RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

Page 2 of 91
need help with rudder fitting where to buy see photos jonathan 25-Jan-2024
      Re: need help with rudder fitting where to buy see photos jonathan 25-Jan-2024
      Re: need help with rudder fitting where to buy see photos jonathan 25-Jan-2024
      Re: need help with rudder fitting where to buy see photos Keith Merkley29-Jan-2024
      Re: need help with rudder fitting where to buy see photos Barry Lineburg30-Aug-2024

Southern CrossChris16-Dec-2023
      Re: Southern CrossKate17-Dec-2023

Weight differences between RL24 Mark I, II, III and IVKate31-Oct-2023
      Re: Weight differences between RL24 Mark I, II, III and IVKeith Merkley14-Nov-2023
      Re: Weight differences between RL24 Mark I, II, III and IVKate17-Dec-2023
      Re: Weight differences between RL24 Mark I, II, III and IVDaveinet6-Feb-2024

insurance repairsMartyn23-Aug-2023
      Re: insurance repairsKeith Merkley18-Dec-2023

Mast Foot/ plugWayne Chapman12-Jul-2023
      Re: Mast Foot/ plugMartyn23-Aug-2023
      Re: Mast Foot/ plugKeith Merkley14-Oct-2023

First time outAlan30-Dec-2022
      Re: First time outJohn Heddles30-Dec-2022
      Re: First time outRod smith6-Jan-2023
      Re: First time outMarcus Dedman14-Jan-2023
      Re: First time outJenni20-Jun-2023

Hull identification numberAlan lindsay 12-Oct-2022
      Re: Hull identification numberKeith Merkley15-Oct-2023

Everything's been very quietJohn Heddles25-Sep-2022
      Re: Everything's been very quietAlan27-Sep-2022
      Re: Everything's been very quietJohn Heddles28-Sep-2022
      Re: Everything's been very quietAlan30-Sep-2022
      Re: Everything's been very quietJohn Heddles8-Oct-2022

Looking for an RL 24 for sale in the statesErnie 20-Jun-2022

Mast step breakageWayne 1-May-2022

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