait to get it in the water..... Edit
RL24267?MinkiAlex KostinTownsville, Qld, AustraliaA Townsville RL24 that was purchased from Rob ? of the Burdekin AG College and used to be called 'rampant'. I have had her for over 20 years now and she's still used for fishing and cruising and the occaisional trip out to the reef. The best we've done is 7 days on Davies Reef and the furthest out we've been is to Pith Reef which is 57 miles offshore. We were lucky enough to be blessed with excellent weather! If any owners are in the T'ville region and need some advice then! Edit
RL28116QuintetAlex KostinTownsville, Qld, AustraliaA comfortable and economical reef and fishing boat with its 10 HP Volvo diesel. The boat is wet berthed during winter and is perfect for reef diving and fishing trips; weather permitting. Otherwise it's on the trailer for the tropics summer. Edit
RL24Sally KrausBoston, MA, United StatesI Liked Your Site Edit
RL24-US-builtKIWIMike KuhnTopeka, KS, USAI would like to hear from other owners. I have owned the boat for about 8 years and really love it. It is easy to sail and so easy to beach. I wonder how she got to Lake Perry, in Kansas???? Edit
RL24104StreakerDoug LaityMaffra, VIC, AustraliaOriginal owner, with swing keel used on Gippsland Lakes and raced at Marley Point YC Edit
RL2482Hi-JackLachlan Lamont Weering , Vic, Australia Mk1 series with original tapered swivel mast . Edit
RL24168Cover to Coverseamus landersydney, New South Wales, AustraliaBought Peer Gynt from Charles Webb-Wag. He renamed the boat to Cover to Cover. Currently looking to sell her. Edit
RL24BARGEERA shaun LaneMidland, WA, AustraliaFOR SALE....10,000 ono. reg trailer twin axle breakback She now has a tornado cat mast,sails & rig with self furling jib. builtin engel fridge,toilet twin batt and solar panels. motor mounted center of transom and twin rudders fitted.The forward section of the cockpit has been filled in to take a curved mainsheat traveller and creating extra storage and seating. Edit
RL24SP79TRUST MEStephen LaneBeeneligh, Qld, AustraliaPurchased 2008.06.12 Now moored at Gove (Nhulunbuy) where I currently work. The boat was built in 1982 with a swing keel. I think its' a MK111. The name comes from the original owner, a used car salesman with a sense of humour. (Trust Me) Edit
RL24RL 24KIARETTGreg alan Langanport douglas, QLD, AUSIEFUN SERIOUS BOATS Edit
Status 580Slipstream #5 SlipstreamJaime LaurenteGold Coast, QLD, Australia Just purchased October ,07 from Arnold Broekman in Lake Macquarie 2005-07. 2003-05 by another owner just north of Newcastle. Was owned for 8 years(prior) again by Arnold and was bought from David Bray Yachts. First launched early '90s. Now has 16ft skiff mast and a boom cut-off to suit Status sail area. Has 505 5 year old spinnaker with oldish genoa and jib that needs replacement for racing. Hull and stays are in good condition. 40kg of lead added to bulb keel and mast step moved 4 inches forward to prevent luffing and heeling in strong breeze. I just painted her and looks great. Looking forward to see you in the water. Edit
RL2842PicaroonChristine & Tony LawrenceHervey Bay, Qld., Australia Tony is a sailor with experience and I am just learning. Our RL28 was the best choice as she provides pleasure cruising, space, forgiveness for a beginner and a challenge for some one with experience. Edit
RL24319Fi fi lVBrian LawrieLockleys, SA, AustraliaMark 3 Edit
RL2470Midnight SpecialGreg LeachParap, NT, Australia Edit
RL24425DebonaireKen and Janet LeacyConcord, NSW, AustraliaDebonair hull was delivered by Rob Legg and was built and fitted out by Terry Hollyoak in 1987. I believe she is a mark IV swing keel, trailer sailer. It is beautifully built inside and out. Terry and family sailed in BCYC in Ballina area in 90’s then onto Morton Bay Qld and other areas. It was parked up for some years and after Terry’s passing his daughter Janet and her husband and kids are giving it a minor refurb to sail Dec 22 holidays. Debonair is destined to sail in Lake Macquarie and Sydney Harbour areas with the aim to club race once family is up to speed and familiar on sailing her. Look to see you on the water soon! Edit
Status 580Slipstream #7A Certain StatusPaul LeaudaisBarrack Heights, NSW, AustraliaPurchased with a Kurt Griffiths. Purchased the boat last season and raced twilight races at Illawarra Yacht Club while racing cats. Boat has a new sail fit out and minor changes plus complete trailer rebuild. This season will be main race boat looking to sail club races and local regattas. Great little boat looking forward to many more race seasons Edit
RL240Tiki 2Rob& June LeggGold Coast, Qld, "Tiki 2" was the origonal prototype RL 24, we built her under our house in Anglers Paradise on the Gold Coast in 1971, just 40 years ago , to a design I had drawn up 10 years previously, and had been dissuaded from building by my colleagues , because it was considered a boat of that size was too big to trail, however with the beautiful waters of the Broadwater at our doorstep now was the time to give it a try. Our boat was built using double diagonal planked construction, most of her fittings, along with the sails we made ourselves, and she had an over rotating mast, and just a timber swing keel without any ballast. We sailed "Tiki2" with the Southport keel boat fleet during the 71-72 season with success,and noted any improvments needed before using the hull as the plug for the mould of the early 24's. She was the Grandmother of the current fleet, and confusing as it may be, but just plain "Tiki" became our first GRP rL24. Edit
RL2850LukimyuSteve LeicesterHappy Valley, SA, AustraliaWe have just purchased Lukimyu (prev Supermac) to date 3 days under our belt we are very happy. The vessel is very roomy and sails well. Edit
RL2832Just Rosy (formerly Pepsea)Robert & Annette Lester & RoseCrows nest, Qld, Australia Purchased Febuary 2004 from Noosa.She will be with us a long time we believe. Edit
RL24407Miss Scarlett Cliff LewisOyster Bay, NSW, AustraliaBought from Ron Van Der Heide in August and moved to Sydney. Now sails on Botany Bay. Edit
RL24402Lowana VDon LewisDonvale , Vic, AustraliaSince Sold I saw Lowana V In Forty Baskets, North Harbour Sydney. 2010/2011. Michael Stevens (Treasure Island) Edit
RL3428C-BREEZEDavid LiddleScarborough, Queensland, Australia Edit
RL24unsureMacushlaRohan LillieCoolum Beach, QLD, australiaA friend and I ,Paul Hammond purchased the boat from Paul Kebble in cairns. Looking forward to bringing her back to her former glory with some modern touch's. Also Unsure of sail No. is it the same as hull number on the plaque on the transom ?? Edit
RL24PH17GambiarraIrlan Joney LimaJervis Bay, NSW, AustraliaRL24 Fixed Keel Mark III One of the 6 RL24 Fixed Keel Robb Leg made. Ex JAMJARDEL named GAMBIARRA had a victorious career in Regatas at Cronulla Sailing Club but she was moored for 1.5 years :( Bought it May 2020 in Guanamatta Bay, never had experience with boats/sailboats but she is teache me a lot. We are in Jervis Bay now but we spent some amazing time sailing in Pittwater, Hawkesbury River, Sydney Harbour, Port Hacking, and all the way until Jervis Bay. I'm a Brazillian self-taught musician and I've been composing and recording my music onboard. Follow my Journey here: https://www.instagram.com/veleirogambiarra/ Edit
RL2446Dopaminepaul lincolnbrisbane, qld, ausex 'kandavn'- 'zazzee'- 'orange peel' ??? last known address, deception bay via toowoomba via yeppoon.mark 1 oct'73.still in very good condition thanks to her previous owners.nearly finished update rig foils etc and will be sailing by nov '13 Edit
RL28212EclipseCraig LindnerBronte, NSW, Australia Purchased in June 2006 from Nelson Bay NSW and sailed south to her new home, Gwandalan, on Lake Macquarie NSW. Possibly her longest sea voyage in some time. She handled it well. Built to survey however in need of TLC. Gradual upgrades are scheduled. Edit
RL24spiffygreg lindstromport charlotte, fl, usaI bought boat 2 years ago had been stored in the guys carport for almost 20 years boat is like new it is a 1984 I sail it from charlotte harbor to the keys then to the dry tortugas. My family and i enjoy the boat very much. Edit
RL34?ABFABBarry LineburgAscot, Qld, AustraliaAt one time owned by Terry Chivers Edit
RL28unknownBali HaiThomas LinsdellBray Park, Qld, AustraliaWe had a small ride on SHALIMAR owned by John Rosider And had to have one. That was 15years ago .We still Have Her. Edit
RL2490BlueTacLindsay LintonNewport, Qld, AustraliaBought this RL in 2007 in Canberra. Now back in Brisbane and enjoying racing her with Moreton Bay Boat Club. They are a great boat, very practical and lots of fun. Edit
RL24227Blue HeelerJohn LivesleyDarwin, Nt, AustraliaPart owner with Brian Hallett. Both former RL owners racing in Darwin.Brian had mk1 Midnight Special,John had mk3 Edit
RL24227Blue heelerJohn livesleyDarwin, NT, AustraliaJoint ownership Brian Hallett&john livesley. Brian previously owned a mk 1 and John a mk 3 Edit
RL28126pinnarooJohn Lloydportland, vic, austPreviously owned by Geoff and Glenys Donovan.A one owner boat always shedded.Purchased 22/03/2014 Edit
RL2447Mistral 2Greg Lloyd-SmithEast Ballina, NSW, AustraliaRecently purchased from Qld, now resident in Ballina NSW Mistral 2 (new name follows my original Status 'Mistral' of 1992) is Orange with cream decks. Does not have seats so is therefore from Timpenny Yachts?. All original rig incl spinnaker. Was originally owned in NSW and then Tasmania before going to Qld. Does anyone recognise Status number 47? NOW SOLD. Has gone to great new home on NSW South Coast Edit
Status 580GT 34Stuart Loft, , Jon Symonds own boat. Purchased from Ian Fluker in Geelong 2/5/2014 Edit
RL2480Hide AwayGarry Loughhead, SA, AustraliaRecently purchased and currently undergoing restoration.Looking forward to future racing and cruising.Also attempting to find out history on "Hide Away". Any assistance would be appreciated. Original owner from Lake Bonney Yacht Club at Barmera SA and performed well in National and SA titles in '80s Edit
RL24KokiriDavid LoveAsquith, NSW, AustraliaRecently purchaced fixed keel RL 24 of unknown history. Interested in hearing from other RL owners in Broken Bay region. Edit
RL24707Radical Lady 2Jack LucasEDEN, NSW, AustraliaKevlar-foam sandwich construction, large open cockpit, twin rudders, holnes-drop fin, hydraulics on all stays and fin, 9 North sails, peelgrained mast. Excellent racing history, very fast boat, currently in Eden NSW. Boat is FOR SALE. Edit
RL24107HoneyeaterBrian LundMENINGIE, SA, Just picked her up as a project boat. Grandson wants to rename "Honeyeater" when she s sorted. 4th RL24 in Meningie SC. (previous narrative from Peter Trigger, "30/6/04 Yogi is a Mk0 (early Mk1). Hull no.38 picked up April 74, sail no.107 was from a batch for Vic. No outboard cutout or step. Fitted with a 16 skiff mast. Readying for water after a 7yr break. It will be used mainly for cruising.") Edit
RL24109White Faced HeronBrian LundMENINGIE, SA, Recently became the "newest custodian" of this MK1 as Mark and Lynn head off on a new adventure. Thanks to James S. and others I now know the boat was originally called "La Mancha", then "Magic Moments" and that she s had a pretty colourful history. Edit
RL24191DreamweaverKen LuxfordRoadvale, Qld, Australia Recently purchased from Jay Quinn & Marie Axmacher. This is our first boat, so Sue and I are looking forward to having lots fun. Edit
RL24222Thinga MajigSteven LymberyNth Nowra, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24222Thinga MajigSteven LymberyNowra North, NSW, AustraliaMk3. Sails regularly on the best sailing waters in the world at Jervis Bay Sailing Club. Claimed club championship in 2009 and just made 2nd place in Nationals in 2008. Edit
RL24464TouchePeter LynchNew Farm, Queensland, Australia Edit
RL24464TouchePeter LynchBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaI purchased Touche in July 1997 from the Louttit Family (then living on the Gold Coast). We have had many enjoyable trips cruising the waters of Fraser Island, the Whitsunday Islands, Townsville, and the home of the RL – The Broadwater. Touche has raced in the "Bay to Bay" since 1998. Edit
RL2495villianRobert (Bob) MackayMannering Park, NSW, AustraliaI have been in persession since around 1986 purchased from Toronto on Lake Macquarie from a boat dealer. Original name Kalinka (colour orange) now navy blue named Villian. Currently been sailed on Lake Macquarie racing with Mannering Park sailing club. Edit
RL24DulcineaDennis and Lesley Mackay-FisherVictoria Point, QLD, AustraliaWe are the second owners. Boat was bought from Peter Graham in 1981. It has been disused for around 15 years but is now being recommissioned. Our children (who grew up sailing on it) and our grand children are looking forward to sailing it again. Edit
RL24-US-builtunknownKulaErnie MacquarrieBellingham, WA, United StatesBoat name: Kula (formerly Wind Song) Co-Owners: Tom and Julie Bennett, Astrid Sloan, Anya Voloshin. This is a North American RL24 built in 83 Edit
RL28unknownSHALIMARPhil MacqueenBirkdale Brisbane, QLD, AustraliaBought "Shally" off John Rossiter in Southport. "S" is a great first boat for us and we've learnt to sail her pretty well now. We have a new main. (Added an extra 300mm to the boom), Genoa, Jib Kev/mylar headsail to masthead. MPS and 2 spinnakers. Sailed the Bay to Bay twice and WILL beat Flying Fox and ?Colours next year (2002)! We have cruised the Whitsundays last Xmas and the Hawksebury previous year. Off to follow Flinder's footsteps up the coast from Keppel to the Percys and try to get into Shoalwater Bay via Strong Tide Passage (Army Permitting) Love to hear from anyone who wants a beer, yarn or a cruise round Moreton Bay. Please e mail me and we'll sort something out! Great site!! Edit
RL24L'chaimBob MaherRidgefield, CT, USAI am the second owner and had it for over 12 years. I spent a lot of quality time on her. I am now on a lake called Candlewood in Fairfield county CT. Edit
RL28118Sans PeurPat MahonBeaumeauris , Vic, Australia Edit
RL24177PilgrimRod MaleBriagolong, VIC, AustraliaMK1. 8hp Mariner outboard. Previous owner Micheal Carlisle.Just purchased today,19/5/2009. Lovely boat ,will enjoy her. Family happy. Edit
RL24808AtaraxiaPetra and ManiBeenaam Valley, QLD, AustraliaAtaraxia (formerly "Slippery when wet") is a foam sandwich construction and was brought to QLD in 2006. We cruise the Great Sandy Straits and race in the Bay to Bay. Edit
RL24156valkyriebrad manskimaryborough, qld, austbought in 1979 originally called nightmare mk 2 painted hull yellow and renamed valkyrie.had honeymoon in whitsundays.fitted mk3 keel and fully battened main.sold in 1986 to buy flying colours rl28.last seen in great sandy strait years ago. wonder if its the same one in register. Edit
RL28122Flying ColoursBradley ManskiMaryborough, Queensland, AustraliaModified rig, 9m mast, skiff main, adam's 10 spinnaker, mostly used for cruising, races a bout twice a year, has won class several times in Bay-toBay yacht race, also have won overall in Kingfisher Bay Regatta, launched April 1988.june 2011 pulled boat apart several years ago for modification,inc. tapered mast and internal fitout.still havnt put it back together again.hope to rectify that soon,as im getting pressure from son and handbrake!i miss it too. Edit
RL24Arelgregor mansonTownsville, Qld, AustraliaWe want to make a bimini that can stay up while we are sailing, has anyone made one? Edit
Status 58073Seute DeernDick MarquardtFitzroy, VIC, Australia Edit
RL34SV ROMADavid MarshBokarina, QLD, AustraliaPurchased in April 08 she had sat for 12 months at the Yamba marina before I purchased her and sailed her up the coast to her new home at Mooloolabar. Was an interesting sail in that the Volvo Penta diesel had overheated and had to be shut down just prior to being hit by a storm off the coast of Ballina. Managed to get the Genoa furled but the severe squall hit before I could get the main down and as a result the main exploded and ended up a rag. Completed the journey on the poled out Genoa and finally found the motor overheating problem and fixed it in time to complete the last 10 hours with the Volvo purring like a kitten. Now that she is home she will be spruced up with a new main and lots of love and care. A great seaworthy boat!! Would love to contact other RL34 owners and learn more about the boat. Email: marshdav@hotmail.com. Edit
RL2486espereSamuel MartelBrisbane, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24reginall massey brisbane, qld, Australia Edit
RL2833Sunset boulevard Brendan Matthews Drouin, Victoria, Australia Edit
RL28M54Songbird IIJohn & Sylvia MaurerMarks Point, NSW, Australia Hull and deck purchased, late 1987, boat completed by owner, cruised and regularly raced at Lake Macquarie Yacht Club and various other locations Edit
RL24456September SongJeff MaynardMiddle Ridge, Queensland, AustraliaMK4 Drop keel Purchased in January 2023 4th owner. This is a fun boat kids love hiking out, it will take some time to make her mine but getting there, Based at Toowoomba, My kids and I are loving Leslie Dam and overnighting on Morton Bay, more adventures to be had as we get to know her, cruising while the kids learn, hoping to do some racing once she is set up. I spent 3 years looking at trailer sailers. Part of the attraction is the class and the active community, there are not many times I get on the bay and don’t see another RL:) Edit
RL24JMAKKen McAlpineElwood, vic, AustraliaMember of Mordialloc Yacht Club Edit
RL28Sea SafariMalcolm McAskillDarwin, N.T., Australia Edit
Status 580sprayterry mcauliffebuttaba, nsw, australiabought "spray" status slipstream navy hull,from g.remington lake macquarie feb 2010 complete with trailer in great state. learning on lake macquarie. yet to set spinnaker. stepping mast fun?!minor issue when keel pulley block sheared retaining nuts on mast stem. surgeons hands required to reattach it. how to lock down keel? Edit
RL24146Tiki IITim McCallAdelaide Pk Rd, Yeppoon, Qld, Australia The first RL24, from which the mold were taken Edit
RL24190FootlooseDamon McCarterLenah Valley, Tas, AustraliaHaven't had her long, she is a lovely boat after a good scrub, had her on a mooring for a couple of months while giving the trailer a big makeover. Boat is next, but lots of fun to sail Edit
RL243SiriusPat McCartinHervey Bay, QLD, Australia Believed to be oldest RL24 and still not racing Edit
RL2422lazy bones (to be changed)Allan McClintockscarborough, qld, australiaRecently purchased and like all who have owned her plan to restore and get her racing again. She has a major osmosis problem above the waterline but she will soon become the 4th RL24 racing at MBBC and hopefully be ready for bay 2 bay 2014 Edit
RL24405BunyipRon McCrindleEast Brighton , Vic, AustraliaSince sold.We Charlie & Sylvia Gatt of 6 Civic Pde Seaholme Vic. were the original owners of Bunyip.We bought the boat in 1982.We had great times,and great memories Edit
RL24116NautilusJohn McCullochMannering Park, NSW, AustraliaWill be racing on Saturday afternoons at Mannering Park Yacht Club (Grace St Mannering Park). Come down for a visit & join the social atomsphere. Edit
RL24459NusaballaLachlan McDougallBrisbane, qld, Australia Purchased June 2004, with Grant Parker as co-owner, from Daryl Edwards. Mark IV sailing out of RQYS Manly Edit
RL24JindiliAndy McEvoyDarwin, NT, SOLD on May 2018 to Ron and Peter Mark III Set up for single handed cruising Thanks Kevin Troy for dropping in and all the years of knowledge you crammed into the hour Edit
RL2446DopamineGrant McFarlaneMoranbah, Qld, AustraliaPurchased off Paul Lincoln July 2019 Edit
RL24128HoneybeeGrant McFarlaneMoranbah, Qld, AustraliaHoneybee was written off at Knight Island in july 2016 Edit
Status 580SlipstreamVince McGrailCarindale, QLD, AustraliaStatus Slipstream - i believe it is hull number 5 Have just acquired it in very poor condition (Aug.2021)and am about to begin a full re-build of the boat with some significant stuctural upgrades. Great looking hull and overall design. Edit
RL24227Blue HeelerNicholas McGrathDarwin, Northern Territory, Australia Edit
RL24Beach InspectorJack McGregorCurrumbin, Qld, Purchased Feb 08 Member of Southport Yacht Edit
RL24Alfred McKeggAlfred McKeggOnancock, Virginia, United StatesI have one of the boats manufactured in Minnesota, U.S. It was manufactured in 1980, I bought it in 1990. It's fairly heavily modified now: transom cutaway to reduce drag, hull strengthened with half-round stringers covered with recycled wood strips, kickup rudder replacing original (which used a wooden pin that snapped when you hit something), front hatch replaced with C&C hatch, solar panels forward on the cabin roof, lightning dissipation system, other stuff. Edit
RL249YahooPete McKenzieCannonvale, QLD, Australia Edit
Status 58053StatusphereBruce McKENZIERoma, Qld, AustraliaOwned by Bruce and was sailed extensively by him during the 90's. Now primarily sailed by son James. Sails on Moreton Bay and Bruce and James have been spending a lot of time slowly renovating. Edit
RL24-US-builtno #Knot NormalJerry McKinstryTallahassee, Florida, USA During what period were RL24's built in Minnesota? I have a 1980 model and presume it was built here in the US as opposed to having been sailed here from Australia. I have a MKI and it's great. I am in the process of selling for a larger boat; wife and child, you know. Can anyone give me thoughts on resale value here in the States? Edit
RL24TreadplateDru MclaySummerholm , Qld, Australia Edit
RL24411Corey MclennanCorey MclennanBribie Island, Queensland, AustraliaNow: puchased by Xanthe and Corey 2022 in perfect condition from Patrick. Plans to use it as cruier and adventures around QLD. Previously: Commissioner' was purchased from Craig Friend in January 2005. Prior to that she was owned and raced successfully by Don Mallett since new. She is a Mk III with a fully battened North main, and apparently was National champion in 1989/90. She is currently stored on the hard stand at RQYS. Immediate plans are for day sailing and re-furbishment, with the possibility of racing at a later stage Edit
RL34LOBOJohn & Marg McMasterRiver Heads, QLD, Australia We've just purchased this RL34 and have relocated her to Hervey Bay. She needs a bit of work but even so sails beautifully. A clean up and some work will see us cruising by 2006. We are the second owners. Edit
RL2476ArelBill McMasterBendigo, Vic, AustraliaWas formerly called "Drumbeat" and was green. Now undergoing second major fit out and is white and usually sails on Eppalock near Bendigo Edit
RL24327ReisLing McmiallSomerville, Vic, AustraliaMkIII recently bought from Rob Clarsen. Based at Yaringa in Westernport. Mixed fleet racing out of Yaringa and cruising mainly in Westernport. Edit
RL24161ApacheGeoff McNamaraCaloundra, Qld, AustraliaOriginally orange hulled but now blue. Have been told that it was campaigned by RL himself. Love the boat. Edit
RL28SM172PolarisStuart McPhersonBethania, Qld , Australia Edit
RL24gb10Pigs might FlyIan MeiklejohnBusselton, Western Australia, Australia Edit
RL2425SolitaireDavid Jeffreys & Melanie SteedenMetung , VIC , 3904I have know Wayne Hill for most of my life and Melanie my wife grew up having her family holidays on an RL 24 nameed Jemeta. We are looking forward to the relaxing of the Covid 19 restrictions so we can use the boat a bit. Whist we did sail it a bit over summer we were heavily impacted by bush fire. We intend to use the boat as a family for cruising and racing with the emphasis on fun. Edit
RL24181Reggae LadyBrian MellorFoster, Vic, AustraliaOriginally named "Kina" i purchased her approximately twenty years ago. Still has the Dehavilland mast that came with her. The main is Mylar/Kevlar fully battened "Horizon" sail with dacron jib. She is still swing keel and up to three years ago quite competitive. Unfortunately sailing has taken a back seat recently but the intention is "get back into it" this coming season. I belong to Corner Inlet Boat Club. Edit
RL2418 WahooWayne Meyer, , Mark I, Bought from David & Margret Miller of Bris in 2007, previously named Mandu. Edit
Status 5801001PhoenixThe MicallefsMannering Pk, nsw, AustraliaWe are the big rig from darcy wilson on the disussion forum.:) Edit
RL282Ar EllePeter MiddletonNorth Haven, SA, AustraliaPurchased in September 1999 from Barry Collins, member Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club. Relocated to North Haven September 2001 for some deep water sailing. Handles Gulf crossings beautifully. Still in great condition - with extras including fridge, auto pilot, GPS plus plus, so would only sell for something bigger. Offers vicinity $43K near the mark, but in the meantime I'm having a great time on it. Edit
RL2812CourageAllan MiellPort Adelaide, SA, AustralaI bought her in Brisbane Jan 2012. Not bad condition. I am in the process of a complete overhaul of the exterior. Inside has been done by the previous owner. Edit
RL24C 110LegglessWilliam ( Bill) MijatovicWarnbro, W.A, AustraliaHi all. Well. After having her for 3 years I can only say what a great yacht she is. I have rebuilt the trailer and am now rewiring her. Looking forward to sailing her up north for two weeks shortly Edit
RL28GRAHAM millarGRAHAM millarMIRANDA, , just purchased and need help at dora creek 0418404949 Edit
RL24Waltzing MatlidaTom MillerBrainerd, MN, USA I bought this in 1981. I havn't sailed it in the past 5 or 6 years. I need to perform some "surgery" on it. I am anxious to spend time getting her seaworthy. I need a cockpit hatch seat / cover which was lost in a storm that damaged her. Edit
RL24AvanteJohn MillerColumbia, MO, U.S.Just bought a really nice RL24. She has been sitting out of the water for about 9 years but is in pretty good shape overall. I would love to hear comments and advice from anyone who would like to give me advice on the boat or on sailing her. This is my first large boat so I will learn with her I guess. Edit
RL24windchasepeter milnerbenalla, victoria aust, Australiawould like to sell this well fitted out boat contact me for details Edit
RL24163James MinogueJames MinogueWendoree Park, NSW, AustraliaJust bought 'Amazing Grace'RL 24. Registration no.ZD615N. HIN no.AUWWA093972F30. Last registered 5 years ago. She has been sitting in the previous owners front yard since removed from the mooring in Mangrove Creek. I've checked the boat and trailer. Currently getting the trailer mobile, new hubs,discs,calipers, master cylinder,hydraulic lines and jockey wheel. Once mobile I'll get her to my house, lift her of the trailer, lower the keel,check the pivot point, winch, clean,etc. The hull will get a good clean, if my budget allows new paint. Then antifoul and rub rail. All the above deck and interior will be cleaned and checked. Hopefully I'll be able to learn how to sail after that! Edit
RL24459NusaballaCraig MitchellBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaPurchased off Lachlan McDougall Feb 2007. My wife and I are learning the craft of sailing on this excellent performing boat. Edit
RL24TinytanicGlenn MittenRedland Bay, QLD, AustraliaThis boat was formerly know as sea chicken and is now sailing waters of Moreton Bay. Edit
RL28109SOLO SUNMalcolm MoirTownsville, QLD, Australia Edit
RL2443082hasslesdavid molesworthdarwin, nt 0835, AustraliaLooking for swing keel mine is rusted so bad it split the hull.Hull problems fixed but still want keel or at least dimensions to remake/reshape/fair. ph 08 89832112.? rounds up!in any reasonable breeze even on full opposite lock, any clues may help.Yes the keel rusted though it is, is in the boat and down. Edit
RL2475TBAjames molineKillcare, NSW, AUSJust aquired 12/12/09, in poor condition, ready for restoration. If anybody knows of its history I would like to follow up. April '10, has now been soda blasted, inside and out. Had been hand painted. Restoration work will start when I find time. Edit
RL24232Awunda, previously Irish MistDaniel & Becky MoloneyRedland Bay, Qld, AustraliaWe've rebuilt the trailer, stripped the boat bare, repainted it, refitted the interior and rerigged it. Edit
RL2425SolitaireMike MontgomeryCheltenham, Vic, AustReluctantly sold Solitaire late last year -2016. Edit
Status 580SB580Track E DacksMichelle MoonKorumburra, Vic, 1981 Status 19 Edit
RL24PH77Jo KareenSteve MorrisPort Hedland, WA, Australia Edit
RL34MoonshineGraham Morris, NSW, AustraliaMoonshine was the plug for the 34 foot boats. I bought moonshine from southport Qld in about 1985 and sold her to her new owner in about 1995. She was then located at Port Stephens. She was a great boat to sail, mostly single handed, and was quite fast under conditions up to 25knots of wind. She had a Volvo diesel with the sail drive leg and folding prop. The motor was mounted aft of the cockpit. I sailed out the Hacking River and on many occasions saw people amazed at where she could go, them not knowing she had a retractable Centre board. She sailed very well in light to moderate conditions with centre board up. Edit
RL24505Treasure IslandPaul MorrisEast ballina, Nsw, Aust Edit
RL28Just RosyRose, Maurie & Mike MorrissonTrinity Beach, Qld., AustraliaPurchased Oct. 2008. Stuck keel..crust of rust. Now reconditioned and anti-fouled. Considerable cosmetic work completed...goes well. Edit
RL24215Bring it OnPeter MosbeyMordialloc, Vic, Mk3 swing. Bought May 2014. Going for something more "sedate" after a  Magic25 sportsboat. It'll be moored in Mordialloc Creek and club raced against other TSs including a couple of RLs. UPDATE. Not raced anymore .. too uncompetitive in light winds. Got a Sonata 26 for that purpose now Edit
RL24number 3 in 1982FrogmanLeon MoyerSarasota,, Fl., USAThis boat had barnacles 6 inches thick, anchored near Tampa for maybe years? Sails have "RL 24" on main, jib held together with Duck tape! Do you think they are original It sails, I live on it every day, will sail it till it sinks! UPDATE; April 2016 I have sold the Frogman, was a wonderful boat to sail and I lived on it all the time I owned it, almost 3 years! Have moved up to a 25 ft. O Day, about three times the area inside compared to the RL 24! Edit
RL24UnknownKnot A ClewAndrea MuellerFargo, ND, USA1981 RL24 mkiii currently going through a full refit/restoration. With any luck she will be sailing the larger lakes in Minnesota by the summer of 2023. Edit
RL28Just CruisinMalcolm MurchisonSunshine Coast, Qld, Australia1982 built to survey for bare boat charter around Hinchinbrook Is. for J Symonds of Cardwell. diesel with leg. Road trailer - towed by Jeep Cherokee. Kept Mooloolaba YC hardstand. Edit
RL24UnknownCatch The WindMerv MurrayPacific Pines, Queensland, AustraliaRL 24 MkIII Gold Coast Edit
RL28107Don QuixoteBrendan MutsaersLoganholme, QLD., Australia Fourth owner. Purchased in 04.Just don't use it enough. great boat stored in a shed a lot of work to rig to get out. too much work not enough play Edit
RL24RL74CavalierLyal MuttonAdelaide, South Aust., Australia Edit
RL24JindiliAy MyDarwin, NT, Edit
RL24Last ResortBob NeimanStuart, Florida, U.S.A Completed doing major rehab to interior and exterior for cruising. She is a 1980 model,MK3. Has on portside quarterbirth a portable galley/sink made from Igloo Cooler and uses 5 gallon gas tanks for water storage and disposal. Portable head located on starboard quarter birth. Swim platform on transom with boarding ladder. Mast raising system with separate trailer winch and block & tackle leveraged with two 2 X 2's for stability. Centerboard trunk has clear port and starboard inspection plates for ease of access. Edit
RL28451Wizard of AusRoland NeuhahnHervey Bay, Qld., AustraliaMotor: Volvo-Penta MD5A...good condition, Forsail N.2 furled.......Bimini and Boom Tent Edit
RL28not knownThe Dinghy - /formerly Gypsy Moon.Ian NewtonMorwell, vic, AustraliaSold 2022 Edit
RL24SusieJay NivenGooseberry Hill, WA, Australia Have just purchased from Terry Potter who has sailed out of SPYC for some years. Will join SPYC and race / twilight balance of season. Edit
RL28MinstrelTim NolenHopetoun, WA, Australia Edit
RL24193ArielPeter NormanQueenscliff, VIC, Australia MKII. previously "The Other Woman" owned by Dave Parker. Edit
RL2445GOFORIT.STEVE NORTHREDCLIFFE, QLD, AustraliaGoforit was unfortunatly Lost At Sea at 1420 hours on the 5th of March 2011 while competting in the Surf to City race.It was a fantastic ride hitting speeds over 20knts for a lot of the race untill the crash 10 minutes from the finish line. She was One Of the Greats and will be sadly missed by all who new and sailed on her. Edit
RL24KIARETTDaibhidh NorthPort Douglas, Qld, Aust Edit
RL2445GOFORITSteve NorthRedcliffe, QLD, AustraliaGoforit was unfortunately Lost At Sea at 1420 hours on the 5th of March 2011 while competing in the Surf to City race. It was a fantastic ride hitting speeds over 20 knots for a lot of the race until the crash 10 minutes from the finish line. She was One Of the Greats and will be sadly missed by all who knew and sailed on her. Edit
Status 58061Pengally LanePhonse O'BryanNewstead, Vic, AustraliaBoat came from Hobart and called Deja Vue. Keen to talk to anyone who has an idea of proper sail dimensions, so new sails can be ordered. Sail at Cairn Curran in central Victoria. Sold to Brent Richards in 2015. Edit
RL2486Good SpankingDamien O'GradyPerth, WA, Australia After sanding her down prior to painting, I noticed the faint outline of a previous name, "Joi de Vivre" - I think it may have been the original name. Edit
RL24KeehaaTony O'KeeffeHolland Park Brisbane, QLD, AustraliaHave only begun to use and love it.Lots of extras with Biminis ,solar and fish finder.Still learning to sail.Great boat. Edit
RL28888QE3Felipe OliveiraRutherford, NSW, AustraliaJust Bought 'QE3' from Robin and Terry, and I have to congratulate them for the amazing work done on the renovations and super support they have being providing. The boat is for me, my wife Juli and Daughter Lara to enjoy Lake Macquarie and Myall Lakes primarily, but we will eventually venture further. I would love to hear from other owners and learn some of the systems, tricks and tips you developed. Looking forward to hear from you. Cheers, Felipe. Edit
Status 58049Oooh La LaRebecca O'Neill, Vic, AusSoon to sail out of Geelong Edit
RL2488Blue HeelerKevin O'NeillTorquay, Vic, AustraliaSold. Edit
RL24403ColduckGeoff OnionsHeatherton, Vic, AustraliaHad Yacht since 1982. Purchased it in Canberra Edit
RL28L. W. 26Toucanchris & Jean orammaffra, vic, Australia We brought Toucan from the late Rex Castle, he biult it him self. It was Christmas 1995, and was in need of T.L.C. we done it up and we have been sailing in her ever since. A great boat, very forgiving, we have put a bimini on, thats great to keep the sun off, and the rain, we sail her on the Gippsland lakes, we have enjoyed every sail in her, we went, to Reffuge Cove, thats at Wilsons Prom.We would recomend RL28 to anyone that wants a fun time.We just got a yamaha 9.9 for her. Edit
Status 580?IllusionAlan OrchardPORT MACQUARIE, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24315OctantisMartin O'ShannessyKogarah Bay, NSW, AustraliaModified early mark II or III with swing keel removed and hydraulic drop keel added. Two sail numbers came with this boat 315 and 3815. Edit
RL28110Safari MarisWayne & Ruth OverallMermaid Waters, QLD 4218, AustraliaEx Brisbane boat, named "Safari" Rob Legg lives in our street and has been an invaluable resource for us, as we are novice yachties. Edit
RL24106SatoAlan OwenSeaholme, vic, AustraliaConverted to bulb/drop keel. Cockpit raised 200 mm and poptop fitted. Edit
RL24196stolen momentsRichard Oxford ulster park , ny, usa Actually i just bought the boat and i am getting ready to sail it soon . This web page has been a great help to me . Thanks Edit
RL24552CrackerjackPeter ParascandaloMelbourne, Victoria, Australia Edit
RL2819Dave Parker, nsw, AustraliaSold to a mate who has finished the major work and put her on the water. Edit
RL24193The Other WomanDave ParkerBateau Bay, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24334fabellaROGER PARKINGTONMudgeeraba, Qld, AustraliaSouthport Yacht Club. Gold Coast. After 15 faithful years it is time to part company due to anno domini.Fabella has been sold to Rob Brearley of Bundaberg. Sadly this is the end of my sailing and racing career. I hope she will continue to give excitement and pleasure to her new owners. Edit
RL24113FinisterreEuan PatonBendigo, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24201Love LifeAlan, Greg & Chaise PattisonSale, Vic, AustraliaPurchased in February 2008 in almost orginal condition, sails dated 1976 with original owner's name. We assume it's a MK II Edit
RL24124windsongIan PearseWynnum, Qld, AustraliaMember of TSCQ & WMYC, racing in MCC Edit
RL24144imogenGreg & Deena Pearsongnangara, wa, Australia After getting her we refitted the mast and rigging and taken her out for a sail. Great boat! Will now look at getting a new main and gennoa just hope to get her out more. Friends just bought a rl24 after seeing ours so all the more reason to go sailing Edit
RL28490FantasyVic PearsonHobart, Tasmania, AustraliaFixed Keel Edit
RL24Vic Pearson, , Australia Edit
RL24444ambuscade 11Martyn Peaseyipswich, qld, Australia second owner, purchased 13/9/2003 (the day after my birthday) I've just noticed this is the second registration of this boat, thanks Fred & Jenny she is a great boat, well loved and well looked after Edit
RL2495KalinkaJohn & Jo PeggYeppoon, 4703, Australia Edit
RL24168Peer GyntDon PembletonWagga Wagga, NSW, AustraliaBuilt around 1978 launched a 'Maralinga' I bought it off Sid Norris (Botany Bay) (second owner I think) in 1985. Swing keel replaced by a DK at RL factory in 1988. Currently for sale (under offer). Subsequently sold to Charles Webb-Wag Edit
RL24222HummingbirdMark PerryWilsons Pocket, Qld, AustraliaUsed to be called Thingamajig Bought from Viv and Rae Davenport, Central Coast NSW. We are new to sailing, but really looking forward to it. I am sure it will sail beautifully. Will sail out of Tin Can Bay. Edit
RL24noneno name mick petersennewcastle, nsw, Australiapurchased the boat in rough conditon intesion's are to fix it up and learn to sail apart from maybe 30hrs all up on a catermaran only been on sail boat once and once on trimaran Edit
RL24412TigressBenjamin & Kelly PhilipSouthport, Qld, AustraliaWe purchased Tigress from Gail and Tim at the Sunshine Coast in May 2009. She is undergoing a cabin refit (Ben is a shipwright) and we will post photos so everyone can see our progress soon. Edit
RL24M24Odette formally Foot Loose formally Ananaka2Rob PhilipsSafety Bay 6169, WA, Australia I have owned my yacht for five years and love it. Previous name Ananaka II Now called Odette. Edit
RL28WavelengthRichard PhilpMooloolah Valley, Qld, Australia Edit
RL28Songbird IILeonie PictonMacleod, Vic, My Dad fitted out the hull and deck in 1987. She was launched in 1988. Dad thinks it might be the very last RL28 hull out of the mold. Would be curious if that's the case. She's spent all these years on Lake Macquarie and is moving to Gippsland Lakes for the next chapter of her life, with my family. Edit
RL24302SlyfoxAndrew PikeBrisbane, QLD, Australia Slyfox is a mark 1 which has been restored to her former glory in 2001 after being neglected for a number of years.She is now used to explore Moreton Bay and the Broadwater, I have in 2006 replaced the old rig with a new Goldspar,North Sail race rig and race with the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club. Edit
RL241? SANGRIADavid PitchfordN Rockhampton, QLD, AustraliaMark 1 Swing Keel Skiff Rigg used to Sail Out Of Noosa Yacht Club.Purchased in March 2009. Now seen in Capricorn Coast/Keppel Bay waters. Edit
RL34UnknownTanglesNoel PlattMelb, Vic, Fixed Keel, Mast head rigged set up for cruising.Purchased in 2002 from Bowen Qld.One of the last RL34's built I think. Kept at Hastings marina, unfortunately due to many other commitments does not get used much at the moment Edit
RL24361PlunktanicAndrew PlunkettPanania, NSW, AustraliaUsed to be called Finesse. Sails from Kogarah Bay sailing club most Sundays during summer. Edit
RL2449breakawayAnthony & Kate Podestamaryborough, qld, australiaBrought boat from Ian Wade in 09 previously a West Aust boat. Believe it to be a MKll although the sail number says different. In the process of giving her a birthdaygetting ready for our maiden voyage. Edit
RL28Lazy DaysDarryl&Angela PorterSomerville, Victoria, AustraliaFormaly Sula Sula purchased Woy Woy NSW No History. Edit
RL24310This'll DoGarry William(Bill) PostFrankston, Victoria, Australia The boat came from Brisbane to Melbourne in late 1987.I have refurbished the inside. The sail number is 310. The boat has had two previous names as far as I know. If anyone knows something about the boats history,I would be pleased to hear about it. Edit
RL24303MarvinReg PotterMount warrigal, New South Wales, Australia Edit
RL24447SummerdreamMalcolm PottsWellington Point, Queensland, Australia 1985 Mark 3 Great Boat to sail in Moreton Bay. Close as any to original specifications and condition. Edit
Status 58065Ghostarthur powellSandgate, Qld, Australiapurchased 2007, 'original condition', ready for sea but lacks aux power at present (May 2008), considering Tohatsu 4hp. - checked centreboard hinge: ok. - has moulded fore and aft seats, therefore probably RL construction. Edit
RL28108YEAH BUOYRory and Sue PRATTMAIN BEACH, QLD, AUSJust purchased in Sep 16. Formerly known as YANDERRA II. A little run down on the outside but otherwise very well appointed. Looking forward to many days sailing. Edit
RL34SV RomaJohn PriceMelbourne, Victoria, AustraliaI have recently bought Roma from David Marsh and have sailed from Mooloolaba to home in Port Phillip Bay. Roma sails and motors very easily and no bad habits have so far been found. A comfortable boat. Edit
RL24250TANTALUSRob PriceTorrensvile SA 5031, Sth Aust, AustraliaMK 3 Use for racing and fairly extensive cruising Owned for 4 yrs after purchasing it from Len Pettigrew Edit
RL24318Hey JudeRon PriceMaryborough, Qld, AustraliaPurchased this boat previously named Regardless approximately 20 years ago. I refurbished when first purchased and have recently completed another total fefit. Used now only for crusing around the Sandy Straits but not often enough as too many other toys like caravan, stink boat and Laser racing dinghy and not enough spare time. Edit
RL24Cape RoseKatarina PringleLower Chittering, WA, AustraliaThanks Tim & Annette Jones. Fun and adventure will be had. Edit
RL24?Cape RoseKatarina & Glen PringleLower Chittering, WA, AustraliaIn May 2014 we purchased the Cape Rose from Tim & Annette Jones. We are looking forward to the sailing adventures aboard the Cape Rose. Edit
RL24525Shady LadyPeter & Julie Pritchardrunaway bay, qld, AustraliaNot owned by Peter any more but keen to get her back! Edit
RL24412TigressDavid & Jenni ProctorBulimba, Qld, AustraliaEnjoying the boat, have sailed Morton Bay and Tin Can Bay. Edit
RL24199TBAGerard PurcellWarwick, Qld, AusPurchased in 2013. I have set up for family sailing however I intended to attend local races as well. Member of the Warwick Sailing Club Edit
RL24224MelalucaJames QuinnSeaham, NSW, Australia Edit
RL24191DreamweaverJay QuinnBrisbane, Qld, Australia Purchased Feb 2002, formally named "Insalt" In need of much TLC. Original sails in good condition but hull, deck and interior required lots of TLC. Spent approx 2 months restoring it, off trailer on the ground. Many days, hours of paint stripping, sanding, repairing, painting and polishing. Renamed "Dreamweaver". First time out on 26th April 2002. Continue to add and upgrade fittings, rigging, instruments and interior. Edit
RL2837Q E 3Robin & Terry QuirkLake Macquarie, NSW, Purchased off Peter & Denise Taylor, formerly Cloud 9 and earlier Solitaire. If anyone knows any history glad to hear it. Spent the first 5 months in the driveway having the on board diesel removed and skin fittings patched up. We enjoyed a week on the boat at Christmas but there's still plenty work to do to get her ship shape, it will be an ongoing project I'm sure. Probably mainly cruise, be a bit like racing a volvo I think. Edit
RL24RL 24 in circleJeanie Maree Phil RaeTumoulin, QLD, AussieI purchased the RL ON 30/06/93 FROM THE Sunshine Coast. Registration #PO5103 original name Altered states. Sailed extensively Cairns south coastal waters and summered in Lake Tinaroo (due to cyclone threat) Great yacht with 5 kids. Slight damage in Cyclone Larry but still have the vessel and intend keeping it. Edit
RL28VarelieJohn RaisinAlbany Creek, Qld, AustraliaThis boat was launched as Cariad 3 by John Edwards, who has done a marvellous job fitting her out and maintaining her. I have rejoined Sandgate Yacht Club which will now be her new base. Have now had a few outings and I am absolutely delighted. She is a lovely roomy yacht with pretty good headroom, almost enough for a 6' 3" me. She is a delight to sail although underpowered with only a small jib. Beautifuuly balanced, finds her way to windward with the tiller lashed! Edit
RL24147MatrixPeter & Maryanne RandellCooloola Cove, Queensland, AustraliaWe purchased our boat in May 1990, it was previously called "Gray Pointer" . This is a Mark2 boat, swing keel. We love cruising the Great Sandy Straits. We try to get out on the water as often as we can. Edit
RL24Hull No. RLT11302M82-USSALTY FOXvasco raposoCorning, NY, USA Advise on two subjects: * I assume that 302 is the number that should go on the sails. Is it right? * I would like to make some changes in the cabin. Where should I avoid cutting or drilling so that flotation reserve is not jeopardized. This boat was named SPIRITUS under previous owners. Contact me on e-mail carucas@msn.com Anyone with e-mail... send adresses so we can exchange notes,news and information Edit
RL28GE 837Wind ChaseKen & Lynne RappoltCOOKTOWN, QLD, Australia We have just purchased our first RL28 in Paynesville Victoria and had a wonderful time on the Gippsland Lakes learning about sailing. We have towed our vessel over 3,ooo klms almost home which is in Cooktown FNQ. Ken is sailing her from Cairns to Cooktown in a few days time. We would love to hear any info. folks could share with us, sailing boats are a bit of a rarity up there. We have lots to learn. Cheers Smooth Sailing Lynne & Ken Edit
RL24126Spud GunLuke RatcliffSydney, NSW, AustraliaPurchased from Bernie and Ruth in the Lakes Entrance area (Victoria) January 2013. Needs a bit of boat love which we are looking forward to doing. If your keen for some racing in SYDNEY NSW email me on planrite@optusnet.com.au . Edit
RL24459LegacyLuke RatcliffSydney, NSW, Australia(previous name Nusabulla) Purchased from QLD JULY 2011. Put a new rig and sails combination from Norths. Did 2 nationals 2012 and 2013. Sold her to Matthew from Mona vale NSW. Our family has just purchased SPUD GUN 126 from Bernie and Ruth in Lakes Entrance VIC.We will be racing in Sydney/Pittwater out of the BYRA club. Contact me if your keen for a Sunday race planrite@optusnet.com.au Edit
Status 58043chris rawlingssomersby, nsw, auRecently purchased from Nowra. Refitting and rerigging with alloy 16’ skiff mast. Edit
RL2831TARDISCHRIS RAYJAN JUC, VIC, Australia JILL & I have cruised as far as Darwin from Tweed hds (1980 ) Recently we spend most time at lady musgrave and fairfax IF YOU WANNA CRUISE FAR AND WIDE IN THE OCEAN GET YOURSELF A TRYSAIL AND STORM JIB Edit
RL24KEHAARStan REDMONDCarseldine Brisbane, Queensland, AustraliaOurs is a Mark 1 being refurbished to allow us to teach our two boys aged 7 and 2.5 how to mess about in boats Edit
RL24rlt 11301m83 husSold the boat.andrew reisingereverett, wa, usaowned 5 years. now to make her perfect. not sure the sail number as it has none. the info given was found on a phenolic plate glued to the stern. Edit
RL24Blake Richards, , Can someone let me know the maximum outboard size that best suits the RL 24 Edit
Status 58061Pengally Lane - being changed to Miss MollyBrent RichardsGeelong, Vic, Australia I purchased the boat in late 2015 early 2016 from Jenny the widow of Del Reiss who had the boat in Brighton. Del had purchased the boat from Phonse O'Bryan some years earlier. I sail her in and around Geelong and the Bellarine and was looking forward to the RL Nationals being held at Colac until they unfortunately had to be cancelled. I am in the process of giving the boat a bit of a spruce up after a long 2020 and will rename her Miss Molly. Edit
RL24136Wild Fire Brad &Tania Richards Cairns , Qld, AustraliaPreviously owned by Colin Spohn in Brisbane , spohn-family@bigpond.com.au Boat Currently in Cairns Refurbished repainted and ready for water Edit
Status 58032The BoxAngie RickwoodHamilton Island, Queensland, AustraliaAfter much discussion wih Hamos' Commodorable, Greg Alward(The Lemon) and Windsurfing Denis (Cool Runnings), I tracked down The Box in Southport August 2006. It was packed and sent to the island via road frieght, 4wd and barge. She has an old 16ft skiff mast. No running backstays. I have lifted her and the hull is good. A nice royal blue. It might have been red. However I really have to give The Box a lot of love as she is tired. Everthing I go to use I have to fix or replace. A friend has rebuilt the rudder and she balances nicely. I am on the look out for skiff or status sails as the wardrobe is flogged and will be no doubt be for another season. Another Status 580?! I had my first sail the other day and it just rocked. The new jackstays were really tested in 25 knots. I am teaching my friends to sail and what a great boat for teaching. Everyone wants to go in my Box! Twilight racing has started. With 3 Status 580s we need a sponsor for our division. I can be found between the Boatyard and Marina Office. Fair winds my friend! Edit
RL24340FREE SPIRITMichael RigbyDROMANA, VIC, Australia the sail number quite possibly should be 324 as for the reference further up which I believe is the same boat Edit
RL24230Dorrieon (formerly Blue Wanderer)John RileyPort Melbourne, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24232AWUNDAGary RobertsEVANS HEAD, NSW, AustraliaCommodore of the Port Of Yamba Yacht club Edit
RL24408Audacityjohn robertsyackandandah, vic, AustraliaAudacity Mk 3 bought in Ipswich Q about 1991, sold Maryborough/Poona Q 1993 to M & S Hart, now named "Hart Beat", when I moved to Victoria. Wish I had kept it! Now seeking this craft or similar (july 2008). Edit
RL2822BoleroKen Robertson Kiamba, Queensland, Australia Edit
RL2822BoleroKen RobertsonBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaI bought Bolero from Russell Gibbard in June, 2009. She's been stored at Beachmere and is in beautiful condition. Bolero is my first big boat after a 14 foot dinghy and a Boomeroo 22. The RL28 is such a comfortable boat. After a weekend aboard, I come home feeling relaxed and rested. She's also beautifully balanced, set the tiller with a shock cord and she sails herself, heeling and correcting with the swell. I'm very proud to join the RL family and look foward to many years of sailing adventures in and beyond Moreton Bay. Edit
RL24RQ224EllegatoChris Robinsonwamuran, qld, Australiasold and was copletly changee Edit
RL34yc8c-nymphrob robinsonmitcham, sa, ozi purchased c-nymph through cumberland charter yachts airlie bch 1986, we had choice of 3 c-nymph, c-jade and c-breeze(still have the photos first time we saw her!)left in charter for 2 years then sent to robb legg factory for new fitout, replaced fixed keel for centreboard and stub keel, new taller racing mast (still piece of spaghetti called keeleyk10!)new taller rear cabin(from front cabin of rl24 mould!)new interior.also 2 packed the hull in bic biro blue! sailed goolwa and raced extensive mods made over next few years and new engine(volvo 2002)with heat exchanger(woohoo! hot showers at last!)new volvo not as sweet as old md series (no flywheel ). loved raced and adored her until 1998! new name not known but early jan turned up in goolwa lakes(shes home again!)think she is now called bonnieblue? Edit
RL28212EclipseDavid RobsonNewcastle, NSW, AustraliaBrought from Paul in Morpeth. the boat went an extensive refurbishment and is now in good condition. The boat will be up for sale again due to my health condition. Boat sails like a dream. Edit
RL24Tom RocheKemah, TX, USAI got the boat in kit form from Minnesota manufacturer in 1980. It came with hull and deck attached. We used the boat for weekend camping around Galveston Bay. Edit
RL28Q205SwanRussell RogersBrisbane, Qld., AustraliaPurchased Swan May 08 from John Cave. First foray into owning a boat. Liked the idea of a medium sized yacht with swing keel for exploring Moreton Bay. Needs a little update inside but all the go gear is in good nick. Sold to Michael Cowan Oct 2012 Edit
RL24PH17JamjardelPhil RogersCronulla, NSW`, AustraliaFixed Keel Mid 80's Edit
RL28129Trivial PursuitRay & Fay RogersTownsville, Qld, Australia Have recently purchased her from South Australia. Can anyone advise where the HIN is located on vessel? Year built 1988, reportedly by Rob Legg himself SA Regn No.DX184S. Previous owners Stephen and Jennifer Punke. Boat arrived 12/02/05 still to unpack sails so can't advise sail numbers, as yet. "WATCH THIS SPACE!" Edit
RL2422lazy bonesManuel Rooneytamborine, qld, Australia Edit
RL2848Sea WingsJohn RosevearBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaBlue hull, Moroon cabin side. Cruised Gold coast to Cairns, a wonderful boat. "Where are you now"? Edit
RL28PolarisRob RosewornePort Stephens, NSW, AustraliaBuilt to Survey, still able to hold her own in general race conditions, testament to design that Survey did not require any structural adjustment. Has been used as a Bareboat for Hire in Port Stephens for many years. Ideally suited to this area and spends most weeks, resting in the Myall Lakes system. The Layout of the RL28 has proven to be most favourable to families of up to 6. When not on hire, sits at the Peppers Anchorage Corlette and is often used for Team Building exercises for conferences and Match Races against her Sister Yacht "Nautilus", also an RL28. Edit
RL24303CalibreRod RossHervey Bay, Qld, AusMark 2 drop keel, possibly 79 mod, just purchased, undergoing rebuild. Edit
RL2893ThereseBob RowePaynesville, Vic, Australia Bob and Pauline Rowe Edit
RL2893ThereseRobert Rowe, VIC, AUST Edit
RL284287Bacchus (formerly Martini)Kevin &Alison RussellWillaston, S.A., AustraliaPurchased 19 April 2001 from Anrdew and Ruth Smiles. Boat is moored at the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club. Edit
RL245023Para handyAlastair RussellPaynesville, Vic, Australia Very early mark 1 model ( square windows!!)that was sold as a kit to be home finished in Newcastle NSW. I bought her in 1980 in very bad condition and she has now been rebuilt. Mike Coxon sails and rig, fitted with a mark 2 swing keel plus a Holm bros. rudder. I stiffened her hull and the mast can take quite high rig tension. There is a slight chine high up in the hull beside the cockpit? The boat is a dream to sail now. She was raced for a few years at Port Kembla Sailing Club. 8/3/2015 SOLD TO SCOTT VOLLER OF PAYNESVILLE IN A VERY POOR CONDITION Edit
RL24126monkey see monkey do (almitra)bernie ryanpaynesville, vic, Australiamark one ,swing keel. original owner Roy Martin. purchased from Ed Wilkins. 2nd in nationals 2004 (swing keel division) Edit
RL24315formerly known as-HYPERTENSIONIanSeven Hills, nsw, Australiathese boats rock bigtime!!!!!! how much fun can one little boat give? Edit
RL24Wind SongGino SambucoSaddle River, N.J., U.S.A.Need Information on parts replacement for my RL24 Am in need of a rudder Edit
RL2474CavalierJerry & Fiona SandersGoolwa, SA, AUSPurchased rundown but very cheap. Has Whyalla under the name on transom. Any info? Edit
RL24108OptimistJohn Pointing and Sandra GraySussex Inlet, NSW, Australia Edit
RL28PA74SXanaduGeoff SaundersonProspect, SA, Australia Bought in 1985 and kept in the water at Port Adelaide Sailing Club. Dolls to Geoff Saunderson in June 17. Edit
RL24Flying CircusGreg ScarlettSydney, NSW, AustraliaFixed keel RL24 Edit
RL24N/aLowanaJohannes SchiffmacherGosnells, WA 6110, Australia Does someone remember or knows something about this Yacht. I have a Wine Cooler issued to Mr E Thomas. Series Point Score. Division II Y.A.H West Coast Series 1987 Sponored by Halls Head Estates Parry Corporation B.P Austrlia Would like some information regarding this Yacht " Lowana ", an perhaps a Photo. Regards Johannes Edit
RL2883Rum & DryStewart Schlossbrisbane, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24Miss MollySteve SchultzBannockburn, Victoria, AustraliaShe's a good old girl .We have had her for about 7 yrs and love getting her out on the water which hasn't been very often latley . We did a strip and refit about 2 years ago and she is still holding up really well ,As they say a bad day on the water kill a great day at work .BUT A DAY OR 2 ON AN RL IS BLOODY AWSUME Edit
RL2479COOLABAHglenn scottAldinga Beach, SA, Australiapurchased from Kingscote Kangaroo island, March 2011. Understand previously from Pt Vincent S.A. Would like to know more of history of boat. I note some plaques recording race wins inside cabin. Boat called 'the boys' but told formerly Coolabah. Substantial restorations and due ceremony to restore original name. Edit
RL28Former Chrissy Maree Jayde SerreNoosa , QLD , Noosa Heads Looking for owner of my parents old boat was the last RL28 ever made 1988 I have all iinfo as I had family friends years back that bought the moulds when Robb legg closed down had yellow decks long Kitchen left hand side had green flag on side with boxing kangaroo Edit
RL24Row RowArron Setnik, , Australia Edit
RL24ka186PAREMA Mark and Linda sewelldenham, / shark bay, WA, Australia I first bought Parema in 2002. I was 57 years old, single, a novice sailor, twice divorced, an Alcholic(20 years)a smoker of 43 years,and had suffered with a bad back for 25 years. my life was in a mess. and my sailing was a disaster. then two years ago, a friend told me about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. from then on my life started to improve, i gave up drinking and smoking,and last year i married a wonderfull christian lady. We are now running our own buisness, Canaan Land and Marine Services, and life is Plain sailing.Thank you Lord. Update. it is now 2010 Parema is looking, and sailing, better than ever with heaps of modifications.and Shark bays winds and tides are still a rewarding challenge. Update it is now 2016 and i am 70 my boat deserves a younger skipper she is still as spritely as ever but i am not. She is up for sale in buy and sell. 2017. a new start for Parema a young couple from Exmouth Phil and Elise have taken her to sail the Ningaloo reef may our Lord bless your sailing and may you enjoy Parema as much as we did.Mark and Linda. Update: 2024 I see Parema is now in a yard in Fremantle. Edit
RL28144Black Beardjustin shallakerdayboro, Qld, Now the proud owner of Black Beard. She is i need of a little TLC. Will be slowly working on her whilst sailing. Edit
RL24-US-builtUS306HJALMAR IIHal ShanafieldEvanston, Illinois, USAFormerly an RL dealer in the U.S. Edit
RL24-US-builtHALMARHal ShanafieldEvanston, Il, United StatesHi, I am visiting Brisbane attending a conference and had hoped to see an RL24 along the shore. Almut Shanafield Edit
RL24150WarrigalJames ShannonMentone, Vic, Australia Edit
RL24427Lowana VIMichael ShannonSouth Melbourne, Vic, Australia Edit
RL289NorthWood IIDavid ShawAdamstown, NSW, AustraliaOne of the orginals, great yatch for cruising particularly Lake Macquarie and Myall Lakes. Love the full head room. Looking at upgrading, contact me if you want a fun RL28 Edit
RL28128SignetDarcy and Nicole SheehanGoolwa South, SA, AustraliaAfter watching the RL28 market for a while now, we have finally purchased Signet. We have relocated her to continue our family cruising, mostly around the Goolwa district and Coorong. We are up sizing from an Austral 20 to accommodate our able crew of 2 growing boys. Edit
RL28Rings N ThingsOliver SierpStirling, SA, AustraliaJust purchased 'Rings' from Kingsley and Kay White, November 2017. She's been very well maintained over the years and much loved, we plan to continue that tradition for many years to come.We'll keep her in a pen at the Goolwa Regatta Yacht club in SA. Edit
RL24216KANATAMATABen SkennertonGladstone, Q, AustraliaBought "JimRummy" in Townsville just before christmas. It was previously called "Kanatamata" and was still registered under that name, so I changed it back. Its getting a full face lift and should be ready for the Bay to Bay. Edit
RL24229KermitMichael SkinnerDarwin, NT, AustraliaMy first yacht. Green deck and hull, hence the name. Bought her in Edithburgh SA, now in Darwin. A member of DSC and planning on mostly cruising. Keen to rig a Bimini ASAP to keep the kids out of the sun. SOLD in 2011 to a rl enthusiast who will look after 'Kermit'. Edit
RL24428TigaColin SkinnerKatoomba, NSW, AustraliaI sold her in 2008 to a fellow in Melbourne. A MkIV drop keel version. I bought her 2007 down at Jervis Bay. Actually I swapped my Roberts 25 keel boat for her and a little extra. At first I thought she might be too tender for me but after sailing a mate's RL24 mkIV at this seasons Nationals at Lake Macquarie I now know how to handle her. I changed down from a previous Seaway 25 as it was getting too heavy to handle and lift the mast. Nice boat though. The RL is a dream to launch, tow, and even sail. A true off the beach TS and a lot of fun with regular 8knot speeds being achieved. I took her out the heads (Sydney) a few days ago and she loved the swell. No water came over the rails. i am considering a trip to Port Stephens up the coast but will pick the weather and the crew. i have sailed all my TS's offshore including a Boomarang 20 in 55knots and the Seaway in 35 to 40knots. No worries and great fun. May see you guys around some where out there on the liquid stuff. Edit
RL24CopaCabanaGary and Robyn SkubalSweeny, Texas, USAPurchased used in 2003 in Kansas while mobilized for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Great boat. Edit
RL2469Cotton farm Lachlan SkuseGold coast, Queensland, Australia Edit
RL28WindaleDonald SkuseParrearra, QLD, AustraliaHave just purchased Windale in Feb 2012 from Andy & Kate in Bowen. It's new home is now in Mooloolaba. Hope to do some sailing soon on Morton Bay. Hull was in good condition have replaced most through hull fittings and hoses and re wired the boat. Next phase is working on the rigging and looking at replacing the sails any advice is very welcomed. Edit
RL24409BumblebeeLuke Sleeman, vic, AustraliaPurchased from Gary & Dianne Hein in late 2013. Edit
RL28KB 146ImpulseJeff SmithAustralind, W.A., Australia Formerly registered as "BARUNA" owned by Jeff Blunt and sailed in Gove before moving to Australind. Jeff Smith purchased her,renamed her IMPULSE and refitted her before selling her due to ill health 20 Dec 2000 to David Herve of Capel Edit
RL2468TBA/YaminjiPeter SmithCatalina, NSW, AUSTKeen to establish Hull # Edit
RL2473Lyndell IIDavid SmithProspect East, SA, Australia 5082 Mark 1. Peelgrain mast, North sails. I've had the boat since the 70s and sailed a lot in Northern Spencer Gulf, mainly in and around Whyalla. I've only recently put her back in the water after a twelve year lay-off. Still loves the strong breezes! Now sail in Port Vincent. Edit
Status 580Wild GeckoMark SmithJamboree Heights, Qld, Australia Edit
RL2433websSteve SmithMortdale, nsw, Australia Edit
RL24551CosmosBob and Heather SmithAlstonville, NSW, AustraliaLocated on the hard at Horizon Shores Marina, 30 km south of Brisbane. Raced for 10 years, cruised the last 8 years @ Whitsundays, Fraser, Moreton, Stradbroke, Richmond R, Clarence R, Port Stephens, Myall L., Hawkesbury. Spend about 5 days per month on Cosmos. Would not be without her!! Sold to Iain Cummings in Sept 22. Edit
RL24102pussyfootMichael SmithBrisbane, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24447SummerdreamRod SmithGoonellabah, NSW, AusPurchased from Malcolm Potts February 12. Swing keel Mk3. The boat is in superb condition original gelcoat still gleams. Beautiful timber fit out in cabin is a credit to the original owner. Using it for cruising and social racing. Looks almost new. Edit
RL24Not knownValkyrieMatthew SneddonDarwin, NT, AustraliaPrevious owners were Marion and Reean Sneddon. Edit
RL24kokomosimon soadybanksia beach, qld, aus Edit
RL24beach inspectorsimon soady, qld, Australia just bought beache inspector(30sep03) and i was a previous owner of keehar an rl24 mark1 Edit
RL24422kokomosimon soady, , just purchased x moolloolaba Edit
RL2898Equinox Sold, South Australia, sold and gone to South Australia Edit
RL28?PendragonJeff and Liz SouthallKingston SE, SA, Australia Edit
RL24Judy Spak, CT, USAJust bought this lovely boat from Bernard Maher of Ridgefield CT...haven't changed the name at this time. I sail on Lake Candlewood, CT and am a member of the Candlewood Yacht Club Edit
RL24KookaburraTom SpeechNeenah, Wisconsin, United States This boat was manufactured in Minnesota, U.S.; we are the second owners, purchased in Aug. '02. Original owner christened her "Boomarang" (see above). It is now moored in the Neenah harbor. Boat has handled well on our large but shallow lake; it's nice not to worry too much about depth. We are interested in information other owners can provide regarding handling, where to purchase parts, problem areas, etc. Edit
RL28NautilusJohn SpraguePort Stephens, NSW, AustraliaUnder survey and operate as Bareboat out of Peppers Anchorage Marina at Port Stephens Edit
RL24164Justforkix (previously On Fire)Warren stalderGrays Point, NSW, AustraliaNew owner(Jun05).Now restored. Sails on Port Hacking and Port Stephens. Edit
RL2464AWOLTerry StannusLowood, QLD, AustraliaPreviously Another Rum Go then Curlew then Good Feelings. Now AWOL. Nine month major refit just completed.Cruising Wivenhoe Dam and Moreton Bay when able to break out of barracks. Edit
RL28JupiterGrant & Debbie Starkey, , AustraliaJupiter was previously in charter at Port Stevens, Nelson Bay. Since July 2003 it has been moored at Paradise Point. Edit
RL24317JEMETAMel SteedenEdens Landing 4207, QLD, AustraliaPurchased the boat new in 1980 - Finally launched in 1986 after completion - Raced for 10 years but my crew all grew up and left home so now only social sail. Got some great results for a family boat with swing keel and soft sails. Even won a sailing trip to the Greek Islands, thank you Southport Yacht Club. Edit
RL24unknownanthony steelealbany, wa, Australiarecently bought this fine yacht and at present are doing some learning about it. need some detail on the swinging keel fixing pin anchorage,mine looks not to be very strong.any detail would be much appreciated Edit
RL34BY001QIrexJohn SteerLota, Qld, AustraliaPurchased 2008 from Dr Alex Foxton and his wife who had it moored at Raby Bay Marina. Now located at RQYS Manly. Edit
RL24419OspreyJohn SteinbergerMount Morgan, , Edit
RL24TBAQuater PastLeonard StephensCherrybrook Sydney, NSW, 2126, AustraliaMARK III First boat I've owned. Having some trouble with spinnaker setup. The boat has had some racing modifications. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Edit
RL24RL505Treasure IslandMichael StevensWarrawee, NSW, AustraliaTI is in sailing school survey for son James "Always Sailing School" Birkenhead Point marina # ST132. Won CYCA winter series two years running, h'cap now stuffed! will rest for this year. Great training yacht but a bit heavy now with radios and other in survey requirements. Edit
RL24199ReflectionsDarren StevensWhitsundays, Queensland, Australia Great Boat.. we've had many wonderfull weekends away. Any past history on this boat would be appreciated, we bought her in Brisbane in 1997. She was then named Blaxland. Edit
RL24unknowto be namedClayton & Shell Stevenscaboolture, qld, Australia Edit
RL2435CallistoPhil StevensonOrange, NSW, AustraliaPurchased from John White Canberra on13 th October 2015 Edit
Status 580MICRONick Stirling, , AustraliaStatus Slipstream "micro" I am the new owner of this loverly little yacht and am seeking some rig dimensions and as much info about the rig as possible. My boat has a cut down elliott 780 double swept spreader mast, and I am looking to fit an A-sail and bow pole to her. Has anybody seen or heard of anyone modifying these hulls and what sails did they use. Regards Stirlo Edit
RL24214LORNA DEEDOUGLAS STIRLINGSANCTUARY POINT, NSW, Australia I have had the boat for about 4 years and have raced it on Lake Illawarra and St Georges Basin with much pleasure. Edit
RL2432RampantGeoff StringerHervey Bay, Queensland, Australia Edit
RL28ChatterboxAndy StrongHillman, WA, AustraliaI would like to get information on how to set up my spinnaker. I have a spinnaker which the previous owner sold me with the boat but have never used together with a spinnaker pole, but I don't have any drawings so I know how to rig it, can anybody enlighten me please. Edit
RL28CR007ChatterboxAndy and Ruth StrongRockingham, WA, Australia Edit
RL2472unnamedBill and SusanBrisbane, Qld, Australia Edit
RL28?First Tack.Matthew SuttonSingleton, N.S.W., Australia.First sail boat, also new to sailing. 1984 model, bought from South Port QLD in 2005. Edit
RL24400Mike SwainstonBrisbane, Qld, AustraliaPurchased in Bougainville. Undergoing refit Edit
RL24BommerangFrank SwedishHudson, Wisconsin, USA Edit
RL24303 ?FlinkerWilliam SweersJacksonville, FL, USA Sold the boat. She was great but needed a larger boat. Teenagers take up a lot of room. Edit
RL2898EquinoxMurray SymondsGoolwa, SA, AustraliaBuilt in 1982. Bought from Ian Davison in WA in March 2015 Trailed across Nullabour to Goolwa SA. Cruised extensively already in SA and Vic Raced on river and lakes. Edit
RL2420Witch HazelBob SymonsRedland, Qld, AustraliaBought June 2013. More fun than a sailboard. I added a generator and a coffee machine. A good boat for a single hander as the mast raise and lower is easy enough to do one out. Edit
RL24unknownflying bananastan syrianoscroydon park, s a, australia would anybody know how i can find the sailnumber Edit
RL28Kar LorMia TaitLabrador, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24-US-builtUS model no #TelesisRonald TateEdgewater, MD, USAPut rollers in CB well walls to eliminate Center Board slap. Some deck delamination issues. Edit
RL24NoneTelesisRon TateAnnapolis, MD, USAI've had this boat since it came off the line in 1980. Actually this is the second hull since the first one turned out poorly and I had to have it replaced. Bob White's crew did their best to screw this one up too, but it turned out well. This boat sails very well in a full range of conditions. Edit
RL24500F TroopBrad TaylorAnnerley, Qld, AustraliaHighly competitive MARK 4 drop keel. Hull is Kevlar/Foam. Purchased F Troop in 1999. F Troop is regularly raced in the Classic TS races around SEQ. We have also cruised around the Whitsundays on two occassions. Edit
RL2837not named yetPeter & Denise TaylorThornton, NSW, Australiapreviously 'Solitaire' from Byron Bay. Due to a shoulder injury any hope of sailing in the near future is curtailed! Edit
RL24433MysticMichael TaylorNerang, QLD, Australia Edit
RL28152Sea HorseMel TeudtCarrara, QLD, AustraliaPurchased in January 2007 from Peter (Charley) and Anne Pratt, the boat was then named Charley's Pride Peter bought the hull and all other fittings and completed construction on the front lawn of his home by 1990. After taking possession my brother and I sailed her up to Mooloolaba for our maiden voyage, and the return trip to the Gold Coast. The boat was then trailered to Sydney, where I spent several weeks sailing around Sydney Harbour before starting restoration works. Under her new name SEA HORSE, she was re-launched in January 2009 with a new Mercury 15hp 4 stroke motor which proved to be ideal. We are now requesting information on a suitable furler for the jib, and help from anyone who has installed a holding tank for the toilet system. We plan to sail/motor her down the Hawkesbury River to Broken Bay in the next few weeks, and next year our plan is to return to Queensland and the Whitsundays. Edit
RL28130TanglesLaurie TheslowCoolum Beach, Qld, Australia Purchased April 06 from the Gold Coast now moored at Noosa Edit
RL2816FreyjaShane ThomasRGYC, Vic, Previously owned by Michael Oakley in partnership with John Gill for 16 years. Undergone major refit and almost ready to launch. Finally relaunched may'21 still working on the rig. Edit
RL3425LOBOMurray and Debbie ThomasCaboolture, Qld, AustraliaWe purchased LOBO in Hervey Bay and sailed her through to the Caboolture River where she now lives. This RL34 is a shoal draft fixed keel version and sails well. I'm sure she will give us many good years as we sail her up and down the east coast. Edit
RL28128SignetHans & Britt ThomassonNoosa Heads, Qld , AustraliaOwners since 1988 Edit
RL24UnknownKingfisherRichard ThompsonBribie Island, QLD, AustraliaRecently purchased our blue hull & deck'd RL24 and moved her from Tin Can Bay to Bribie Island. Unsure of her sail number - or previous names - (possibly "Shirley M"). If you know any details I'd love to hear from you. Edit
RL24504KEGSGlen ThompsonGold Coast, QLD, AustraliaFirst RL24 was sail number 4. It was a Mark 1, have just sold it and bought this boat which is a Mark 3, sail number 504. RRRRRLLLLLLL Edit
RL24456September SongTuck ThompsonFerny Hills, QLD, AustraliaGreat trips on the Noosa River and lakes and Moreton Bay. Like to get to Whitsundays. Edit
RL2819CinderellaDes ThomsonBethania, Qld, AustraliaI purchased this boat January 2005, with a view to cruise and race in Moreton Bay and inland waters. I have owned two previous RL28's , Pepsea and The Loveboat. I just love the spacious interior and ability of this yacht to explore and manouvre in shallow waters. Edit
RL2490BlutacClare ThomsonAnnerley, QLD, Australiaowned by Clare T. and Virginie Perlo, Blutac lives at Bribie Island currently, previous owners Lindsay then Geoff Edit
RL34WilparinaIan ThomsonCronulla, NSW, AustraliaI purchased her as a kit boat and launched in 1984. She's a great cruiser! Edit
RL24Toad of BarmeraMichael ThornMaffra, Vic, Australia Built in 1975 and originally owned by Craig and Pauline Rooney.Was named Tuju for a while untill my parents purchased the boat in about 1980. Now on 'permanent loan' to me and will be used by the Thorns on the Gippsland Lakes.Still in excellent condition with the original rig. Edit
RL28102Free SpiritBarry Tiverwhyalla, south australia, AustraliaFixed keel version,9.5 hp Bukh Saildrive. Bought as a basket case, turned me into one. Will be relaunching within a few weeks (now 3/10/01) cant wait to sail. UPDATE 8/3/10 Repowered with 13hp volvo penta sail drive 08, 3 blade folding prop, renamed Free Spirit, Won the 2002 Tripolis yacht race, various club championships and local regatters. No longer racing but doing extensive cruising with the family. Edit
RL28HazoomPeter TomlinsonRunaway Bay, Qld, AustraliaTremendous yacht, wish we had more time to cruise on it. We currently do day trips around the Gold Coast Broadwater and find it a pleasure to sail. Our family of five have learnt our sailing skills on a very forgiving boat. We were the previous owner of a RL24, so the next logical step was to the RL28. Edit
RL24?Craig TomsCraig TomsBrisbane, Qld, Australia Edit
RL28163apache 11giovanni torrettakilaben bay, nsw, australia Edit
RL2412 o'clock HighMark Traceytin can bay, qld, Australia1974 model mk 1.stock standard not like some rl's in the bay to bay that have big rigs and dont declare them.in my humble opinion the most competitive trailer sailer ever produced in oz.they sail in the grove and on the edge Edit
RL24168Peter R TriggellPeter TriggellBROOKFIELD, QLD, AustraliaPurchased from Seamus and now in Brisbane Edit
RL24YogiPeter TriggerSunnybank Hills, QLD, AUSTRALIAYellow, Mark 1, RL107Q Peter owned this boat from new in Victoria. Moved up to Brisbane with his family and the boat in 1982. Sold it in second half of 2022. Edit
RL24107Yogi BearPeter TriggerSunnybank Hills, Qld, Australia30/6/04 Yogi is a Mk0 (early Mk1). Hull number is about 38 picked up April 74, sail number 107 was from a batch for Victoria. There is no outboard cutout or step. Have just fitted a 16' skiff mast and readying it for water after a 7 year break although it will be used mainly for cruising. Edit
RL28JupiterGary TrostNewport, Qld, AustI owned Polaris for a short time but life changed and i had to sell her. now i have purchased Jupiter and live aboard full time and when not working I sail her. Edit
RL28PolarisGary and Pauline TrostScarborough, Qld, Australia We purchased this ex charter vessel in January 2007. We are in the process of bringing her back to her former splendour. To date she has a new furling head sail and a new main on the way. Next job is antifoul and a respray. She is a great sailing boat and we love her and look forward to many many enjoyable times on her. Edit
RL28146pickled olyGary TroyBrisbane, Qld, AusIn need of some work and tlc, does anyone have a good main sail for sale? Edit
RL24808Slippery When WetKevin & Lynda TroyTerrigal, NSW, AustraliaAfter eight years Slippery is home again - we really missed her, the prodical child returns!!!!!!! Edit
RL2493slippery (not so)kevin @ lynda troy, nsw, australianever say never. mk1 is our new project Edit
Status 58070JayteeJohn TurnerGoolwa, SA, Australia Edit
Status 580Slipstream 8TagAlongUnknown UnknownCoffs Harbour, N.S.W., AustraliaFound my Slipstream at the Tender Centre Coffs Harbour three years ago as a bare hull on trailor plus keel,windows and aluminium gunwale strips,none of which were fitted. Edit
RL2835GoonawarraBill van AbelPaynesville, Vic, Australia Edit
RL2425SolitairePaul Van DykAspendale Gardens, Vic, AustraliaMark I, set up for racing with drop keel and dagger board rudder Sold to David Jeffreys & Melanie Steeden in 2019. See separate entry. Edit
RL3436Petrel Rob & Berni van EldenPaynesville, Vic, Australia Have just purchased Petrel although have sailed on it before. Petrel was launched 1986 and will be used for cruising the Gippsland Lakes and just maybe a dash to Tassie some time. Happy to exchange any useful information with interested parties. Edit
RL24A172GalateaMike Van LoonClareville Beach, NSW, AustraliaAlpha Fixed Keel Edit
RL28Crystal 111Harry and Claire van RooyGoolwa, SA, Australia This boat was previously owned by Peter Zielinski in Nhulunbuy were i bought it and moved the boat to SA. Edit
RL2883Viviacity VivianRunaway Bay, QLD, Australia We sold her in January 1989 - a very sad day for me after spending my teenage years sailing on her with my mates. We lived two blocks away from the Leggs, who are probably the nicest people I have ever met. I also went to school with their youngest Jeni - another vibrant personality. Anyone know where old #83 might be? Thanks for the memories!!!!! Edit
RL245023Hurricane JackScott VollerPaynesville, VIC, AustraliaLooking forward to the 2016 RL24 National titles. Edit
RL244391FootlooseAnton von SierakowskiFrankston North, VIC, AustraliaFOR SALE: RL24 Trailable yacht, Mk II Swing keel, Sail No: 4391, Rig: 3/4 sloop, Red hull white topsides, sweep back spreaders and no rear stay. Sails: No1, No4, Spinaker, No 1 main (fully battened crown), No 2 (Hammond). Mercury 6 (1999) serviced every year. This boat is set up for cruising in style and is a good performer with racing rig including the fully battened main. All halyard tails are run back to the cockpit and top quality cleats and stoplocks used throughout inc. Barlow winches. OTHER EQUIPMENT: 27Mh radio, 55l water tank with deck filler, 40W solar panel with regulator and new Marine King 15pt 580CCA deep cycle marine battery, Maxie MB2 two burner metho stove, 20l Portable toilet, Humminbird 250DX Fishfinder, large self-draining Ice box pumped to sink, 28lb and 20lb danfords, all current safety gear, Magellan 320 GPS with fitted cradle, Silva marine compass, boarding ladder as part of S/S pushpit, self furling Jib. Single axle break-back Trailer with light truck tyres inc. spare Reg. email me and I will send a set of photos. Happy to take you on a test sail. $14500 Edit
RL2468 communiquesteve wadeseacliff park, sa, Australiai was owner in about 1984 off white hull cream deck would like to hear of whereabouts if possible Edit
RL24Breaking WindBrian WagnerAustintown , Ohio, U.SI bought this back in 2020, needed a bunch of work. I had my first sail last friday it is an amazing boat. The sail catch the smallest breeze and tour off. I fitted her with a 6hp tohatsu outboard plenty of power. Edit
RL2430MaverickRudi WagnerGold Coast, QLD, AustraliaLove sailing Edit
RL24-US-builtBouy-N-SeaDonald WaldropSun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S.A Edit
RL24191Dream WeaverMark WalkerAlbany Creek, QLD, AustraliaI recently purchased my RL24 from Ken Luxford as he has not gotten out as he had planned. I have done some restoration work over the past 2 months and I intend to put her on the water in a couple of weeks. I will be changing the name as I find Dream Weaver very common, the name I have chosen is My Chanel after my one and only grandaughter. Repairs included sanding all the timbers, restain and relacquer, replacement of most ropes and various fittings. The trailer was in reasonable condition but replacement of side lights was waranted. I have joined the Moreton Bay Boat Club at Scarborough and intend to race her in this seasons winter club challenge. Edit
RL24Sea ChickenMark WalkerRussell Island, Qld, AustraliaSea Chicken was given to me for the price of pick up and has become a part time project as I am a Roberts 25 owner. Looking forward to restoring her to her former glory. Sea Chicken also has a racing history in the Great Barrier Reef Yacht Race from 1976 to 1988. Edit
RL2441Kehaar (soon to be changed?)BJ & Narelle WalkerGold Coast, QLD, AustMark 1.Bought Feb 2011 for family sailing around Broadwater and beyond. Had one overnighter so far off Tipplers. Decent weather and my days off have rarely coincided so chances to get out have been few but things are looking promising for a long and happy relationship 'tween boat and family. Kids prefer this type of sailing over old Mozzy cat. Wife also happier. Edit
RL24254samjan and daryl wallgold coast, queensland, australiaat sea on sam [mark4] for 32 special years Edit
RL24-US-builtKookaburraSterling WallStevens Point, WI, United States Edit
RL24254SamuraiDaryl WallRunaway Bay, Qld, Australia"Samurai" has been part of our family for nearly 30 years. We have been privileged to be able to sail around the wonderful Broadwater. She has been sitting out of the water for about 5 years but is in pretty good shape overall. Edit
RL24???'Passing Wind'Nick & Tim WallBurleigh Heads, QLD, Australia Purchased in September off Rod Windsor, her previous name was 'Sunbird', any previous info or past owner information would be much appreciated, sails beautifully and taking her up to Whitsundays this year and then onto the Harbour to see 2004 in!!!!!! Edit
RL24?El Condor Shane WallaceTINGALPA, QLD, AustraliaI have a highly modified, flat decked, fixed keel RL24 that I understand RL built to promote a one design racing class. I would appreciate whatever information anyone has on this unquie versions of the RL24. Edit
RL24143Reef GroupScott WallaceBrisbane, QLD, Australia Edit
RL2851WINDALEAlister WallerMEIKLEVILLE HILL, Queensland, AustraliaPurchased 24/05/13. I live in Yeppoon and plan to sail around keppel bay and maybe some trips up north and hopefully out to north west island. Anyone passing through, call in for a sail. Edit
RL24212Capricorn OneTom WalshNoosa, Qld, AustraliaNow the third owner that I know of.Mk 2 with standard rig.Used to have yellow hull,now cream with white deck.Would love to know year of manufacture. Edit
RL24Honey PotIan & Karen WardWooroloo, WA, Australia Edit
RL24613LeggitPeter WardeKingsgrove, NSW, AustraliaEarly Mark 1, built in the Shark Cat factory. Barn find. Sailing and renovating her at the same time. Association provided a new sail number. Edit
RL34ME35Scarlet O'HaraKel WarhamBULLEEN, Vic, AustraliaJust purchased 4 Apr 13. Berthed at Loch Sport on the Gippsland Lakes. Previous owners had the boat for 20 years...prior to that I understand she sailed mainly around the Whitsundays. Original sail number CB981Q. This is the yacht pictured in the RL34 page. Edit
RL24324Free SpiritGrant WaringFloraville, nsw, AustraliaBoat recently bought from Ron Martin where it had been sailed on inland fresh water lakes. I believe he was the original owner and fitted it out himself. The boat is in immaculate condition and continues to be cared for in the loving manner of the previous owner. Edit
RL24AMBUSCADE 2Peter WarnesHervey Bay, Qld, Australia Edit
RL24Step By StepRobert & Cheryl WatsonLismore, N.S.W., Australia Edit
RL24445Easy beatGeoff WatsonGold Coast, QLD, AustraliaPurchased from Philip and Annette Crawford in January 2013. I understand they purchased her in 2007 from the original owner, Ray Churchwood. Apparently, the boat was fiited out by Ray and launched in 1984. She has HBBC (Hervey Bay Boat Club?) notated on her stern and has done approximately 10 Bay to Bays, first in 1984 last in 1996? Very happy with my purchase! Edit
RL2428LegatoTrevor WatsonBrisbane, QLD, Australia Would be interested in knowing which model sail no. 28 is (I suspect it's a model 1) and any history which may be available on the yacht. Edit
RL28?SunstruckPeter WatsonMount Warren Park, Queensland, AustraliaYellow Hull, white and yellow cabin, I owned from 1989 to 1993, bought from Rod Freeman and sold to Peter Marshall, I didn't have a trailer, the boat was kept at the marina at Woongoolba, Qld Reg no. CC715Q Edit
RL28UnknownWind ChasePETER WATSONBALLARAT, Vic, AustraliaWe have now owned "Windchase" for 3 years and are extremely pleased with her.Comfort down below is superb.Would like to know her history, launched in Brisbane as "bubbles" in 1990.Full teak fit out and 18hp Volvo saildrive.Still trying to work out how to fill front water tank without going through the front hatch. Any info would be appreciated Edit
RL2821WishcraftFrancis WeeBeeliar, WA, Australia Wishcraft, formerly Anna ,lived in Rosslyn Bay, QLD for 6 years before arriving in Perth on 25th October 2004. She will join the other 28's 'Skylark', 'Riff Raff' & 'Burma Star" frolicking the length of the WA coast! Edit
RL24190Previously FootlooseEric WegmanBentleigh east, Vic, AustraliaTopsides totally redone deck hardware reinstalled new toe rail also sourced 16 fi skiff main first sail after refurb imminent Edit
RL24MakoSteve WennerbomPetrie, Qld, AustraliaMako has a fixed keel conversion, and a walk through transom. Edit
RL2485Tickety BooIan West/ Alicia EllisAdelaide, SA, Australia Just bought her from Peter Charles at Hindmarsh Island, via Goolwa S.A. Peter said that he bought her from Rod Hunter @ Largs Bay about 5 years ago. She didnt have a name at that time, so Peter called her Tickety Boo (reference to Billy Connelly). She is in good shape, having been cruised around the Coorong and Lakes/Murray Mouth area in SA for the last few years, Peter also raced her from Goolwa. We are hoping to cruise the Coorong/Lakes/Murray Mouth area, and the coastal areas around Adelaide...also considering racing her at Brighton & Seacliff YC; maybe next season :) Edit
RL2812folie a deuxBill WestbrookBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaWe have owned folie for more years than we care to recall. She has provided us with wonderful and occasionally scary adventures in the Whitsundays, Sandy Straights, Noosa and Moreton Bay. Edit
RL24?InsaltDavid WetherallJindalee, Qld, Australia Edit
RL2435CallistoJohn WhiteDeakin, ACT, Australia Edit
RL28155Another WizardPeter WhittyLakes Entrance, Vic, AustraliaPurchased Oct 2019 from George Backhouse at Worongary (Still some racing in the old salt yet!). Intended cruising waters include Gippsland Lakes, Whitsundays and Darwin/Top End (chasing grandchildren around!) Edit
RL2830Zig ZagLynette WightWoolloongabba, Qld, AustraliaSwing keel,inboard/outboard 9 h.p. Yamaha 4 stroke,mounted on one person modified recovery trailer. Formerly "Skinny Minnie" of Brisbane Q. Relocated to Darwin NT 1994 and renamed "Cop Out". Returned to Buderim Q 1997. Sold and re-located Gold Coast 2003. Purchased by Bill & Lynette Wight and Barry & Raelene St John and now located in Brisbane and is now called Zig Zag. Edit
RL24126AlmitraEd WilkinsRingwood, Vic, AustraliaNow spud gun Edit
RL24137Grizzledog Kyle Williams Black River , 4818, Australia If anyone has any info on this RL24 . I am in the process of doing it up Edit
RL24147MatrixOwen WilliamsTownsville, QLD , Australia Purchased in October of 2023. Edit
RL342448WilliamwrordWilliamwrord WilliamwrordSBHoskins, Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea Edit
Status 58024Matildadarcy wilson, NSW, Australia3 Status 580s sail regularly at Mannering Park, (Wed and Sat), other members looking to purchase. 2 of our boats are reg here the 3rd is Lady Grace, owner, Max Tunbridge. I have sold Matilda, Max Tunbridge and Ken Kemp also from MPASC, have sold their status. 2 of these have gone to Lake Keepit SC members. Edit
RL2476ARELmark wilsonkoorainghat, NSW, Australia Edit
RL240boat soldCraig and Luci WilsonManly, QLD, Australia Edit
RL24?PequodDonald WilsonPortland, OR, USA 1981 RLT11301M81B 9.9hp Edit
RL28128SignetPeter & Debbie Wilson / DrakeChirnside Park, Vic, AustraliaHave only been sailing 3 years, first boat was a Cole 23 but find the 28 with its extra room better for my first mate and so better for me Edit
Status 58049Ooh La LaMarcus WindleAldgate, SA, AustraliaPurchased from Kevin and Rebecca O'Neill in 2017. Sailing in Goolwa SA. Edit
RL24unknown yellow hull beige decksunbirdRod WindsorBrisbane, QLD, AustraliaI am interested in purchasing this boat from a dealer in Brisbane.I would appreciate any information on past owners and past history. Edit
RL24423Phantom IIHenk WinkelerSunnybank Hills, Qld, Australia I purchased the boat from Jack Keir in Aug 2000 as my retirement project, mainly interested in just going out for a "days sail" , do most of my sailing from Victoria Point. Edit
RL24-US-builtno numberAqu'apellaRic WithamSaskatchewan Beach, Saskatchewan, Canada Just got her home. Former name Masterful because she threw off her previous mast. Not at all sure of her history but was bought by her previous owner without a mast. Thanks to Rob Legg who contacted me to advise that she is not the most northerly, I have to take second prize. I am happy with that. I will need to wait until May 2012 to find out if she floats... Any info on her past would be greatly appreciated. Edit
RL2420Street KidKevin WoodWellington Point, Qld, AustI have just recently moved back to Brisbane, I am presently in the process of refurbishing the Kid a bit and sailing in the bay. If you have any history of my rl please drop me a line. Sold to Bob Symons and renamed to Witch Hazel. Edit
RL24246WoodwindDavid WoodAbbotsford, Victoria, AustraliaMark 3, 1980. Same family ownership that has been well loved. Full upgraded in 2022/23 with new painted hull, painted inside and decked out with fridge, solar panel, shelving etc, new mast and 95% new fittings. Hope to cruise and race in the future. Edit
RL24515SarniaTom WoodfordBoreen Point , Qld, AustraliaSwing keeler, race at Lake Cootharabara, cruises Great Sandy Straits. Formerly called Sylvan from Gold Coast. Skipper playing with mask angles, jib heights and skif main. What a lovely boat! Edit
RL28PA 02drew woodwardHOLLYWELL, QLD, Australia purchased an rl28 previously named Stormy Affair,1990 build , 1 of only a few lift/drop keelers with bulb, i believe has competed in many regattas up and down the east coast, now cruising based on the Gold Coast, i get a smile on my dial, when i take her sailing. Edit
RL24121GRIFFINJames WrefordBurwood, Vic, Australia Mk1, 1974 vintage. Tandem trailer. Boat is still alive. Undergoing refurbishment. Will return to the water.. New rig. Untapered mast, A class cat main. Raked diamonds, no lowers. Edit
RL24999Jo Jo 2Brenton WrightMeningie, SA, Edit
RL24182Galateajeff WrightMeningie, South Australia, Australia070118 Just purchased this boat and in the process of cleaning it up and getting it ready to sail. 150121 we are on the water and sailing! Edit
RL24147Next StepFrazer YendellHamilton Island, Qld, Aus Edit
RL2498Kite FlightGraeme YoungBacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia Edit
RL2443SunbirdMatthew Young, NSW, AustraliaPurchased in 2004 from Byron Bay. Believe the boat lived in SE Queensland before that. Was known as Sunbird. Sail has #43 on it (which would be Mark 1) however boat itself is a Mark 3. Edit
RL24Red-outable (formerly communique)Geoff ZernaCherry Gardens, sa, Australia Edit
RL24267Pisces GemMike & Robyn ZikanTownsville, Qld, Australia We are first time RLers in fact almost first time sailors. We purchased our RL24 from a local here in Townsville when it was named Accordance. This is a modified RL with fixed keel and a raised cabin. I am not sure of the Mark but suspect it could be III. We have only recently taken over the boat but have had the hull cleaned, anti-fouled and repainted. And we re-christened her to more represent her new owners and hopefully new lease on life. We are anticipating some great sailing around these northern waters and a labour of love in restoration. Edit

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